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A. Trubuil, M. Hoebeke, C. Kervrann, K. Kiêu, J. Wang, B. Kaeffer. Comparaison fonctionnelle en microscopie confocale. In Workshop Traitement et Analyse d'Images: Méthodes et Applications, TAIMA 2001, Pages 269-276, Hammameth, Tunisie, 2001.


Charles Kervrann

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   Author = {Trubuil, A. and Hoebeke, M. and Kervrann, C. and Kiêu, K. and Wang, J. and Kaeffer, B.},
   Title = {Comparaison fonctionnelle en microscopie confocale},
   BookTitle = {Workshop Traitement et Analyse d'Images: Méthodes et Applications, TAIMA 2001},
   Pages = {269--276},
   Address = {Hammameth, Tunisie},
   Month = {},
   Year = {2001}

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