I. Corouge, C. Barillot, P. Hellier, P. Toulouse, B. Gibaud. Non-linear Local Registration of Functional Data. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2001 (MICCAI'01), M.-A. Viergever, T. Dohi, M. Vannier (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 2208, Pages 948-956, Utrecht, Pays-Bas, Octobre 2001.
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Within the scope of three-dimensional brain imaging we propose an inter-individual fusion scheme to register functional activations relatively to anatomical cortical structures, the sulci. This approach is local and non-linear. It relies on a statistical sulci shape model accounting for the inter-individual variability of a population of subjects, and providing deformation modes relatively to a reference shape (a mean sulcus). The deformation field obtained between a given sulcus and the reference sulcus is extended to a neighborhood of the given sulcus by using the thin-plate spline interpolation. It is then applied to the functional activations associated with this sulcus. This approach is compared with other classical matching methods
Author = {Corouge, I. and Barillot, C. and Hellier, P. and Toulouse, P. and Gibaud, B.},
Title = {Non-linear Local Registration of Functional Data},
BookTitle = {Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2001 (MICCAI'01)},
editor = {Viergever, M.-A. and Dohi, T. and Vannier, M.},
Pages = {948--956},
Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 2208},
Publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
Address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands},
Month = {October},
Year = {2001}
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