C. Barillot. Linear Versus Non-Linear Registration of Brainscans - What can we Expect? Some Evaluation Issue. Dagstuhl Seminar, Mars 2001.
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Within the scope of three-dimensional brain imaging and brain functional mapping, I have presented a retrospective evaluation framework of inter-individual fusion scheme to register brain cortical anatomy and functional activations. We have evaluated local, global, linear, piecewise affine and non-linear registration approaches, coming from more than five international research groups. The evaluation procedure relies on global and local criteria such as gray/white matter segmentation map overlap, correlation ratio of the mean Lvv intensities (i.e. 3D measure of the curvature of the cortex from the MRI volumes), distance and shape variation of cortical sulcal landmarks (segmented using the "active ribbon" approach). The data set was made of 18 MRI volumes from healthy right handed men volunteers. MEG somatosensory activation of fingers have been performed on these subjects. Visual and global measures seem to advantage the non-linear global registration methods while local measures, based on sulci, did not show any significant differences between all global methods. In addition, it has been showed that a new local non-linear registration method based on active shape models and thin-plate splines is able to better retrieve the inter-individual variability of the functional somatosensory activities
Author = {Barillot, C.},
Title = {Linear Versus Non-Linear Registration of Brainscans - What can we Expect? Some Evaluation Issue},
Howpublished = {Dagstuhl Seminar},
Month = {March},
Year = {2001}
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