N. Courty, E. Marchand, B. Arnaldi. A new application for salliency maps: Synthetic vision of autonomous actors. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'03, Barcelone, Espagne, Septembre 2003.
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We present in this paper a new and original application for saliency maps, intending to simulate the visual perception of a synthetic actor. Within computer graphics field, simulating virtual humans has become a challenging task. Animating such an autonomous actor within a virtual environment requires most of time the modeling of a perception-decision-action cycle. To model a part of the perception process, we have designed a new model of saliency map, based on geometric and depth information, allowing our synthetic humanoid to perceive its environment in a biologically plausible way
Author = {Courty, N. and Marchand, E. and Arnaldi, B.},
Title = {A new application for salliency maps: Synthetic vision of autonomous actors},
BookTitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'03},
Address = {Barcelona, Spain},
Month = {September},
Year = {2003}
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