C. Kervrann, F. Davoine, P. Pérez, H. Li, R. Forcheimer, C. Labit. Generalized likelihood ratio-based face detection and extraction of mouth features. Pattern Recognition Letters, 18(9):899-912, 1998.
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We describe a system to detect the speaker's face and mouth in videophone sequences. A statistical scheme based on a subspace method is described for detecting and tracking faces under varying poses. A matching criterion based on a Generalized Likelihood Ratio is optimized efficiently with respect to a perspective transformation using a coarse-to-fine search strategy combined with a simulated annealing algorithm. Moreover, we analyze the amplitude projections around the speaker's mouth to describe the shape of the lips. All computations are performed on lossy H263-coded images. The proposed algorithms are well-suited to a further real-time implementation
Charles Kervrann
Patrick Pérez
Author = {Kervrann, C. and Davoine, F. and Pérez, P. and Li, H. and Forcheimer, R. and Labit, C.},
Title = {Generalized likelihood ratio-based face detection and extraction of mouth features},
Journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
Volume = {18},
Number = {9},
Pages = {899--912},
Year = {1998}
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