%0 Conference Proceedings %F Chaumette00a %A Chaumette, F. %A Marchand, E. %T A new redundancy-based iterative scheme for avoiding joint limits: application to visual servoing %B IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation %V 2 %P 1720-1725 %C San Francisco %X We propose in this paper new redundancy-based solutions to avoid robot joint limits of a manipulator. We use a control scheme based on the task function approach. We first recall the classical gradient projection approach and we then present a far more efficient method that relies on the computation of motion that does not affect the task achievement and ensures the avoidance problem. We apply this new approach in a visual servoing application and we demonstrate on various real experiments the validity of the approach %U http://www.irisa.fr/vista/Papers/2000/chaumette_ICRA-1.pdf %8 April %D 2000