Articles de journaux
- J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy, P. Elbau, J.-B. Sibarita, J. Salamero. Patch-based non-local functional for denoising fluorescence microscopy image sequences. IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 29(2), 2010.
- B. Cinquin, A. Chessel, A. Gidon, S. Bardin, Th. Pécot, J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, J. Salamero. Advanced microcopy to study trafficking and spatiotemporal organization of intracellular membranes. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2010.
- V. Auvray, P. Bouthemy, J. Lienard. Joint motion estimation and layer segmentation in transparent image sequences - Application to noise reduction in X-ray image sequences. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (doi:10.1155/2009/647262), 2009(647262):1-21, 2009.
- J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. A simulation and estimation framework for intracellular dynamics and trafficking in video-microscopy and fluorescence imagery. Medical Image Analysis, 13:132-142, 2009.
- A. Bugeau, P. Pérez. Detection and segmentation of moving objects in complex scenes. Comput. Vis. Image Understanding, 113(4):459-476, 2009.
- P. Coupé, P. Hellier, Ch. Kervrann, Ch. Barillot. NonLocal Means-based speckle filtering for ultrasound images. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 18(10):2221-2229, 2009.
- A. Criminisi, T. Sharp, C. Rother, P. Pérez. Geodesic Image and Video Editing. ACM Trans. Graphics, 2009.
- I. Junejo, E. Dexter, I. Laptev, P. Pérez. View-Independent Action Recognition from Temporal Self-Similarities. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2009.
- I. Laptev. Improving object detection with boosted histograms. Image and Vision Computing, 27(5):535-544, 2009.
- A. Bugeau, P. Pérez. Track and Cut: simultaneous tracking and segmentation of multiple objects with graph cuts. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (doi:10.1155/2008/317278), 2008(317278):1-14, 2008.
- P. Coupé, P. Hellier, S. Prima, Ch. Kervrann, Ch. Barillot. 3D wavelet sub-bands mixing for image denoising. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 8(3):1-11, 2008.
- P. Coupé, P. Yger, S. Prima, P. Hellier, Ch. Kervrann, Ch. Barillot. An optimized blockwise Non-Local means denoising filter for 3D Magnetic Resonance Images. IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 27(4):325-441, 2008.
- D. Heitz, P. Heas, E. Mémin, J. Carlier. Dynamic consistent correlation-variational approach for robust optical flow estimation. Experiments in Fluids, 45(4):595-608, 2008.
- A. Hervieu, P. Bouthemy, J.-P. Le Cadre. A statistical video content recognition method using invariant features on object trajectories. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (Special Issue on "Event Analysis in Videos", 18(11):1533-1543, 2008.
- P. Héas, E. Mémin. 3D motion estimation of atmospheric layers from image sequences. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46(8):2385-2396, 2008.
- N. Papadakis, E. Mémin. A variational technique for time consistent tracking of curves and motion. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 31(1):81-103, 2008.
- N. Papadakis, E. Mémin. Variational assimilation of fluid motion from image sequences. SIAM Journal on Imaging Science, 1(4):343-363, 2008.
- Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger. Local adaptivity to variable smoothness for exemplar-based image denoising and representation. International Journal of Computer Vision, 79(1):45-69, Août 2008.
- E. Arnaud, E. Mémin. Partial linear Gaussian models for tracking in image sequences using sequential Monte-Carlo methods. International Journal of Computer Vision, 74(1):75-102, 2007.
- J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Space-time adaptation for patch based image sequence restoration. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29(6):1096-1102, 2007.
- Th. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. Hierarchical particle filter for bearings only tracking. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 43(4):1567-1585, 2007.
- F. Cao, J. Delon, A. Desolneux, P. Musé, F. Sur. A unified framework for detecting groups and application to shape recognition. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 27(2):91-119, 2007.
- A. Cuzol, P. Hellier, E. Mémin. A low dimensional fluid motion estimator. International Journal of Computer Vision, 75(3):329-349, 2007.
- J. D'Adamo, N. Papadakis, E. Mémin, Artana G.. Variational assimilation of POD low-order dynamical systems. Journal of Turbulence, 8(9):1-22, 2007.
- F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Constrained minimax optimization of continuous search efforts for the detection of a stationary target. Naval Research Logistics, 54(6):589-601, 2007.
- P. Dodin, F. Minvielle, J.-P. Le Cadre. A branch-and-bound algorithm applied to optimal radar search pattern. Aerospace Science and Technology, 11(4):279-288, 2007.
- P. Dodin, F. Minvielle, J.-P. Le Cadre. Estimating the ballistic coefficient of a re-entry vehicule. IET Proc. Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 1(3):173-183, 2007.
- P. Héas, E. Mémin, N. Papadakis, A. Szantai. Layered estimation of atmospheric mesoscale dynamics from satellite imagery. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45(12):4087-4104, 2007.
- I. Laptev, B. Capuo, Ch. Schultz, T. Lindeberg. Local velocity-adapted motion events for spatio-temporal recognition. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 108(3):207-229, 2007.
- R. Venkatesh Babu, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Robust tracking with motion estimation and local Kernel-based color modeling. Image and Vision Computing, 25(8):1205-1216, 2007.
- J. Yuan, C Schnörr, E. Mémin. Discrete orthogonal decomposition and variational fluid flow estimation. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 28(1):67-80, 2007.
- F Bavencoff, J.-M. Vanpeperstraete, J.-P. Le Cadre. Constrained bearings-only target motion analysis via Monte Carlo Markov chain methods. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 42(4):1240-1263, 2006.
- P. Bouthemy, Ch. Hardouin, G. Piriou, J.-F. Yao. Mixed-state auto-models and motion texture modeling. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 25(3):387-402, 2006.
- Th. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. Closed-form posterior Cramèr-Rao bound for bearings-only tracking. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 42(4):1198-1223, 2006.
- F. Cao, R. Fablet. Automatic morphological detection of otolith nucleus. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27(6):658-666, 2006.
- Th. Corpetti, D. Heitz, G. Arroyo, E. Mémin, A. Santa-Cruz. Fluid experimental flow estimation based on an optical-flow scheme. Int. J. Experiments in Fluid, 40(1):80-97, 2006.
- R. Donati, J.-P. Le Cadre. Detection, target motion analysis and track association with a sensor network. J. Information Fusion, 7(3):285-303, 2006.
- Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger. Optimal spatial adaptation for patch-based image denoising. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 15(10):2866-2878, 2006.
- P. Musé, F. Sur, F. Cao, Y. Gousseau, J.-M. Morel. An a contrario decision method for shape elements recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision, 69(3):295-315, 2006.
- G. Piriou, P. Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Recognition of dynamic video contents with global probabilistic models of visual motion. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 15(11):3417-3430, 2006.
- Th. Veit, F. Cao, P. Bouthemy. An a contrario decision framework for region-based motion detection. International Journal on Computer Vision, 68(2):163-178, 2006.
- A. Kokaram, N. Rea, R. Dahyot, M, Tekalp, P. Bouthemy, P. Gros, I. Sezan. Browsing sports video (Trends in sports-related indexing and retrieval work). IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 23(2):47-58, Mars 2006.
- C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez. Posterior Cramer-Rao bounds for multi-target tracking. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 42(1):37-49, Janvier 2006.
- E. Arnaud, E. Mémin, B. Cernuschi-Frias. Conditional filters for image sequence based tracking - Application to point tracking. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 14(1):63-79, 2005.
- F. Cao, P. Musé, F. Sur. Extracting meaningful curves from images. J. Math. Image and Vison, 22(2):159-181, 2005.
- M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy, J.-P. Le Cadre. Recovery of the trajectories of multiple moving objects in an image sequence with a PMHT approach. Image and Vision Computing J, 23(1):19-31, 2005.
- P. Heas, M. Datcu. Modeling trajectory of dynamic clusters in image time-series for spatio-temporal reasoning. IEEE Trans on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(7):1635-1647, 2005.
- I. Laptev. On space-time interest points. Int. J. Computer Vision, 64(2):107-123, 2005.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Quelques aperçus sur l'optimisation de la répartition des efforts de recherche d'une cible. Traitement du Signal, numéro spécial "Gestion Intelligente des Senseurs", 22(4):355-374, 2005.
- N. Peyrard, P. Bouthemy. Motion-based selection of relevant video segments for video summarization. Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal, 26(3):259-276, 2005.
- J. Vermaak, S. Godsill, P. Pérez. Monte Carlo filtering for multi-target tracking and data association. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 41(1):309-332, 2005.
- F. Cao. Application of the Gestalt principles to the detection of good continuations and corners in image level lines. Computing and Visualisation in Science, 7:3-13, 2004.
- A. Criminisi, P. Pérez, K. Toyama. Region filling and object removal by exemplar-based inpainting. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 13(9):1200-1212, 2004.
- F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Spatio-temporal multi-mode management for moving target detection. J. Information Fusion, 5:169-178, 2004.
- C. Kervrann, D. Leland, L. Pardini. Robust incremental compensation of the light attenuation with depth in 3D fluorescence microscopy. J. Microscopy, 214(3):297-314, 2004.
- I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. Velocity-adaptation of spatio-temporal receptive fields for direct recognition of activities: An experimental study. Image and Vision Computing, 22(2):105-116, 2004.
- J.-N. Provost, C. Collet, P. Rostaing, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Hierarchical Markovian segmentation of multispectral images for the reconstruction of water depth maps. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 93(2):155-174, 2004.
- P. Pérez, J. Vermaak, A. Blake. Data fusion for visual tracking with particles. Proc. IEEE, 92(3):495-513, 2004.
- T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Extraction of Singular Points from Dense Motion Fields: an Analytic Approach. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 19(3):175-198, 2003.
- P. Hellier, C. Barillot, I. Corouge, B. Gibaud, G. Le Goualher, D.L. Collins, A. Evans, G. Malandain, N. Ayache, G.E. Christensen, H.J. Johnson. Retrospective evaluation of inter-subject brain registration. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 22(9):1120-1130, 2003.
- I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. A distance measure and a feature likelihood map concept for scale-invariant model matching. Int. Journal Computer Vision, 52(2):97-120, 2003.
- I. Pratikakis, C. Barillot, P. Hellier, E. Mémin. Robust multiscale deformable registration of 3D Ultrasound images. International Journal of Image and Graphics, 3(4):547-566, 2003.
- R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Motion recognition using non parametric image motion models estimated from temporal and multiscale cooccurrence statistics. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 25(12):1619-1624, Décembre 2003.
- Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Optimal Camera Trajectory with Image-based Control. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, Special Issue on Visual Servoing, 22(10):781-804, Octobre 2003.
- L. Oisel, E. Mémin, L. Morin, F. Galpin. 1D dense disparity estimation for 3D reconstruction. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 12(9):1107-1119, Septembre 2003.
- I. Corouge, P. Hellier, B. Gibaud, C. Barillot. Inter-individual functional mapping: a non linear local approach. Neuroimage, 19(4):1337-1348, Août 2003.
- P. Hellier, C. Barillot. Coupling dense and landmark-based approaches for non rigid registration. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 22(2):217-227, Février 2003.
- O. Hellwich, Laptev I, Mayer H.. Extraction of linear objects from interferometric SAR data. Int. J. of Remote Sensing, 23(3):461-475, 2002.
- B. Kaeffer, A. Trubuil, C. Kervrann, L. Pardini, C. Cherbut. Three-Dimensional binding of epidermal growth factor peptides in colonic tissues produced from rotating bioreactor. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, 38(8):436-439, 2002.
- Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Avoiding self-occlusions and preserving visibility by path planning in the image. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 41(2):77-87, Novembre 2002.
- Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Path Planning For Robust Image-based Control. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 18(4):534-549, Août 2002.
- C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez. Tracking multiple objects with particle filtering. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 38(3):791-812, Juillet 2002.
- E. Marchand, F. Chaumette, F. Spindler, M. Perrier. Controlling an uninstrumented manipulator by visual servoing. The International Journal of Robotics Research, IJRR, 21(7):635-648, Juillet 2002.
- C. Collewet, F. Chaumette. Positioning a camera with respect to planar objects of unknown shape by coupling 2d visual servoing and 3d estimations. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 18(3):322-333, Juin 2002.
- G. Flandin, F. Chaumette. Fusion d'informations visuelles pour la localisation d'objets complexes. Traitement du Signal, 19(1):49-57, Juin 2002.
- R. Donati, J.-P. Le Cadre. Detection of oceanic electric fields based on the GLRT. IEE Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 149(4):221-230, Avril 2002.
- R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy, P. Pérez. Non-parametric motion characterization using causal probabilistic models for video indexing and retrieval. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 11(4):393-407, Avril 2002.
- E. Malis, F. Chaumette. Theoretical improvements in the stability analysis of a new class of model-free visual servoing methods. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 18(2):176-186, Avril 2002.
- T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Dense Estimation of Fluid Flows. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(3):365-380, Mars 2002.
- A. Almansa, F. Cao, Y. Gousseau, B. Rougé. Interpolation of digital elevation models using AMLE and related methods. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40(2):314-325, Février 2002.
- F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Detection of a markovian target with optimization of the search efforts under generalized linear constraints. Naval Research Logistics, 49(2):117-142, Février 2002.
- C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez. Sequential Monte Carlo methods for multiple target tracking and data fusion. IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 50(2):309-325, Février 2002.
- E. Marchand, N. Courty. Controlling a camera in a virtual environment. The Visual Computer Journal,
- French Version published in Technique et Science Informatiques, TSI
- Demonstration
, 18(1):1-19, Février 2002.
- E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Hierarchical estimation and segmentation of dense motion fields. Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 46(2):129-155, Février 2002.
- C. Papin, P. Bouthemy, G. Rochard. Unsupervised segmentation of low clouds from infrared METEOSAT images based on a contextual spatio-temporal labeling approach. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40(1):104-114, Janvier 2002.
- L. Amsaleg, P. Gros. Content-based retrieval using local descriptors: problems and issues from a database perspective. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 4(2):108-124, 2001.
- A. Crétual, F. Chaumette. Visual servoing based on image motion. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 20(11):857-877, Novembre 2001.
- A. Crétual, F. Chaumette. Application of motion-based visual servoing to target tracking. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 20(11):878-890, Novembre 2001.
- E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette. A 2D-3D model-based approach to real-time visual tracking. Image and Vision Computing, 19(13):941-955, Novembre 2001.
- F. Chaumette, E. Marchand. A Redundancy-based Iterative Approach for Avoiding Joint Limits: Application to Visual Servoing. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 17(5):719-730, Octobre 2001.
- C. Baillard, P. Hellier, C. Barillot. Segmentation of brain 3D MR images using level sets and dense registration. Medical Image Analysis, 5(3):185-194, Septembre 2001.
- N. Courty, E. Marchand. Navigation et contrôle d'une caméra dans un environnement virtuel: une approche référencée image. Technique et Science Informatiques, TSI, 20(6):779-803, Juin 2001.
- R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Non-parametric scene activity analysis for statistical retrieval with partial query. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 14(3):257-270, Mai 2001.
- P. Hellier, C. Barillot, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Hierarchical estimation of a dense deformation field for 3D robust registration. IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, 20(5):388-402, Mai 2001.
- E. Malis, G. Morel, F. Chaumette. Robot control from disparate multiple sensors. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 20(5):364-378, Mai 2001.
- L. Hubert-Moy, A. Cotonnec, L. Le Du, A. Chardin, P. Pérez. A comparison of parametric classification procedures of remotly sensed data applied on different landscape units. Remote Sensing of Environment, 75(2):174-187, Février 2001.
- E. Mémin, T. Risset. VLSI design methodoloy for edge-preserving image reconstruction. Real Time Imaging, 7(1):109-126, Février 2001.
- C. Collet, J.-N. Provost, P. Rostaing, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Segmentation bathymétrique d'images multispectrales SPOT. Traitement du Signal, 18(1):1-16, Janvier 2001.
- B. Lamiroy, P. Gros, S. Picard. Combining Local Recognition Methods for Better Image Recognition. Vision, 17(2):1-6, 2001.
- P. Hellier, C. Barillot, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Estimation robuse 3D d'un champ de déformation pour le recalage non-linéaire inter-sujet d'images cérébrales. Traitement du signal, 17(2):99-112, 2000.
- I. Mayer, H. Laptev, T. Lindeberg, W. Eckstein, C. Steger, A. Baumgartner. Automatic extraction of roads from aerial images based on scale-space and snakes. Machine Vision and Applications, 12:23-31, 2000.
- F. Dekeyser, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Restoration of Noisy, Blurred, Undersampled Image Sequences Using a Parametric Motion Model. Réseaux et systèmes Répartis - calculateurs parallèles, 12(3):387-405, Décembre 2000.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, G. Souris. Searching tracks. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 36(4):1149-1166, Octobre 2000.
- Y. Ricquebourg, P. Bouthemy. Real-time tracking of moving persons by exploiting spatio-temporal image slices. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(8):797-808, Août 2000.
- A. Crétual, F. Chaumette. Dynamic stabilization of a pan and tilt camera for sub-marine image visualization. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 79(1):47-65, Juillet 2000.
- M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Sonar image segmentation using a hierarchical MRF model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IP-9(7):1216-1231, Juillet 2000.
- M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Markov random field and fuzzy logic modeling in sonar imagery: application to the classification of underwater floor. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 79(1):4-24, Juillet 2000.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, H. Gauvrit, F. Trarieux. Approximations of the Cramér-Rao bound for multiple-target motion analysis. IEE Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 147(3):105-113, Juin 2000.
- E. Malis, F. Chaumette. 2 1/2 D visual servoing with respect to unknown objects through a new estimation scheme of camera displacement. Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 37(1):79-97, Juin 2000.
- E. Mémin, T. Risset. On the study of VLSI derivation for optical flow estimation. Int. Journal of Pattern Recogition and Artificial Intelligence, 14(4):441-462, Juin 2000.
- G. Le Goualher, A.-M. Argenti, M. Duyme, W.F.C. Baare, H.E. Hulshoff Pol, C. Barillot, A.C. Evans. Statistical sulcal shape comparisons: application to the detection of genetic encoding of the central sulcus shape. NeuroImage, 11(5):564-574, Mai 2000.
- M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy. A region-level motion-based graph representation and labeling for tracking a spatial image partition. Pattern Recognition, 33(4):725-740, Avril 2000.
- P. Pérez, A. Chardin, J.-M. Laferté. Noniterative manipulation of discrete energy-based models for image analysis. Pattern Recognition, 33(4):573-586, Avril 2000.
- J.-M. Laferté, P. Pérez, F. Heitz. Discrete Markov modeling and inference on the quad-tree. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, à paraître, 9(3):390-404, Mars 2000.
- M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Hybrid genetic optimization and statistical model-based approach for the classification of shadow shapes in sonar imagery. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(2):129-141, Février 2000.
- G. Souris, J.-P. Le Cadre. Un panorama des méthodes d'optimisation de l'effort de recherche en détection. Traitement du Signal, 16(6):403-424, 1999.
- M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Three-class Markovian segmentation of high resolution sonar images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 76(3):191-204, Décembre 1999.
- P. Bouthemy, M. Gelgon, F. Ganansia. A unified approach to shot change detection and camera motion characterization. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 9(7):1030-1044, Octobre 1999.
- E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. An Autonomous Active Vision System for Complete and Accurate 3D Scene Reconstruction. Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 32(3):171-194, Août 1999.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, C. Jauffret. On the convergence of iterative methods for bearings-only tracking. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 35(3):801-818, Juillet 1999.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, S. Laurent-Michel. Optimizing the receiver maneuvers for bearings-only tracking. Automatica, 35(4):591-606, Avril 1999.
- E. Malis, F. Chaumette, S. Boudet. 2 1/2 D Visual Servoing. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 15(2):238-250, Avril 1999.
- G. Le Goualher, E. Procyk, L. Collins, R. Venegopal, C. Barillot, A. Evans. Automated extraction and variability analysis of sulcal neuroanatomy. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, TMI, 18(3):206-217, Mars 1999.
- O. Trémois, J.-P. Le Cadre. Optimal observer trajectory in bearings-only tracking for maneuvering sources. IEE Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 146(1):31-39, Février 1999.
- E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Active vision for complete scene reconstruction and exploration. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 21(1):65-72, Janvier 1999.
- C. Kervrann, F. Davoine, P. Pérez, H. Li, R. Forcheimer, C. Labit. Generalized likelihood ratio-based face detection and extraction of mouth features. Pattern Recognition Letters, 18(9):899-912, 1998.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Trémois. Bearings-only tracking for maneuvering sources. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 34(1):179-193, 1998.
- J.-M. Odobez, P. Bouthemy. Direct incremental model-based image motion segmentation for video analysis. Signal Processing, 6(2):143-155, 1998.
- P. Pérez. Markov random fields and images. CWI Quarterly, 11(4):413-437, 1998.
- C. Collet, P. Thourel, M. Mignotte, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Une nouvelle approche en traitement d'images sonar haute résolution : la segmentation markovienne hiérarchique multimodèle. Traitement du Signal, 15(3):231-250, Septembre 1998.
- J.-M. Laferté, F. Heitz, P. Pérez. Modèles markoviens hiérarchiques et algorithmes d'estimation non linéaire sur le quadarbre. Traitement du Signal, 15(3):213-230, Septembre 1998.
- E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Stratégies de perception par vision active : une approche par réseaux bayesiens. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 12(3):345-376, Septembre 1998.
- C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. A Hierarchical Markov Modeling Approach for the Segmentation and Tracking of Deformable Shapes. Graphical Models and Image Processing, 60(3):173-195, Mai 1998.
- E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Optical flow estimation and object-based segmentation with robust techniques. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 7(5):703-719, Mai 1998.
- S. Boukir, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, D. Juvin. A local method for contour matching and its parallel implementation. Machine Vision and Applications, 10(5):321-330, Avril 1998.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Properties of estimability criteria for target motion analysis. IEE Proc. Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 145(2):92-99, Avril 1998.
- E. Marchand, E. Rutten, H. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Specifying and verifying active vision-based robotic systems with the Signal environment. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 17(4):418-432, Avril 1998.
- B. Gibaud, S. Garlatti, C. Barillot, E. Faure. Computerised Brain Atlases vs Decision Support Systems : A Methodological Approach. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 14(1):83-100, Janvier 1998.
- C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. Modèles déformables statistiques pour l'analyse de structures 2D dans des séquences d'images. Technique et Science Informatiques, 6(3):325-354, 1997.
- G. Le Goualher, C. Barillot, Y. Bizais. Three-dimensional segmentation and representation of cortical sulci using active ribbons. Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 11(8):1295-1315, 1997.
- J. West, J.M. Fitzpatrick, M.Y. Wang, B.M Dawant, C.R. Maurer, R.M. Kessler, R.J. Maciunas, C. Barillot, D. Lemoine, A. Collignon, F. Maes, P. Suetens, D. Vandermeulen, P.A. Van Den Elsen, S. Napel, T.S. Sumanaweera, B. Harkness, P.F. Hemler, D.L.G. Hill, D.J. Hawkes, C. Studholme, J.B.A. Maintz, M.A. Viergever, G. Malandin, X. Pennec, M.E. Noz, G.Q. Maguire, M. Pollack, C.A. Pellizzari, R.A. Robb, D. Hanson, R. Woods. Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality brain image registration techniques. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 21:554-566, 1997.
- H. Gauvrit, C. Jauffret, J.-P. Le Cadre. A formulation of multitarget tracking as an incomplete data problem. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 33(4):1242-1257, Octobre 1997.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Trémois. The matrix dynamic programming property and its implications. SIAM J. Matrix Analysis, 18(4), Octobre 1997.
- E. Rutten, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. An experiment with reactive data-flow tasking in active robot vision. Software: Practice & Experience, 27(5):599-621, Mai 1997.
- E. Marchand, E. Rutten, F. Chaumette. From data-flow task to multi-tasking: Applying the synchronous approach to active vision in robotics. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 5(2):200-216, Mars 1997.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, C. Jauffret. Discrete-time observability and estimability for bearings-only target motion analysis. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 33(1):178-201, Janvier 1997.
- E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Contrôle actif d'une caméra pour la reconstruction et l'exploration de scènes. Technique et Science Informatiques, 16(1):101-129, Janvier 1997.
- D. Schwartz, E. Poiseau, D. Lemoine, C. Barillot. Registration of MEG/EEG data with 3D MRI : Methodology and precision issues. Brain Topography, 9(2), 1996.
- V. Sundareswaran, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette. Exploiting image motion for active vision in a visual servoing framework. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 15(6):629-645, Décembre 1996.
- D. Khadraoui, G. Motyl, P. Martinet, J. Gallice, F. Chaumette. Visual servoing in robotics scheme using a camera/laser-stripe sensor. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 12(5):743-750, Octobre 1996.
- A. Mitiche, P. Bouthemy. Computation and analysis of image motion: a synopsis of current problems and methods. Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 19(1):29-55, Juillet 1996.
- F. Chaumette, S. Boukir, P. Bouthemy, D. Juvin. Structure from controlled motion. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 18(5):492-504, Mai 1996.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. On the properties of a relative entropy functional. SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Applications, 17(2):355-382, Avril 1996.
- O. Trémois, J.-P. Le Cadre. Target motion Analysis with multiple arrays: performance analysis. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 32(3):1030-1046, Avril 1996.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Trémois. Properties and performance of extended target motion analysis. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 32(1):66-83, Janvier 1996.
- P. Pérez, F. Heitz. Restriction of a Markov random field on a graph and multiresolution statistical image modeling. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 42(1):180-190, Janvier 1996.
- E. Mémin, F. Heitz, F. Charot. Efficient parallel nonlinear multigrid relaxation algorithms for low-level vision applications. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 29:96-103, 1995.
- J.-M. Odobez, P. Bouthemy. Estimation robuste multiéchelle de modèles paramétrés de mouvement sur des scènes complexes. Traitement du Signal, 12(2):113-128, 1995.
- J.-M. Odobez, P. Bouthemy. Robust multiresolution estimation of parametric motion models. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 6(4):348-365, Décembre 1995.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Performance analysis of wavefront curvature methods for range estimation of a moving source. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 31(3):1082-1103, Juillet 1995.
- C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. A Markov random field model-based approach to unsupervised texture segmentation using local and global spatial statistics. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 4(6):856-862, Juin 1995.
- C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. Segmentation non supervisée des images naturelles texturées : une approche statistique. Traitement du Signal, 11(1):31-41, 1994.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Zugmeyer. A new approach to the estimation of source motion parameter (Part 2). Signal Processing, 37(1):425-435, 1994.
- F. Meyer. Time-to-collision from first-order models of the motion field. IEEE Trans on Robotics and Automation, 10(6), Décembre 1994.
- F. Meyer, P. Bouthemy. Region-based tracking using affine motion models in long image sequences. CVGIP : Image Understanding, 60(2):119-140, Septembre 1994.
- F. Baldit, J.-P. Le Cadre. Détection décentralisée: Critère de Neyman-Pearson sur des architectures arborescentes. Traitement du Signal, numéro spécial "Fusion de données", 11(6):477-489, Juin 1994.
- F. Heitz, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Multiscale minimization of global energy functions in some visual recovery problems. CVGIP : Image Understanding, 59(1):125-134, Janvier 1994.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Au carrefour de nombreuses applications, la calibration d'antenne. Traitement du Signal, 10(5), 1993.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Estimation dynamique de la forme d'une antenne linéaire remorquée. Traitement du Signal, 10(5):383-385, 1993.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Modèles statistiques de front d'onde aléatoirement fluctuants. Traitement du Signal, 10(5):393-396, 1993.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Étude des effets des incertitudes des positions des capteurs sur les bornes d'estimation de position des sources. Traitement du Signal, 10(5):419-422, 1993.
- F. Heitz, P. Bouthemy. Multimodal estimation of discontinuous optical flow using Markov random fields. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 15(12):1217-1232, Décembre 1993.
- O. Zugmeyer, J.-P. Le Cadre. Jammer cancelling by double wiener filtering. Signal Processing, 33(2):131-138, Septembre 1993.
- O. Zugmeyer, J.-P. Le Cadre. A new approach to the estimation of source motion parameters (Part 1). Signal Processing, 33(3):287-314, Septembre 1993.
- P. Bouthemy, P. Lalande. Recovery of moving object masks in an image sequence using local spatiotemporal contextual information. Optical Engineering, 32(6):1205-1212, Juin 1993.
- P. Bouthemy, E. Francois. Motion segmentation and qualitative dynamic scene analysis from an image sequence. Int. Journal of Computer Vision, 10(2):157-182, Avril 1993.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Zugmeyer. Temporal integration for array processsing. J. Acoust. Soc. of America, pages 1471-1481, Mars 1993.
- O. Zugmeyer, J.-P. Le Cadre. On the estimation of source motion parameters by temporal and spatial focusing. J. Acoust. Soc. of America, 10(1):1482-1487, Mars 1993.
- O. Zugmeyer, J.-P. Le Cadre. Sur la précision d'estimation du défilement angulaire d'une source en mouvement. Traitement du Signal, 10(1):15-28, Janvier 1993.
- B. Espiau, F. Chaumette, P. Rives. A new approach to visual servoing in robotics. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 8(3):313-326, Juin 1992.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Zugmeyer. Sur les propriétés statistiques des covariances estimées après rectification, applications. Traitement du Signal, 9(1):57-65, Janvier 1992.
- P. Pérez, F. Heitz. Une approche multiéchelle à l'analyse d'images par champs markoviens. Traitement du Signal, 9(6):459-472, 1992.
- J.P. Manens, G. Le Gall, F. Fresne, C. Barillot, B. Gibaud, D. Lemoine, A. Bouliou, C. Chenal, M. Ben Hassel, J.M Scarabin. Irradiation multifaisceaux : plan de traitement assisté par ordinateur. Bull. cancer radiother, 78(3):327-336, 1991.
- E. Francois, P. Bouthemy. Derivation of qualitative information in motion analysis. Image and Vision Computing Journal, 8(4):279-287, Novembre 1990.
- P.-Y. Arquès, J.-P. Le Cadre. Modélisations des bruits d'acoustique sous-marine et quelques conséquences en traitement d'antenne. Traitement du Signal, 7(3):165-204, Mars 1990.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Gounon. Estimation de la structure des correlations spatiales du bruit recu sur une antenne de grande dimension. Traitement du Signal, 7(2):67-85, Février 1990.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Parametric methods for spatial signal processing in the presence of unknown colored noise fields. IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 37(7):965-983, 1989.
- P. Bouthemy. A Maximum Likelihood Framework for Determining Moving Edges. IEEE trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11(5):499-511, Mai 1989.
- P. Ravazzola, J.-P. Le Cadre. Représentation des sorties de capteurs par un système linéaire, applications au traitement d'antenne. Traitement du Signal, 6(1):3-26, Janvier 1989.
- P. Bouthemy. Modèles et méthodes pour l'analyse du mouvement dans une séquence d'images. Technique et Science Informatiques, 7(6):527-546, Juin 1988.
- P. Bouthemy. Estimation et structuration d'indices spatio-temporels pour l'analyse du mouvement dans une séquence d'images. Traitement du signal, 4(3):239-257, 1987.
- A. Mitiche, P. Bouthemy. Tracking modelled objects using binocular images. Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 32(3):384-396, Décembre 1985.
- J.-P. Le Cadre. Estimation au sens du maximum de vraisemblance approché d'un modèle AR. Traitement du Signal, 2(4):291-303, Avril 1985.
- J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Lopez. Estimation au sens du maximum de vraisemblance d'une matrice interspectrale de structure imposée. Traitement du Signal, 1(1):3-17, 1984.
- P. Bouthemy, A. Benveniste. Modeling of atmospheric disturbances in meteorological pictures. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 6(5):587-600, Septembre 1984.
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