%0 Conference Proceedings %F Flandin00a %A Flandin, G. %A Chaumette, F. %A Marchand, E. %T Eye-in-hand / eye-to-hand cooperation for visual servoing %B IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation %V 3 %P 2741-2746 %C San Francisco %X The use of a camera in a robot control loop can be performed with two types of architecture: the camera is said eye-in-hand when rigidly mounted on the robot end-effector and it is said eye-to-hand when it observes the robot within its work space. These two schemes have technical differences and they can play very complementary parts. Obviously, the eye-in-hand one has a partial but precise sight of the scene whereas the eye-to-hand camera has a less precise but global sight of it. The motivation of our work is to take advantage of both, free-standing and robot-mounted sensors, in a cooperation scheme. The system we present in this paper performs two separate tasks: a positioning one that is ensured in the global image and a tracking one performed in the local image. For robustness considerations, the control law stability is proved and several cooperative schemes are studied and compared in experimental results %U http://www.irisa.fr/vista/Papers/2000/flandin_ICRA.pdf %8 April %D 2000