%0 Conference Proceedings %F Malis00a %A Malis, E. %A Chaumette, F. %A Boudet, S. %T Multi-cameras visual servoing %B IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation %V 4 %P 3183-3188 %C San Francisco %X In this paper, the classical visual servoing techniques have been extended to the use of several cameras observing different parts of an object. The multi-cameras visual servoing has been designed as a part of the task function approach. The particular choice of the task function allows us to simplify the design of the control law and the stability analysis. A positioning task on a cumbersome object has been realized using 2D and 2 1/2D visual servoing with two cameras, mounted on a manipulator robot and observing two different parts of the object %U http://www.irisa.fr/vista/Papers/2000/malis_ICRA.pdf %8 April %D 2000