F. Dambreville, J.P. Le Cadre. Continuous management of modes and resources in detection of a moving target. Rapport de recherche IRISA, No 1334, Juin 2000.
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This paper deals with optimization of divisible resources aimed to the detection of a moving target following a Markovian movement or a conditionally deterministic motion. Our work extends Brown's spatial optimization method. By use of a generalized linear formalism, we develop a method for optimizing the search efforts both spatially and temporally (modeling resource renew), with management of multiple resource types or multi-modes resources. Such optimization involves also the fusion of several detection devices, in order to make them work together efficiently
Author = {Dambreville, F. and Le Cadre, J.P.},
Title = {Continuous management of modes and resources in detection of a moving target},
Number = {1334},
Institution = {IRISA},
Month = {June},
Year = {2000}
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