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C. Barillot, L. Amsaleg, F. Aubry, J.-P. Bazin, H. Benali, Y. Cointepas, I. Corouge, O. Dameron, M. Dojat, C. Garbay, B. Gibaud, P. Gros, S. Kinkingnéhun, G. Malandain, J. Matsumoto, D. Papadopoulos, M. Pélégrini, N. Richard, E. Simon. Neurobase: Management of distributed knowledge and data bases in neuroimaging. In Human Brain Mapping, Volume 19, Pages 726-726, New-York, NY, 2003.

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Barillot, C. and Amsaleg, L. and Aubry, F. and Bazin, J.-P. and Benali, H. and Cointepas, Y. and Corouge, I. and Dameron, O. and Dojat, M. and Garbay, C. and Gibaud, B. and Gros, P. and Kinkingnéhun, S. and Malandain, G. and Matsumoto, J. and Papadopoulos, D. and Pélégrini, M. and Richard, N. and Simon, E.},
   Title = {Neurobase: Management of distributed knowledge and data bases in neuroimaging},
   BookTitle = {Human Brain Mapping},
   Volume = {19},
   Pages = {726--726},
   Publisher = {Academic Press},
   Address = {New-York, NY},
   Year = {2003}

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