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C. Collet, P. Thourel, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Sonar picture segmentation using Markovian multigrid algorithm and multiresolution analysis. In Proc. SPIE Conf. Nonlinear Image Processing VIII, EI'97, Vol. 3026, San Jose, Février 1997.


Patrick Pérez
Patrick Bouthemy

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   Author = {Collet, C. and Thourel, P. and Pérez, P. and Bouthemy, P.},
   Title = {Sonar picture segmentation using Markovian multigrid algorithm and multiresolution analysis},
   BookTitle = {Proc. SPIE Conf. Nonlinear Image Processing VIII, EI'97, Vol. 3026},
   Address = {San Jose},
   Month = {February},
   Year = {1997}

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