International Conferences


  1. I. Arnal, F. Coquelle, S. Blestel, B. Vitre, C. Heichette, Ch. Kervrann, D. Chrétien. Structural basis of the interaction between microtubules and +TIPs. In EMBO Conference Series Microtubules - Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2010. details
  2. S. Blestel, C.and Heichette, C. Fish, P. Dupuys-Williams, D. Chrétien, Ch. Kervrann. Electron cryo-tomography of microtubule assemblies: automatic segmentation of tomograms with CryoSeg. In EMBO Conference Series Microtubules - Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2010. details
  3. F. Coquelle, S. Blestel, K. Kinoshita, B. Vitre, C. Heichette, Ch. Kervrann, I. Arnal, D. Chrétien. Effects of XMAP215 on Microtubule Dynamics and Structure and its Visualization by Electron Cryo-Tomography. In EMBO Conference Series Microtubules - Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2010. details
  4. A. Guesdon, S. Blestel, C. Heichette, Ch. Kervrann, D. Chrétien. Three dimensional reconstruction of 14 protofilaments GMPCPP-microtubules using TubuleJ. In EMBO Conference Series Microtubules - Structure, Regulation and Functions, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2010. details
  5. A. Chessel, B. Cinquin, S. Bardin, J.and Salamero, J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann. A detection-based framework for the analysis of recycling in TIRF microsocopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'10), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, April 2010. details pdf
  6. Ch. Kervrann. Non-local means filter and novel bayesian approximations for non-local image regularization. In SIAM Conf. on Imaging Science, Chicago, Illinois, April 2010. details
  7. A. Chessel, B. Cinquin, F. Waharte, Ch. Kervrann, J. Salamero. A detection based framework for systematic analysis of dual color TIRF microscopy. In Focus on Microscopy (FOM'10), Shanghai, China, March 2010. details
  8. H. Singh, H. Jegou. Searching with Expectations. In Proc. of Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'10), Dallas, TX, March 2010. details


  1. M. Fradet, P. Pérez, Ph. Robert. Clustering point trajectories with various life-spans. In Proc. Eur. Conf. on Visual Media Production (CVMP'09), London, UK, November 2009. details pdf
  2. Th. Crivelli, P. Bouthemy, B. Cernuschi-Frias, J.F. Yao. Learning mixed-state Markov models for statistical motion texture tracking. In Proc. ICCV'09, Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Vision-based Motion Analysis (MLVMA'09), Kyoto, Japan, October 2009. details
  3. O. Duchenne, I. Laptev, J. Sivic, F. Bach, J. Ponce. Automatic annotation of human actions in video. In Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Vis.(ICCV'09), Kyoto, Japan, October 2009. details
  4. E. Dexter, P. Pérez, I. Laptev. Multi-view synchronization of human actions and dynamic scenes. In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC'09), London, UK, September 2009. details
  5. Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger, Th. Pécot, P. Pérez. Discriminant random field and patch-based redundancy analysis for image change detection. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP'09), Pages 1-6, Grenoble, Fance, September 2009. details pdf
  6. H. Wang, M.M. Ullah, A. Kläser, I. Laptev, C. Schmid. Evaluation of local spatio-temporal features for action recognition. In Proc. British Machine Vision Conf. (BMVC'09), London, UK, September 2009. details
  7. A. Hervieu, P. Bouthemy, J.-P. Le Cadre. Trajectory-based handball video understanding. In ACM Int. Conf. on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR'2009), Pages 1-8, Santorini, Greece, July 2009. details pdf
  8. C. Avenel, E. Memin, P. Pérez. Tracking closed curves with non-linear stochastic filters. In Conf. on Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM'09), Pages 576-587, Voss, Norway, June 2009. details pdf
  9. S. Blestel, Ch. Kervrann, D. Chrétien. A Fourier-based method for detecting curved microtubule centers: application to straightening of cryo-electron microscope images. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'09), Pages 298-301, Boston, MA, June 2009. details pdf
  10. A. Chessel, B. Cinquin, S. Bardin, J. Salamero, Ch. Kervrann. Computational geometry-based scale-space and modal image decomposition: application to light video-microscopy imaging. In Conf. on Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM'09), Pages 770-781, Voss, Norway, June 2009. details pdf
  11. A. Chessel, Th. Pécot, S. Bardin, Ch. Kervrann, J. Salamero. Evaluation of image sequences additive decomposition algorithms for membrane analysis in fluorescence video-microscopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'09), Pages 1099-1102, Boston, MA, June 2009. details pdf
  12. M. Marszalek, I. Laptev, C. Schmid. Actions in context. In Proc. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recog. (CVPR'09), Pages 2929-2936, Miami Beach, Florida, June 2009. details pdf
  13. Th. Pécot, A. Chessel, S. Bardin, J. Salamero, P. Bouthemy, Ch. Kervrann. Conditional random fields for object and background estimation in fluorescence video-microscopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'09), Pages 734-737, Boston, MA, June 2009. details pdf
  14. E. Dexter, P. Pérez, I. Laptev, I. N. Junejo. View-independent video synchronization from temporal self-similarities. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'09), Volume 2, Pages 383-391, Lisboa, Portugal, February 2009. details


  1. A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. Target tracking within a binary sensor network. In Int. Conf. Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information (ISSNIP'08), (Best Student Paper Award), Pages 55-60, Sydney, Australia, December 2008. details pdf
  2. I.N. Junejo. Camera calibration for uneven terrains by observing pedestrians. In Proc. Int. Conf. on on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'08), Pages 1-4, Tampa Bay, Florida, December 2008. details
  3. I.N. Junejo, H. Foroosh. Practical pure pan and pure tilt camera calibration. In Proc. Int. Conf. on on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'08), Pages 1-4, Tampa Bay, Florida, December 2008. details
  4. I.N. Junejo, H. Foroosh. GPS coordinate estimation from calibrated cameras. In Proc. Int. Conf. on on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'08), Pages 1-4, Tampa Bay, Florida, December 2008. details
  5. I.N. Junejo, H. Foroosh. Refining PTZ camera calibration. In Proc. Int. Conf. on on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'08), Pages 1-4, Tampa Bay, Florida, December 2008. details
  6. V. Badrinarayanan, P. Pérez, F. Le Clerc, L. Oisel. Geometric layout based graphical model for multi-Part object tracking. In Proc. ECCV'08, 8th Workshop on Visual Surveillance, Pages 1-8, Marseille, France, October 2008. details pdf
  7. Th. Crivelli, G. Piriou, B. Cernuschi-Frias, P. Bouthemy, J.F. Yao. Simultaneous motion detection and background reconstruction with a mixed-state conditional Markov random field. In Proc. Eur. Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV'08), Volume 1, Pages 113-126, Marseille, France, October 2008. details
  8. M. Fradet, P. Pérez, Ph. Robert. Time-sequential extraction of motion layers. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'08), Pages 3224-3227, San Diego, CA, October 2008. details pdf
  9. M. Fradet, P. Pérez, Ph. Robert. Semi-automatic motion segmentation with motion layer mosaics. In Proc. Eur. Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV'08), Volume 3, Pages 210-223, Marseille, France, October 2008. details pdf
  10. A. Hervieu, P. Bouthemy, J.-P. Le Cadre. Activity-based temporal segmentation for videos of interacting objects using invariant trajectory features. In Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'08), Pages 3208-3211, San Diego, CA, October 2008. details pdf
  11. P. Héas, E. Mémin, D. Heitz. Self-similar regularization of optic-flow for turbulent motion estimation. In Proc. ECCV'08, Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Vision-based Motion Analysis (MLVMA'08), Pages 1-12, Marseille, France, October 2008. details pdf
  12. A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. A new method for target trajectory estimation within a binary sensor network. In Proc. ECCV'08, Multi Camera and Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Application Workshop), Pages 1-12, Marseille, France, October 2008. details pdf
  13. I.N. Junejo, E. Dexter, I. Laptev, P. Pérez. Cross-view action recognition from temporal self-similarities. In Proc. Eur. Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV'08), Volume 2, Pages 293-306, Marseille, France, October 2008. details pdf
  14. I.N. Junejo, H. Foroosh. Estimating geo-temporal location of stationary cameras using shadow trajectories. In Proc. Eur. Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV'08), Volume 1, Pages 318-331, Marseille, France, October 2008. details
  15. I.N. Junejo, H. Foroosh. Practical PTZ camera calibration using givens rotations. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'08), Pages 1936-1939, San Diego, CA, October 2008. details
  16. I.N. Junejo, H. Foroosh. Using Solar Shadow Trajectories for Camera Calibration. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'08), Pages 189-192, San Diego, CA, October 2008. details
  17. Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, S. Bardin, B. Goud, J. Salamero. Patch-based Markov models for event detection in fluorescence bioimaging. In Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'08), Volume 2, Pages 95-103, New York City, USA, September 2008. details pdf
  18. I.N. Junejo. Calibration and 3D geometry estimation of a pan-tilt-zoom camera network. In Proc. Eur. Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'08), Pages 1-5, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2008. details
  19. Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann. Patch-based Markov models for change detection in image sequence analysis. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Local and Non-Local Approximation in Image Processing (LNLA'08), Pages 1-6, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2008. details pdf
  20. Th. Corpetti, P. Héas, E. Mémin, N. Papadakis. Variational pressure image assimilation for atmospheric motion estimation. In Proc. Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS'08), Volume 2, Pages 505-508, Boston, MA, July 2008. details pdf
  21. A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. Target trajectory estimation within a sensor network. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'08), Pages 1-8, Cologne, Germany, July 2008. details pdf
  22. Ch. Kervrann, P. Pérez, J. Boulanger. Bayesian Non-local means, image redundancy and adaptive sstimation for image representation and applications. In SIAM Conf. on Imaging Science, San Diego, CA, July 2008. details
  23. C. Simonin, J.-P. Le Cadre, F. Dambreville. Common framework for optimizing multitarget search and cross-cueing. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'08), Pages 1-8, Cologne, Germany, July 2008. details pdf
  24. I.N. Junejo. Simple shadow based method for camera calibration. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR'08), Pages 348-356, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, June 2008. details
  25. I. Laptev, M. Marszalek, C. Schmid, B. Rozenfeld. Learning realistic human actions from movies. In Proc. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recog. (CVPR'08), Pages 1-8, Anchorage, Alaska, June 2008. details
  26. J. Boulanger, J.-B. Sibarita, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Non-parametric regression for patch-based fluorescence microscopy image sequence denoising. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'08), Pages 748-751, Paris, France, May 2008. details pdf
  27. F. Celeste, F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Path planning for multiple features based localization. In Int. Conf. on Inf. in Control, Aut. and Robotics (ICINCO), Pages 214-219, Funchal, Portugal, May 2008. details pdf
  28. A. Chessel, J. Boulanger, S. Gasfou-Uzan, J. Salamero, J.-B. Sibarita, Ch. Kervrann. Processing fluorescence video microscopy by 1D temporal signal analysis. In European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting (ELMI'08), Davos, Switzerland, May 2008. details
  29. P. Coupé, P. Hellier, Ch. Kervrann, C. Barillot. Bayesian Non-Local Means-based speckle filtering. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'08), Pages 291-1294, Paris, France, May 2008. details pdf
  30. Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Minimal paths and probabilistic models for origin-destination traffic estimation in live cell imaging. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'08), Pages 843-846, Paris, France, May 2008. details pdf
  31. Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy, A. Chessel, J.-B. Sibarita, J. Salamero, J. Boulanger. Network tomography and minimal paths for traffic flow estimation in time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. In European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting (ELMI'08), Davos, Switzerland, May 2008. details
  32. J. Boulanger, A. Gidon, J. Salamero, J.-B. Sibarita, Ch. Kervrann. Repetitive and transient event detection in fluorescence video-microscopy. In Focus on Microscopy (FOM'08), Osaka-Awaji, Japan, April 2008. details
  33. Th. Crivelli, B. Cernuschi-Frias, P. Bouthemy, J.F. Yao. Temporal modeling of motion textures with mixed-states Markov chains. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'08), Pages 881-884, Las Vegas, USA, April 2008. details
  34. A. Bugeau, P. Pérez. Track and Cut: simultaneous tracking and segmentation of multiple objects with graph cuts. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'08), Volume 2, Pages 447-454, Funchal, Portugal, January 2008. details pdf
  35. A. Chessel, R. Fablet, Ch. Kervrann, F. Cao. Otolith image analysis by computer vision: extracting growth rings and recovering shape evolution of accretionnary structures. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS'08), Volume 2, Pages 490-497, Funchal, Portugal, January 2008. details pdf
  36. Th. Crivelli, B. Cernuschi-Frias, P. Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Recognition of dynamic video contents based on motion texture statistical models. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'08), Volume 1, Pages 283-289, Funchal, Portugal, January 2008. details
  37. A. Hervieu, P. Bouthemy, J.-P. Le Cadre. Video event classification and detection using 2D trajectories. In Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'08), Volume 2, Pages 158-166, Funchal, Portugal, January 2008. details pdf
  38. P. Héas, E. Mémin. Optical-flow for 3D atmospheric motion estimation. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'08), Volume 2, Pages 399-406, Funchal, Portugal, January 2008. details
  39. Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Network tomography-based tracking for intracellular traffic analysis in fluorescence microscopy imaging. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS'08), Volume 1, Pages 154-161, Funchal, Portugal, January 2008. details


  1. N. Papadakis, P. Héas, E. Mémin. Image assimilation for motion estimation of atmospheric layers with shallow-water model. In Proc. Asian. Conf. Comp. Vis.(ACCV'07), Pages 864-874, Tokyo, Japan, November 2007. details pdf
  2. V. Badrinarayanan, P. Pérez, F. Le Clerc, L. Oisel. Probabilistic color and adaptive multi-feature tracking with dynamically switched priority between cues. In Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Vis.(ICCV'07), Pages 1-8, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2007. details pdf
  3. I. Laptev, P. Pérez. Retrieving actions in movies. In Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Vis.(ICCV'07), Pages 1-8, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2007. details pdf
  4. J. Law-To, L. Chen, A. Joly, I. Laptev, O. Buisson, V. Gouet-Brunet, N. Boujemaa, F.I. Stentiford. Video copy detection: a comparative study. In Proc. Int. Conf. Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR'07), Pages 371-378, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2007. details pdf
  5. N. Papadakis, E. Mémin. Variational optimal control technique for the tracking of deformable objects. In Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Vis.(ICCV'07), Pages 1-7, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2007. details pdf
  6. N. Papadakis, Th. Corpetti, E. Mémin. Dynamically consistent optical flow estimation. In Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Vis.(ICCV'07), Pages 1-7, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2007. details pdf
  7. V. Badrinarayanan, P. Pérez, F. Le Clerc, L. Oisel. On uncertainties, random features and object tracking. In Proc. Int. Conf. Image Proc. (ICIP'07), Volume 5, Pages 61-64, San Antonio, TX, September 2007. details
  8. A. Hervieu, P. Bouthemy, J.-P. Le Cadre. A HMM-based method for recognizing dynamic video contents from trajectories. In Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP'07), Volume 4, Pages 533-536, San Antonio, TX, September 2007. details pdf
  9. P. Héas, K. Krissian, E. Mémin, A. Szantai. Reconstruction and visualization of 3D wind fields from satellite image sequences. In 15th Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography Conf. of the American Meteorological Soc, Pages 1-8, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2007. details
  10. P. Héas, N. Papadakis, E. Mémin, A. Szantai. Motion estimation of 2D atmospheric layers from satellite image sequences. In 15th Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography Conf. of the American Meteorological Soc, Pages 1-8, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2007. details
  11. N. Papadakis, P. Héas, E. Mémin. Motion estimation of 2D atmospheric layers with variational assimilation techniques. In 15th Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography Conf. of the American Meteorological Soc, Pages 1-8, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2007. details
  12. A. Bugeau, P. Pérez. Joint Tracking and Segmentation of Objects. In Proc. Conf. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS' 07), Pages 628-639, Delft, the Netherlands, August 2007. details pdf
  13. F. Celeste, F. Dambreville, J.-P Le Cadre. Evaluation of a robot learning and planning via extreme value theory. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'07), Pages 1-8, Quebec, Canada, July 2007. details pdf
  14. Th. Corpetti, N. Papadakis, E. Mémin. Dense estimation of motion fields on Meteosat Second Generation images using a dynamical consistency. In IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.(IGARSS'07), Pages 4749-4752, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007. details
  15. A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Minvielle. On the effect of data contamination for multitarget tracking, Part I. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'07), Pages 1-8, Quebec, Canada, July 2007. details pdf
  16. A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Minvielle. On the effect of data contamination for multitarget tracking, Part II. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'07), Pages 1-8, Quebec, Canada, July 2007. details pdf
  17. C. Simonin, J.-P. Le Cadre, F. Dambreville. The cross-entropy method for solving a variety of hierachical search problems. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'07), Pages 1-8, Quebec, Canada, July 2007. details pdf
  18. A. Bugeau, P. Pérez. Detection and segmentation of moving objects in highly dynamic scenes. In Proc. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recog. (CVPR' 07), Pages 1-8, Minneapolis, MI, June 2007. details pdf
  19. D. Heitz, P. Héas, V. Navaza, J. Carlier, E. Memin. Spatio-temporal correlation-variational approach for robust optical flow estimation. In Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV'07), Pages 1-9, Roma, Italy, June 2007. details pdf
  20. P. Héas, E. Mémin, N. Papadakis. A consistent spatio-temporal motion estimator for atmospheric layers. In Proc. Conf. Scale-Space and Variational Meth. (SSVM'07), Pages 251-263, Ischia, Italy, June 2007. details pdf
  21. Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger, P. Coupé. Bayesian non-local means filter, image redundancy and adaptive dictionaries for noise removal. In Proc. Conf. Scale-Space and Variational Meth. (SSVM' 07), Pages 520-532, Ischia, Italy, June 2007. details pdf
  22. N. Papadakis, E. Mémin. A variational framework for spatio-temporal smoothing of fluid motions. In Proc. Conf. Scale-Space and Variational Meth. (SSVM'07), Pages 603-615, Ischia, Italy, June 2007. details pdf
  23. N. Papadakis, E. Mémin, Th. Corpetti. Variational estimation of 2D time consistent dense motion from image sequence. In Proc. Eur. Geoscience Union, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Data Assimilation in the Presence of Nonlinearities, Vienna, Austria, April 2007. details
  24. Th. Pécot, J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Network tomography for trafficking simulation and analysis in fluorescence microscopy imaging. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'07), Pages 268-271, Washington, D.C, April 2007. details pdf
  25. Th. Veit, F. Cao, P. Bouthemy. Space-time a contrario clustering for detecting coherent motion. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'07, Pages 33-39, Roma, Italy, April 2007. details pdf


  1. A. Chessel, R. Fablet, F. Cao, Ch. Kervrann. Orientation interpolation and applications. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 1561-1564, 2006. details pdf
  2. F. Céleste, F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Optimal path planning using the cross entropy method. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'06), Pages 1-8, 2006. details pdf
  3. R. Sosa, E. Arnaud, E. Mémin, G. Artana. Schlieren image velocimetry applied to EHD flows. In Int. Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics, Pages 1-4, Buenos-Aires, Argentina, 2006. details pdf
  4. V. Auvray, P. Bouthemy, J. Lienard. Motion estimation in X-Ray image sequence with bi-distributed transparency. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 1057-1060, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details pdf
  5. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Estimation of dynamic background for fluorescence video-microscopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 2509-2512, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details pdf
  6. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Simulation and estimation of fluorescence in microscopy image sequence. In Proc. MICCAI'06 workshop on microscopique image analysis and application to biology, Pages 18-26, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2006. details pdf
  7. T. Crivelli, B. Cernuschi-Frias, P. Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Mixed-state Markov random fields for motion texture modeling and segmentation. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 1857-1860, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details
  8. R. Fablet, S. Pujolle, A. Chessel, A. Benzinou, F. Cao. Variational level-set reconstruction of accretionary morphogenesis from images. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 221-224, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details
  9. A. Lehuger, P. Lechat, P. Pérez. An adaptive mixture color model for robust visual tracking. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 573-576, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details
  10. V. Auvray, P Bouthemy, J. Lienard. Motion-based segmentation of transparent layers in video sequences. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security, MRCS'2006, Volume 4105 (LNCS), Pages 298-305, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2006. details pdf
  11. F. Céleste, F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Optimal strategies for mobile robots based on the Cross entropy Method. In Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP'06), Pages 1551-2541, Maynooth, Ireland, September 2006. details pdf
  12. I. Laptev. Improvements of object detection using boosted histograms. In Proc. British Machine Vision Conf. (BMVC'06), Volume 3, Pages 949-958, Edinburgh, U.-K, September 2006. details pdf
  13. C. Simonin, J.-P. Le Cadre, F. Dambreville. A solution-learning method for planning a hierarchical surveillance. In Conf. Rare Event Simulation (RESIM'06), Pages 1-10, Bamberg, Germany, September 2006. details
  14. T. Crivelli, B. Cernuschi-Frias, P. Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Segmentation of motion textures using mixed-state Markov random fields. In Proc. Conf. SPIE Math.of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, and Encryption with Applications, Volume 6315, Pages 1-12, San Diego, USA, August 2006. details pdf
  15. P. Héas, E. Memin, N. Papadakis. Dense estimation of layer motions in the atmosphere. In Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), Volume 3, Pages 1-4, Hong-Kong, China, August 2006. details pdf
  16. Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger. Adaptive estimation to variable smoothness for patch-based image denoising. In Proc. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Rio, Brazil, August 2006. details
  17. Th. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. Closed-form posterior Cramér-Rao bound for a maneuvering target in the bearings-only tracking context using best-fitting Gaussian distribution. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'06), Pages 1-7, Florence, Italy, July 2006. details pdf
  18. F. Cao, P Bouthemy. A general principled method for image similarity validation. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR'2006), Volume 4398 (LNCS), Pages 57-70, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2006. details pdf
  19. A. Lehmann, P Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Rank-test similarity measure between video segments for local descriptors. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR'2006), Volume 4398 (LNCS), Pages 71-81, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2006. details
  20. J.-M. Vanpeperstraete, J.-P. Le Cadre. Robust detection of target maneuvers. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'06), Pages 1-8, Florence, Italy, July 2006. details pdf
  21. E. Arnaud, E. Mémin, R. Sosa, G. Artana. A fluid motion estimator for Schlieren imaging velocymetry. In Proc. European Conf. Comp. Vision (ECCV'06), Volume 3951 (LNCS), Pages 198-210, Graz, Austria, May 2006. details pdf
  22. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Adaptive space-time patch-based method for image sequence restoration. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Statistical Methods in Multi-Image and Video Processing (SMVP'06), Pages 1-14, Graz, Austria, May 2006. details pdf
  23. A. Chessel, F. Cao, R. Fablet. Interpolating orientation fields: an axiomatic approach. In Proc. European Conf. Comp. Vision (ECCV'06), Volume 3951 (LNCS), Pages 241-254, Graz, Austria, May 2006. details
  24. Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger. Unsupervised patch-based image regularization and representation. In Proc. European Conf. Comp. Vision (ECCV'06), Volume 3951 (LNCS), Pages 555-567, Graz, Austria, May 2006. details pdf
  25. V. Racine, A. Hertzog, J. Jouanneau, J. Salamero, Ch. Kervrann, J. B. Sibarita. Multiple target tracking of 3D fluorescent objects based on simulated annealing. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'06), Pages 1020-1023, Arlington, USA, April 2006. details pdf
  26. A. Szantai, P. Héas, E. Mémin. Comparison of atmospheric motion vectors and dense vector fields calculated from MSG images. In Proc. Int. Winds Workshop, Pages 1-8, Beijing, China, April 2006. details
  27. Th. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. Closed-form posterior Cramèr-Rao bound for active measurement scheduling. In Conf on Cognitive Systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS'06), Pages 1-8, Paris, France, March 2006. details pdf
  28. P. Dodin, P. Minvielle, J.-P. Le Cadre. A branch-and-bound algorithm applied to optimal radar search pattern. In Int. Conf on Cognitive Systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS'06), Pages 1-8, Paris, France, March 2006. details
  29. R. Venkatesh Babu, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Kernel-based robust tracking for objects undergoing occlusion. In Proc. Asian Conf. on Computer Vision (ACCV'06), Volume 3852 (LNCS), Pages 353-362, Hyderabad, India, January 2006. details pdf


  1. F. Bavencoff, J.-M. Vanpeperstraete, J.-P. Le Cadre. Performance analysis of optimal data association within a linear regression framework. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'05), Pages 1-8, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2005. details pdf
  2. T. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. Distributed target tracking for nonlinear systems: application to bearings-only tracking. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'05), Pages 1-8, Philadelphia, USA, 2005. details pdf
  3. A. Cuzol, E. Mémin. Vortex and source particles for fluid motion estimation. In 5th Int. Conf. on Scale-Space and PDE methods in Computer Vision (Scale-Space'05), Hofgeismar, Germany, Volume 3459, Pages 254-266, Hofgeismar, Germany, 2005. details
  4. P. Dodin, P. Minvielle, J.-P. Le Cadre. Re-entry vehicle tracking, observability and theoretical bound. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'05), Pages 1-8, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2005. details pdf
  5. D. Heitz, J. Carlier, E. Mémin. Fluid dedicated Optical-flow scheme. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV'05), 2005. details
  6. J. Yuan, P. Ruhnau, E, Schnoerr, C. Mémin. Discrete Orthogonal Decomposition and Variational Fluid Flow Estimation. In 5th Int. Conf. on Scale-Space and PDE methods in Computer Vision (Scale-Space'05), Hofgeismar, Germany, Volume 3459, Pages 267-278, Hofgeismar, Germany, 2005. details
  7. V. Auvray, J. Lienard, P. Bouthemy. Multiresolution parametric estimation of transparent motions and denoising of fluoroscopic images. In Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'05), Palm Springs, USA, October 2005. details pdf
  8. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Adaptive spatio-temporal restoration for 4D fluoresence microscopic imaging. In Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'05), Pages 893-901, Palm Springs, USA, October 2005. details pdf
  9. A. Cuzol, E. Mémin. A stochastic filter for fluid motion tracking. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV'05), Pages 396-402, Beijing, China, October 2005. details pdf
  10. I. Laptev, S. Belongie, P. Pérez, J. Wills. Periodic motion detection and segmentation via approximate sequence alignment. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV'05), Beijing, China, October 2005. details pdf
  11. N. Papadakis, E. Mémin, F. Cao. A variational approach for object contour tracking. In Proc. ICCV'05 Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision, Pages 259-270, Beijing, China, October 2005. details
  12. P. Pérez, J. Vermaak. Bayesian tracking with auxiliary discrete processes. Application to detection and tracking of objects with occlusions. In Proc. ICCV'05 Workshop on Dynamical Vision, Beijing, China, October 2005. details
  13. E. Arnaud, E. Mémin. An efficient Rao-Blackwellised particle filter for object tracking. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05), Genova, Italy, September 2005. details
  14. V. Auvray, P. Bouthemy, J. Lienard. Multiresolution parametric estimation of transparent motions. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05), Genova, Italy, September 2005. details pdf
  15. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. An adaptive statistical method for denoising 4D fluoresence image sequences with preservation of spatio-temporal discontinuities. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05) (2), Pages 145-148, Genova, Italy, September 2005. details pdf
  16. Th. Veit, F. Cao, P. Bouthemy. A maximality principle applied to a contrario motion detection. In Proc Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05), Volume 2, Pages 426-429, Genova, Italy, September 2005. details
  17. R. Venkatesh Babu, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Robust tracking with motion estimation and kenel-based color modelling. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05), Genova, Italy, September 2005. details pdf
  18. J. Vermaak, S. Maskell, M. Briers, P. Pérez. Bayesian visual tracking with existence process. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05), Genova, Italy, September 2005. details pdf
  19. A. Cuzol, P. Hellier, E. Mémin. A novel parametric method for non-rigid image registration. In Proc. Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'05), G. Christensen, M. Sonka (eds.), LNCS, Pages 456-467, Glenwood Springes, Colorado, USA, July 2005. details
  20. J. Vermaak, S. Maskell, M. Briers, P. Pérez. Multi-Target Tracking and Existence. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'05), Philadelphia, USA, July 2005. details
  21. G. Piriou, P. Bouthemy, J-F. Yao. Motion content recognition in video database with mixed-state probabilistic causal models. In Int. Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI'2005, Riga, June 2005. details
  22. P. Pérez, J. Vermaak. Visual tracking and auxiliary discrete processes. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Brest, France, May 2005. details pdf
  23. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. An adaptive statistical method for 4d-fluorescence image sequence denoising with spatio-temporal discontinuities preserving. In Proceedings of Imaging for Medical and Life Sciences (IMVIE2), Ilkirch, France, March 2005. details
  24. E. Arnaud, B. Fauvet, E. Mémin, P. Bouthemy. A robust and automatic face tracker dedicated to broadcast videos. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'05), Genova, Italy, 2005. details


  1. T. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. A new approach for the bearings-only problem: estimation of the variance-to-range ratio. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'04), Pages 591-598, Stockohlm, Sweden, 2004. details pdf
  2. I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. Local Descriptors for Spatio-Temporal Recognition. In Int. Workshop on Spatial Coherence for Visual Motion Analysis,, 2004. details pdf
  3. I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. Velocity adaptation of space-time interest points. In Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04), Cambridge, U.K, 2004. details pdf
  4. T. Lindeberg, A. Akbarzadeh, I. Laptev. Galilean-corrected spatio-temporal interest operators. In Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04), Cambridge, U.K, 2004. details pdf
  5. C. Schüldt, I. Laptev, B. Caputo. Recognizing Human Actions: a Local SVM Approach. In Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04), Cambridge, U.K, 2004. details pdf
  6. F. Bavencoff, J.-M. Vanpeperstraete, J.-P. Le Cadre. Constrained bearings-only target motion analysis via monte carlo markov chains. In IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop in Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP'04), Pages 153-162, Sao-Luis, Brazil, October 2004. details pdf
  7. F. Coldefy, P. Bouthemy. Unsupervised soccer video abstraction based on pitch, dominant color and camera motion analysis. In Proc. ACM Multimedia 2004, New-York, October 2004. details
  8. F. Coldefy, P. Bouthemy, M. Betser, G. Gravier. Tennis video abstraction from audio and visual cues. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP'2004, Siena, Italy, September 2004. details
  9. F. Lauze, P. Kornprobst, E. Mémin. A multiscale approach For linear least square based optical flow estimation. In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference, London, U.-K, September 2004. details pdf
  10. F. Cao, R. Fablet. Automatic morphological detection of otolith nucleus. In Proc. Int. Con. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04), Cambridge, UK, August 2004. details
  11. G. Piriou, P. Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Learned probabilistic image motion models for event detection in videos. In Proc. Int. Con. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04), Cambridge, UK, August 2004. details pdf
  12. V. Samson, P. Bouthemy. Learning classes for video interpretation with a robust parallel clustering method. In Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'04), Cambridge, UK, August 2004. details pdf
  13. B. Fauvet, P. Bouthemy, P. Gros, F. Spindler. A geometrical key-frame selection method exploiting dominant motion estimation in video. In CVIR'04, Dublin, Ireland, July 2004. details pdf
  14. T. Veit, F. Cao, P. Bouthemy. Probabilistic parameter-free motion detection. In Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'04, Washington, DC, June 2004. details
  15. L. Xie, P. Pérez. Slightly supervised learning of part-based appearance models. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Learning in Comp. Vision and Pattern Recog. (LCVPR'04), Washington, DC, June 2004. details pdf
  16. E. Arnaud, E. Mémin. Optimal importance sampling for tracking in image sequences:application to point tracking. In European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV'04, Volume 3023, Pages 302-314, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004. details pdf
  17. A. Blake, C. Rother, M. Brown, P. Pérez, Ph. Torr. Interactive image segmentation using an adaptive Gaussian mixture MRF model. In Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004. details
  18. P. Bouthemy. 2D motion description and contextual motion analysis: issues and new models. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Spatial Coherence for Visual Motion Analysis, SCVMA'2004, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004. details pdf
  19. C. Kervrann. An adaptive window approach for image smoothing and structures preserving. In Proc. Eur. Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV'04, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004. details pdf
  20. G. Piriou, P. Bouthemy, J-F. Yao. Extraction of semantic dynamic content from videos with probabilistic motion models. In Proc. Eur. Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV'04, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004. details pdf
  21. C. Kervrann, A. Trubuil. An adaptive window approach for Poisson noise reduction and structure preserving in confocal microscopy. In International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'04), Arlington, VA, April 2004. details pdf
  22. E. Arnaud, E. Mémin, B. Cernushi Frias. A robust stochastic filter for point tracking in image sequences. In Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV'04), Jeju Island, Korea, January 2004. details pdf


  1. C. Barillot, L. Amsaleg, F. Aubry, J.-P. Bazin, H. Benali, Y. Cointepas, I. Corouge, O. Dameron, M. Dojat, C. Garbay, B. Gibaud, P. Gros, S. Kinkingnéhun, G. Malandain, J. Matsumoto, D. Papadopoulos, M. Pélégrini, N. Richard, E. Simon. Neurobase: Management of distributed knowledge and data bases in neuroimaging. In Human Brain Mapping, Volume 19, Pages 726-726, New-York, NY, 2003. details
  2. T. Kohlberger, E. Mémin, C. Schnoerr. Variational dense motion estimation using a DIV-CURL higher order regularization. In Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and Its Applications, ISSPA'03, Paris, France, 2003. details
  3. G. Piriou, P. Bouthemy, N. Peyrard, J-F. Yao. Probabilistic models of image motion for recognition of dynamic content in video. In Int. Workshop on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, IWCVIA'03, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, December 2003. details pdf
  4. I. Corouge, M. Dojat, C. Barillot. Statistical Shape Modeling of Unfolded Retinotopic Maps for a Visual Areas Probabilistic Atlas. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI'03, Montreal, Canada, November 2003. details pdf
  5. N. Courty, F. Lamarche, S. Donikian, E. Marchand. A Cinematography System for Virtual Storytelling. In Int. Conf. on Virtual Storytelling, ICVS'03, O. Balet, G. Subsol, P. Torguet (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2897, Pages 30-34, Toulouse, France, November 2003. details pdf
  6. F. Rousseau, P. Hellier, C. Barillot. Calibration Method for 3D Freehand Ultrasound. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI'03, Montreal, Canada, November 2003. details pdf
  7. T. Brehard, J.-P. Le Cadre, M. Prenat, Y. Cojan. Initialization of particle filter and posterior Cramer-Rao bound for bearings-only tracking in modified polar coordinate system. In Symp. on Target Tracking and Sensor Data Fusion for Military Observation, Budapest, Hungary, October 2003. details
  8. F. Cao. Good continuations in digital image level lines. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, ICCV'03, Pages 440-447, Nice, France, October 2003. details
  9. A. Comport, M. Pressigout, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. A Visual Servoing Control Law that is Robust to Image Outliers. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'03, Volume 1, Pages 492-497, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2003. details pdf
  10. A. Comport, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. A real-time tracker for markerless augmented reality. In ACM/IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR'03, Pages 36-45, Tokyo, Japan, October 2003. details pdf
  11. N. Courty, E. Marchand. Visual perception based on salient features. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'03, Volume 2, Pages 1024-1029, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2003. details pdf
  12. I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. Space-Time interest points. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV'03), Nice, France, October 2003. details pdf
  13. J.-F. Yao, G. Piriou, P. Bouthemy. A motion-based event detection method for video sequences. In Int. Conf. on Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas, abstract only, Portland, ME, October 2003. details
  14. N. Courty, E. Marchand, B. Arnaldi. A new application for salliency maps: Synthetic vision of autonomous actors. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'03, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003. details pdf
  15. P. Hellier. Consistent intensity correction of MR images. In IEEE conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'03, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003. details
  16. P. Musé, F. Sur, F. Cao, Y. Gousseau. Unsupervised thresholds for shape matching. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP 2003, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003. details pdf
  17. N. Peyrard, P. Bouthemy. Detection of meaningful events in videos based on a supervised classification approach. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP 2003, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003. details
  18. F. Rousseau, R. Fablet, C. Barillot. Robust Statistical Registration of 3D Ultrasound Images Using Texture Information. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'03, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003. details pdf
  19. T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, A. Santa-Cruz, D. Heitz, G. Arroyo. Optical flow estimation in experimental fluid mechanics. In Seventh Int. Symp. on Signal Processing and its Applications, ISSPA'03, Paris, France, July 2003. details
  20. J.-P. Le Cadre. Detection of a target moving in a network. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'03), Volume 1, Pages 591-598, Cairns, Australia, July 2003. details pdf
  21. N. Peyrard, P. Bouthemy. Motion-based selection of relevant video segments for video summarisation. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo, ICME'2003, Baltimore, July 2003. details
  22. T. Kohlberger, E. Mémin, C. Schnoerr. Variational dense motion estimation using the Helmholtz decomposition. In Scale Space 03, L.D. Griffin, M. Lillholm (eds.), Lecture notes in computer science, Volume 2695, Pages 432-448, Isle of Skye, UK, June 2003. details download
  23. I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. Interest point detection and scale selection in space-time. In Scale Space'03, Isle of Skye, UK, June 2003. details
  24. A. Alhaj, C. Collewet, F. Chaumette. Visual servoing based on dynamic vision. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'03, Volume 3, Pages 3055-3060, Taipeh, Taiwan, May 2003. details pdf
  25. O. Tahri, F. Chaumette. Application of moment invariants to visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'03, Volume 3, Pages 4276-4281, Taipeh, Taiwan, May 2003. details pdf


  1. C. Barillot, P. Hellier, I. Corouge. Non Rigid Registration in Neuroimaging: from a Retrospective Evaluation of Global Approaches to New Advances in Local and Hybrid Methods. In IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging, Washington, D.C, 2002. details
  2. L. Bretzner, Laptev I, T. Lindeberg. Hand gesture recognition using multi-scale colour features, hierarchical models and particle filtering. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Washington D.C, 2002. details pdf
  3. I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. Velocity-adaptation of spatio-temporal receptive fields for direct recognition of activities: An experimental study. In Proc. ECCV'02 Workshop on Statistical Methods in Video Processing, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002. details pdf
  4. N. Peyrard, P. Bouthemy. Towards Extraction of Meaningful Temporal Video Segments. In 4th Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, Juan-les-Pins, France, December 2002. details
  5. F. Chaumette. A first step toward visual servoing using image moments. In IEEE/RSJ Int Conf on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'02, Volume 1, Pages 378-383, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2002. details pdf
  6. R. Mahony, P. Corke, F. Chaumette. Choice of image features for depth-axis control in image based visual servo control. In IEEE/RSJ Int Conf on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'02, Volume 1, Pages 390-395, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2002. details pdf
  7. I. Corouge, C. Barillot. Statistical modeling of pairs of sulci in the context of neuroimaging probabilistic atlas. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI'02, LNCS 2489, Pages 655-662, Tokyo, September 2002. details
  8. P. Hellier, J. Ashburner, I. Corouge, C. Barillot, K.J. Friston. Inter subject registration of functional and anatomical data using SPM. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2002, MICCAI'02, LNCS 2489, Pages 590-587, Tokyo, September 2002. details
  9. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Virtual Visual Servoing: a framework for real-time augmented reality. In EUROGRAPHICS 2002 Conference Proceeding, G. Drettakis, H.-P. Seidel (eds.), Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 21(3), Pages 289-298, Saarebrücken, Germany, September 2002. details pdf
  10. N. Peyrard, P. Bouthemy. Content-based video segmentation using statistical motion models. In British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC'02, Volume 2, Pages 527-536, Cardiff, UK, September 2002. details
  11. G. Lefaix, E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy. Motion-based Obstacle Detection and Tracking for Car Driving Assistance. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR'2002, Volume 4, Pages 74-77, Québec, Canada, August 2002. details pdf
  12. F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Search game for a moving target dynamically generated informations. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'02), Pages 243-250, Annapolis, Maryland, July 2002. details pdf
  13. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Extraction of regions of interest based on motion activity for video retrieval with partial queries. In 9th Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'2002, Annecy, July 2002. details
  14. C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez. Performance analysis of two sequential Monte Carlo methods and posterior Cramer-Rao bounds for multi-target tracking. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'02), Pages 464-473, Annapolis, Maryland, July 2002. details pdf
  15. S. Paris, J.-P. Le Cadre. Planification for terrain-aided navigation. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'02), Pages 1007-1014, Annapolis, Maryland, July 2002. details pdf
  16. F. Rousseau, P. Hellier, C. Barillot. A fully automatic calibration procedure for freehand 3D ultrasound. In IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging, Washington D.C, July 2002. details pdf
  17. M. Letteboer, P. Willems, P. Hellier, W. Niessen. Acquisition of 3D ultrasound images during neuronavigation. In Proc. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2002, H.-U. Lemke, M.-W. Vannier (eds.), Paris, France, June 2002. details
  18. P. Pérez, C. Hue, J. Vermaak, M. Gangnet. Color-based probabilistic tracking. In Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, ECCV'2002, LNCS 2350, Pages 661-675, Copenhaguen, Denmark, June 2002. details pdf
  19. T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Dense Motion Analysis in Fluid Imagery. In Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, ECCV'2002, LNCS 2350, Pages 676-691, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2002. details pdf
  20. G. Flandin, F. Chaumette. Visual Data Fusion for Objects Localization by Active Vision. In Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, ECCV'2002, LNCS 2353, Pages 312-326, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2002. details pdf
  21. R. Mahony, T. Hamel, F. Chaumette. A Decoupled Image Space Approach to Visual Servo Control of a Robotic Manipulator. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'02, Volume 3, Pages 3781-3786, Washington DC, May 2002. details pdf
  22. Y. Mezouar, A. Remazeilles, P. Gros, F. Chaumette. Image Interpolation for Image-based Control Under Large Displacement. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'02, Volume 3, Pages 3787-3794, Washington DC, May 2002. details pdf


  1. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Non parametric motion recognition using temporal multiscale Gibbs models. In IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'01, Kauai Marriott, Hawaii, December 2001. details
  2. G. Flandin, F. Chaumette. Vision-based control using probabilistic geometry for objects representation. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, CDC'01, Orlando, USA, December 2001. details
  3. Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Model-Free Optimal Trajectories in the Image Space: Application to Robot Vision Control. In IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'01, Kauai Marriott, Hawaii, December 2001. details
  4. L. Amsaleg, P. Gros, S.A. Berrani. A Robust Technique to Recognize Objects in Images, and the DB Problems it Raises. In Proc. of the Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems, Capri, Italy, November 2001. details
  5. N. Courty, E. Marchand, B. Arnaldi. Through-the-eyes control of a virtual humanoïd. In IEEE Computer Animation 2001, H.-S. Ko (ed.), Pages 74-83, Seoul, Korea, November 2001. details pdf
  6. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette, F. Spindler, M. Perrier. Controlling an uninstrumented ROV manipulator by visual servoing. In MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2001 Conference, Volume 2, Pages 1047-1053, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 2001. details pdf
  7. L. Amsaleg, P. Gros, S.A. Berrani. A Robust Technique to Recognize Objects in Images, and the DB Problems it Raises. In Actes des ateliers Traitement et analyse d'images : méthodes et applications, Hammamet, Tunisie, October 2001. details
  8. A. Benzougar, P. Bouthemy, R. Fablet. MRF-based moving object detection from MPEG coded video. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'2001, Pages 402-405, Thessalonique, Greece, October 2001. details pdf
  9. F. Chaumette, A. Crétual. Dynamic stabilization of a pan and tilt camera for sub-marine image visualization. In IARP Workshop on Underwater Robotics for Sea Exploitation and Environmental Monitoring, Pages 146-157, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2001. details
  10. I. Corouge, C. Barillot. Use of a probabilistic shape model for non-linear registration of 3D scattered data. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'2001, Pages 149-152, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001. details pdf
  11. I. Corouge, C. Barillot, P. Hellier, P. Toulouse, B. Gibaud. Non-linear Local Registration of Functional Data. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2001 (MICCAI'01), M.-A. Viergever, T. Dohi, M. Vannier (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 2208, Pages 948-956, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 2001. details pdf
  12. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Motion recognition using spatio-temporal Random Walks in Sequence of 2D Motion-Related Measurements. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'2001, Pages 652-655, Thessalonique, Greece, October 2001. details pdf
  13. G. Flandin, F. Chaumette. Autonomous Visual Exploration of Complex Objects. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'01, Volume 3, Pages 1533-1539, Maui, Hawaii, October 2001. details
  14. P. Hellier, C. Barillot, I. Corouge, B. Gibaud, G. Le Goualher, L. Collins, A. Evans, G. Malandain, N. Ayache. Retrospective evaluation of inter-subject brain registration. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2001 (MICCAI'01), M.-A. Viergever, T. Dohi, M. Vannier (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 2208, Pages 258-265, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 2001. details pdf
  15. C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez. Tracking multiple objects with particle filtering using multiple receivers. In Int. Seminar on Target Tracking: Algorithms & Applications, Pages 61-64, Twente, The Netherland, October 2001. details pdf
  16. Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Model-Free Optimal Trajectories in the Image Space. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'01, Volume 1, Pages 25-31, Maui, Hawaii, October 2001. details
  17. L. Amsaleg, P. Gros, S.A. Berrani. A Robust Technique to Recognize Objects in Images, and the DB Problems it Raises. In Proc. of the Workshop on Multimedia content-Based Indexing and Retrieval, Rocquencourt, France, September 2001. details
  18. F. Dekeyser, P. Bouthemy, P. Pérez. A New algorithm for super-resolution from image sequences. In 9th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2001, W. Sharbek (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2124, Pages 473-481, Warsaw, Poland, September 2001. details
  19. J.-P. Le Cadre. Approximations de la probabilité de détection d'une cible mobile. In Actes du Colloque GRETSI, Toulouse, September 2001. details pdf
  20. Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Visual servoing by path planning. In European Conf. on Control, ECC'01, Pages 2904-2909, Porto, Portugal, September 2001. details
  21. F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Optimal distribution of continuous search effort for detection of a target in a min-max game context. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'01), Montreal, Canada, August 2001. details pdf
  22. C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez. The (MR)MTPF:particle filters to track multiple targets using multiple receivers. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'01), Montreal, Canada, August 2001. details pdf
  23. J.-P. Le Cadre. Allocation of search effort to optimize information. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'01), Montreal, Canada, August 2001. details pdf
  24. F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Distribution of continuous search effort for the detection of a target with optimal moving strategy. In SPIE Data and signal processing of small targets, San Diego, USA, July 2001. details
  25. C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez. A particle filter to track multiple objects. In IEEE Workshop on Multi-Object Tracking, Pages 61-68, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001. details pdf
  26. I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. A multi-scale feature likelihood map for direct evaluation of object hypotheses. In Scale Space'01, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001. details pdf
  27. I. Laptev, T. Lindeberg. Tracking of multi-state hand models using particle filtering and a hierarchy of multi-scale image features. In Scale Space'01, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001. details pdf
  28. Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Avoiding self-occlusions and Preserving Visibility by Path Planning in the Image. In 9th Int. Symp. on Intelligent Robotic systems, SIRS'2001, Toulouse, July 2001. details
  29. I. Pratikakis, C. Barillot, P. Hellier. Robust Multi-scale non-rigid registration of 3D ultrasound images. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Scale-Space and Morphology in Computer Vision, Scale-Space'01, LNCS 2106, M. Kerckhove (ed.), Pages 389-397, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001. details pdf
  30. I. Corouge, P. Hellier, P. Toulouse, B. Gibaud, C. Barillot. A new inter-individual functional mapping scheme based on a local non linear registration method. In Proc. of Human Brain Mapping, HBM'2001, Neuroimage, Volume 16, Pages 100-100, Brighton, UK, June 2001. details
  31. P. Hellier, C. Barillot. Cooperation Between Local and Global Approaches to Register Brain Images. In Int. Conf. on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI'01, M.-F. Insana, R.-M. Leahy (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2082, Pages 315-328, Davis, California, June 2001. details pdf
  32. C. Collewet, F. Chaumette, P. Loisel. Image-based visual servoing on planar objects of unknown shape. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 1, Pages 247-252, Seoul, Korea, May 2001. details
  33. N. Courty, E. Marchand. Computer animation: a new application for image-based visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 1, Pages 223-228, Seoul, Korea, May 2001. details pdf
  34. J.-F. Lots, D. Lane, E. Trucco, F. Chaumette. A 2-D visual servoing for underwater vehicle station keeping. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 3, Pages 2767-2772, Seoul, Korea, May 2001. details
  35. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette, F. Spindler, M. Perrier. Controlling the manipulator of an underwater ROV using a coarse calibrated pan tilt camera. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 3, Pages 2773-2778, Seoul, Korea, May 2001. details pdf
  36. Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Design and tracking of desirable trajectories in the image space by integrating mechanical and visibility constraints. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 1, Pages 731-736, Seoul, Korea, May 2001. details


  1. S. Zimeras, T. Corpetti, M. Mémin, P. Pérez. Motion estimation using satellite data. In The statistics of directions, shapes and images workshop, Leeds, U.K, 2000. details
  2. C. Collewet, F. Chaumette. A contour approach for image-based control of objects with complex shape. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'2000, Volume 1, Pages 751-756, Takamatsu, Japon, November 2000. details
  3. A. Crétual, F. Chaumette, G. Sandini. Image-based positioning with respect to a non-structured scene using 2D image motion. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'2000, Volume 3, Pages 1696-1701, Takamatsu, Japon, November 2000. details
  4. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Statistical motion-based retrieval with partial query. In 4th Intl Conf. on Visual Information Systems, Visual 2000, LNCS 1929, Pages 96-107, Lyon, France, November 2000. details pdf
  5. C. Baillard, C. Barillot. Robust 3D segmentation of anatomical structures with level sets. In Proc. of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2000, LNCS 1935, Pages 236-245, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 2000. details pdf
  6. P. Hellier, C. Barillot. Multimodal non-rigid warping for correction of distortions in functional MRI. In Proc. of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI'00, LNCS 1935, Pages 512-520, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 2000. details pdf
  7. C. Baillard, P. Hellier, C. Barillot. Cooperation between level set techniques and dense 3D registration for the segmentation of brain structures. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000, Volume 1, Pages 991-994, Barcelone, Espagne, September 2000. details pdf
  8. F. Chaumette. Modeling issues in visual servoing. In 5th Ibero-american Symp. on Pattern Recognition, SIARP 2000, Pages 3-18, Lisbonne, Portugal, September 2000. details
  9. C. Collet, J.-N. Provost, P. Rostaing, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. SpotSatellite data analysis for bathymetric mapping. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'2000, Vancouver, Canada, September 2000. details
  10. C Collewet, F. Chaumette, L. Wallian. 2D Visual Servoing on Complex Shapes Based on a Polar Description. In 6th IFAC Int. Symp. on Robot Control, SYROCO 2000, Volume 2, Pages 711-716, Vienne, Autriche, September 2000. details
  11. T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Estimating fluid optical flow. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000, Volume 3, Pages 1045-1049, Barcelone, Espagne, September 2000. details
  12. F. Dekeyser, P. Bouthemy, P. Pérez, E. Payot. Super-resolution from noisy image sequences exploiting a 2D parametric motion model. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000, Volume 3, Pages 354-357, Barcelone, Espagne, September 2000. details
  13. F. Dekeyser, P. Bouthemy, P. Pérez. Spatio-temporal Wiener filtering of image sequences using a parametric motion model. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'2000, Vancouver, Canada, September 2000. details pdf
  14. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Statistical motion-based object indexing using optic flow field. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000, Volume 4, Pages 287-290, Barcelone, Espagne, September 2000. details pdf
  15. P. Gros. Color illumination models for image matching and indexing. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000, Volume 3, Pages 590-883, Barcelone, Espagne, September 2000. details
  16. B. Lamiroy, P. Gros, S. Picard. Combining local recognition methods for better image recognition. In British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC'2000, Volume 2, Pages 735-744, Bristol, UK, September 2000. details
  17. E. Veneau, R. Ronfard, P. Bouthemy. From video shot clustering to sequence sementation. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000, Volume 4, Pages 254-257, Barcelone, Espagne, September 2000. details
  18. T. Corpetti, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Adaptation of standard optic methods to fluid motion. In Int. Symposium on Flow Visualization, paper 62, Pages 1-10, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2000. details
  19. F. Dambreville, J.P. Le Cadre. Spatial and temporal optimization of search efforts for the detection of a markovian target. In Imacs World Congress, Lausanne, Suisse, August 2000. details
  20. F. Dambreville, J.P. Le Cadre. Detection with spatial and temporal optimization of search efforts involving multiple modes and multiple resources management. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'00), Volume 2, Pages 9-16, Paris, France, July 2000. details pdf
  21. J.P. Le Cadre. Scheduling active and passive measurements. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'00), Paris, France, July 2000. details pdf
  22. C. Baillard, P. Hellier, C. Barillot. Segmentation of brain structures using level sets and dense registration. In IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, Pages 94-103, Hilton Head Island, Caroline du Sud, June 2000. details
  23. P. Hellier, C. Barillot, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. An energy-based framework for dense 3D registration of volumetric brain image. In IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'2000, Volume II, Pages 270-275, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, June 2000. details pdf
  24. L. Oisel, E. Mémin, L. Morin. Geometric Driven Optical Flow Estimation and Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction. In European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2000, LNCS 1843, Volume 2, Pages 849-863, Dublin, Irlande, June 2000. details pdf
  25. C. Papin, P. Bouthemy, E. Mémin, G. Rochard. Tracking and Characterization of Highly Deformable Cloud Structures. In European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2000, LNCS 1843, Volume 2, Pages 428-442, Dublin, Irlande, June 2000. details pdf
  26. E. Marchand, N. Courty. Image-based virtual camera motion strategies. In Graphics Interface Conference, GI2000, S. Fels, P. Poulin (eds.), Pages 69-76, Montreal, Quebec, May 2000. details pdf
  27. A. Szantai, F. Desalmand, M. Desbois, P. Lecomte, E. Mémin, S. Zimeras. Tracking low-level clouds over Central Africa on Meteosat image. In 2000 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference, Pages 813-820, Bologna, Italy, May 2000. details
  28. F. Chaumette, E. Marchand. A new redundancy-based iterative scheme for avoiding joint limits: application to visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 2, Pages 1720-1725, San Francisco, April 2000. details pdf
  29. F. Chaumette, E. Malis. 2 1/2 D visual servoing: a possible solution to improve image-based and position-based visual servoings. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 1, Pages 630-635, San Francisco, April 2000. details pdf
  30. F. Dekeyser, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Restoration of noisy, blurred, undersampled image sequences using a parametric motion model. In Inter. Symposium on Image and Video Communications, ISIVC 2000, Rabat, Maroc, April 2000. details pdf
  31. R. Fablet, B. Bouthemy, P. Pérez. Statistical motion-based video indexing and retrieval. In Conf. on Content-Based Multimedia Information Acces, RIAO'2000, Volume 1, Pages 602-619, Paris, France, April 2000. details pdf
  32. G. Flandin, F. Chaumette, E. Marchand. Eye-in-hand / eye-to-hand cooperation for visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 3, Pages 2741-2746, San Francisco, April 2000. details pdf
  33. P. Gros. Experimental evaluation of color illumination models for image matching and indexing. In Conf. on Content-Based Multimedia Information Access, RIAO'2000, Pages 567-574, Paris, France, April 2000. details pdf
  34. E. Malis, F. Chaumette, S. Boudet. Multi-cameras visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 4, Pages 3183-3188, San Francisco, April 2000. details pdf
  35. Y. Mezouar, F. Chaumette. Path planning in image space for robust visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Volume 3, Pages 2759-2764, San Francisco, April 2000. details pdf
  36. A. Szantai, F. Desalmand, M. Desbois, P. Lecomte, P. Pérez, S. Zimeras, P. Bouthemy. Tracking low-level clouds over land on Meteosat images. In 5th International Winds Workshop, JMA, WMO & EUMETSAT NOAA (ed.), Pages 1-8, Lorne, Australie, February 2000. details


  1. M Klupsch, M. Lückenhaus, C. Zierl, I. Laptev, T. Bandlow, M. Grimme, I. Kellerer, F. Schwarzer. Agilo RoboCuppers: RoboCup team description. In Proc. RoboCup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup II, 1999. details pdf
  2. P. Gros. New descriptors for Image and Video Indexing. In Dagstuhl Seminar on Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval, Dagstuhl,Germany, December 1999. details
  3. J.-P. Le Cadre. Searching tracks. In IEE Colloquium on Target Tracking: Algorithms and Applications, Pages 1-5, London, UK, November 1999. details pdf
  4. P. Bouthemy, Y. Dufournaud, R. Fablet, R. Mohr, S. Peleg, A. Zomet. Video Hyper-link Creation for Content-Based Browsing and Navigation. In Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI'99, Toulouse, France, October 1999. details pdf
  5. A. Chardin, P. Pérez. Modes of posterior marginals with hierarchical models. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'99, Kobe, Japan, October 1999. details pdf
  6. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy, M. Gelgon. Moving Object Detection in Color Image Sequences using Region-Level Graph Labeling. In IEEE Int Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'99, Kobe, Japan, October 1999. details pdf
  7. E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, V. Moreau. Visual tracking by coupling 2D motion and 3D pose estimation. In IEEE Int Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'99, Volume 4, Pages 98-102, Kobe, Japan, October 1999. details pdf
  8. E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Dense/parametric estimation of fluid flows. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'99, Kobe, Japan, October 1999. details
  9. J.-N. Provost, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. A hierarchical unsupervised multispectral model to segment SPOT images for ocean cartography. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'99, Kobe, Japan, October 1999. details
  10. D. Zugag, P. Bouthemy. Wipe detection in the temporal segmentation of video. In European Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI'99, Toulouse, October 1999. details
  11. A. Chardin, P. Pérez. Unsupervised image classification with a hierarchical EM algorithm. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, ICCV'99, Volume 2, Pages 969-974, Kerkira, Greece, September 1999. details pdf
  12. F. Chaumette. Potential problems of unstability and divergence in image-based and position-based visual servoing. In Proc. of the European Control Conference, ECC'99, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 1999. details
  13. G. Csurka, P. Bouthemy. Direct Identification of Moving Objects and Background from 2D Motion Models. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, ICCV'99, Volume 1, Pages 566-571, Kerkira, Greece, September 1999. details
  14. F. Davoine, C. Kervrann, H. Li, P. Pérez, R. Forchheimer, C. Labit. On automatic face and facial features detection in video sequences. In Int. Workshop on Synthetic and Natural Hybrid Coding and $3D$ Imaging (IWSNHC3DI'97), Rhodes, September 1999. details
  15. P. Hellier, C. Barillot, E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Medical image registration with robust multigrid techniques. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, C. Taylor, A. Colchester (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1679, Pages 680-687, September 1999. details
  16. E. Marchand, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, V. Moreau. Robust real-time visual tracking using a 2D-3D model-based approach. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, ICCV'99, Volume 1, Pages 262-268, Kerkira, Greece, September 1999. details pdf
  17. E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Fluid motion recovery by coupling dense and parametric fields. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, ICCV'99, Volume 1, Pages 620-625, Kerkira, Greece, September 1999. details pdf
  18. C. Papin, P. Bouthemy, E. Mémin, G. Rochard. Tracking and characterization of convective clouds from satellite images. In 1999 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Data User's Conference, Copenhague, Danemark, September 1999. details
  19. A. Chardin, P. Pérez. Semi-iterative Inferences with Hierarchical Energy-based Models for image analysis. In Int. Workshop on Energy Minimzation Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1654, Pages 83-98, York, England, July 1999. details pdf
  20. J.-P. Le Cadre. Searching tracks. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'99), Pages 478-486, Palo Alto CA, USA, July 1999. details pdf
  21. M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Markov random field models and fuzzy formalism-based data modeling for the sea-bed classification in sonar imagery. In SPIE Conf. Mathematical Modeling, Bayesian Estimation and Inverse Problems, Volume 3816, Pages 229-240, Denver, Colorado, July 1999. details
  22. P. Bouthemy, C. Garcia, R. Ronfard, G. Tziritas, E. Veneau, D. Zugaj. Scene segmentation and image feature extraction for video indexing and retrieval. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Visual Information Systems, Visual'99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1614, Pages 245-252, Amsterdam, The Netherland, June 1999. details
  23. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Motion-based Feature Extraction and Ascendant Hierarchical Classification for Video Indexing and Retrieval. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Visual Information Systems, VISual99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1614, Pages 221-228, Amsterdam, The Netherland, June 1999. details pdf
  24. R. Fablet, P. Bouthemy. Spatio-Temporal Segmentation and General Motion Characterization for Video Indexing and Retrieval. In 10th DELOS Workshop on Audio-Visual Digital Libraries, Santorini, Greece, June 1999. details pdf
  25. M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy, T. Dubois. A region tracking method with failure detection for an interactive video indexing environment. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Visual Information Systems, Visual'99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1614, Pages 261-268, Amsterdam, The Netherland, June 1999. details
  26. P. Jannin, D. Schwartz, C. Grova, C. Barillot, B. Gibaud. Fusion of multimodal functional neuro-imaging (MEG, fMRI, SPECT): definition of different matching paradigms. In Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, H.U. Lemke, M.W. Vannier, K. Inamura, A.G. Farman (eds.), Pages 238-243, Paris, June 1999. details
  27. J.-N. Provost, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Unsupervised multispectral segmentation of Spot images applied to nautical cartography. In IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, NSIP'99, Antalya, Turquie, June 1999. details
  28. E. Marchand. ViSP: A Software Environment for Eye-in-Hand Visual Servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'99, Volume 4, Pages 3224-3229, Detroit, Michigan, May 1999. details pdf
  29. P. Bouthemy. Spatio-temporal video segmentation and representation for video indexing: new issues in motion analysis. In Colloque MRF'99: Mathematics and Shape Recognition, Mathématique et reconnaissance de formes, Luminy, April 1999. details
  30. C. Barillot, G. Le Goualher, P. Hellier, B. Gibaud. Statistical Analysis of Brain Sulci based on Active Ribbon Modeling. In Medical Imaging: Image Processing, Volume 3661, Pages 312-321, San Diego, CA, February 1999. details
  31. M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy, J.-P. Le Cadre. Associating and estimating trajectories of multiple moving regions with a probabilistic multi-hypothesis tracking approach. In Physics in Signal and Image Processing Symp, Paris, France, January 1999. details
  32. M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Bayesian inference and optimization strategies for some detection and classification problems in sonar imagery. In SPIE Conf. Non Linear Image Processing, Volume 3646, Pages 14-27, San Jose, Californiea, January 1999. details


  1. C. Barillot, S. Champmartin, G. Le Goualher, B. Gibaud. Probabilistic modeling of brain sulci based on statistical analysis of 3D surfaces. In Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, in Neuroimage, T. Paus, A. Gjedde, A. Evans (eds.), NeuroImage, Volume 7(4), Pages 716-716, Montreal, QC, 1998. details
  2. C. Barillot, D. P. Schwartz, G. Le Goualher, X. Morandi, B. Gibaud. Merging 3D cortical sulci models with 3D representations of MEG data. In Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, in Neuroimage, T. Paus, A. Gjedde, A. Evans (eds.), NeuroImage, Volume 7(4), Pages 796-796, Montreal, QC, 1998. details
  3. P. Bertolino, R. Mohr, C. Schmid, P. Bouthemy, M. Gelgon, F. Spindler, S. Benayoun, H. Bernard. Building and Using Hypervideos. In IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV'98), Pages 276-277, 1998. details
  4. O. AND Laptev, I. AND Mayer, H. Hellwich. Automated Pipeline Extraction from Interferometric SAR Data of the ERS Tandem Mission. In IntArchPhRS, 1998. details download
  5. H. AND Laptev, I. AND Baumgartner, A. Mayer. Multi-Scale and Snakes for Automatic Road Extraction. In Proc. Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, Freiburg, Germany, 1998. details pdf
  6. X. Morandi, D. P. Schwartz, B. Godey, G. Le Goualher, C. Barillot, J.M. Scarabin, B. Gibaud. MEG mapping of language-related cortex: a preliminary study. In Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, in Neuroimage, T. Paus, A. Gjedde, A. Evans (eds.), NeuroImage, Volume 7(4), Pages 177-177, Montreal, QC, 1998. details
  7. H. Gauvrit, H. Jauffret, J.P. Le Cadre. Combinatorial optimization for initialization of probabilistic approaches. In Workshop on statistical approaches for multi-target tracking, GDR ISIS - NUWC (National Underwater Warfare Center), Paris, ENST, November 1998. details
  8. M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy, J-P. Le Cadre. A PMHT-based approach to associating and estimating trajectories of multiple moving regions in a video analysis context. In Workshop on statistical approaches for multi-target tracking, GDR ISIS - NUWC (National Underwater Warfare Center), Paris, November 1998. details
  9. J.P. Le Cadre, H. Gauvrit, F. Trarieux. Approximations of the Cramér-Rao bound for multiple target motion analysis. In Workshop on statistical approaches for multi-target tracking, GDR ISIS - NUWC (National Underwater Warfare Center), Paris, ENST, November 1998. details
  10. A. Chardin, P. Pérez. Semi-iterative inference with hierarchical models. In Proc. Int. Conf. Image Processing, ICIP'98, Volume 1, Pages 630-634, Chicago, USA, October 1998. details pdf
  11. G. Le Goualher, D.L. Collins, C. Barillot, A.C. Evans. Automatic Identification of Cortical Sulci Using 3D Probabilistic Atlas. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI'98, LNCS 1496, Springer Verlag, Pages 509-518, Boston, USA, October 1998. details
  12. E. Malis, F. Chaumette, S. Boudet. 2D 1/2 visual servoing stability analysis with respect to camera calibration errors. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'98, Volume 2, Pages 691-697, Victoria, Canada, October 1998. details pdf
  13. L. Oisel, L. Morin, E. Mémin, C. Labit. Planar facets segmentation using a multiresolution dense disparity field estimation. In Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'98), Volume 2, Pages 617-621, Chicago, Illinois, October 1998. details pdf
  14. C. Papin, P. Bouthemy, G. Rochard. Detection of low clouds in Meteosat images based on a contextual spatio-temporal labeling approach. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'98, Volume 3, Pages 561-565, Chicago, October 1998. details pdf
  15. P. Bouthemy, R. Fablet. Motion characterization from temporal cooccurrences of local motion-based measures for video indexing. In Int. Conf on Pattern Recognition, ICPR'98, Volume 1, Pages 905-908, Brisbane, Australia, August 1998. details pdf
  16. A. Crétual, F. Chaumette, P. Bouthemy. Complex Object Tracking by Visual Servoing based on 2D Image motion. In Int. Conf on Pattern Recognition, ICPR'98, Volume 2, Pages 1251-1254, Brisbane, Australia, August 1998. details pdf
  17. F. Chaumette. Potential problems of convergence in visual servoing. In Int. Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS'98, Padoue, Italia, July 1998. details
  18. M.L. Koreichi, S. Babaci, F. Chaumette, G. Fried, J. Pontnau. Visual servo control of a parallel manipulator for assembly tasks. In 6th Int. Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, SIRS'98, Pages 109-116, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1998. details
  19. M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy. Determining a structured spatio-temporal representation of video content for efficient visualisation and indexing. In Proc. of the 5th European Conf. on Computer Vision, ECCV'98, Volume 1, Pages 595-609, Freiburg, Germany, June 1998. details
  20. G. Le Goualher, R. Torre, L. Collins, C. Barillot, A. Evans. Automated extraction and variability analysis of sulcal neuroanatomy. In Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Workshop on Statistics of Brain Mapping, Montreal, QC, June 1998. details
  21. M. Maurizot, P. Bouthemy, B. Delyon. 2D fluid motion analysis from a single image. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'98, Pages 184-189, Santa Barbara, June 1998. details
  22. E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Joint estimation-segmentation of optic flow. In Proc. of the 5th European Conf. on Computer Vision, ECCV'98, Volume 2, Pages 563-580, Freiburg, Germany, June 1998. details pdf
  23. A. Crétual, F. Chaumette. Image-based visual servoing by integration of dynamic measurements. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'98, Volume 3, Pages 1994-2001, Leuven, Belgium, May 1998. details pdf
  24. N. Giordana, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, F. Spindler, J.-C. Bordas, V. Just. 2D model-based tracking of complex shapes for visual servoing tasks. In IEEE Workshop on Robust Vision for Vision-based Control of Motion, ICRA'98, Leuven, Belgium, May 1998. details pdf
  25. E. Malis, F. Chaumette, S. Boudet. Positioning a coarse-calibrated camera with respect to an unknown object by 2D 1/2 visual servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'98, Volume 3, Pages 1352-1359, Leuven, Belgium, May 1998. details pdf
  26. E. Marchand, G.D. Hager. Dynamic Sensor Planning in Visual Servoing. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'98, Volume 3, Pages 1988-1993, Leuven, Belgium, May 1998. details pdf
  27. M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Statistical model and genetic optimization: application to pattern detection in sonar images. In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust, Speech, Signal Processing, ICASSP'98, Seattle, USA, May 1998. details
  28. C. Papin, P. Bouthemy, G. Rochard. Segmentation of low clouds in Meteosat IR night-time images based on a contextual spatio-temporal labeling approach. In 1998 Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Data User's Conference, Volume 2, Pages 370-373, Paris, France, May 1998. details
  29. F. Spindler, P. Bouthemy. Real-time estimation of dominant motion in underwater video images for dynamic positionning. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'98, Volume 2, Pages 1063-1068, Leuven, Belgium, May 1998. details pdf
  30. P. Bouthemy, P. Pérez. Mesure dense paramétrique et non paramétrique de champs de vitesse discontinus dans des séquences d'images selon des approches statistiques (papier invité). In Proc. Colloque Photo-Mécanique, Pages 1-12, Marne-la-Vallée, France, April 1998. details
  31. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. A Bayes nets-based prediction/verification scheme for active visual reconstruction. In 3rd Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, ACCV'98, LNCS 1351, Volume 1, Pages 648-655, Hong Kong, China, January 1998. details pdf
  32. E. Mémin, P. Pérez. A multigrid approach to hierarchical motion estimation. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, ICCV'98, Pages 933-938, Bombay, India, January 1998. details pdf
  33. L. Oisel, E. Mémin, L. Morin, C. Labit. Epipolar constrained motion estimation for reconstruction from video sequences. In Spie Conf. on Visual Communications and Image Processing, VCIP, Volume 3309, San-Jose, California, January 1998. details


  1. B. Gibaud, G. Le Goualher, C. Barillot, D. Schwartz, X. Morandi, J.M. Scarabin. Setting up of a database for the description of brain cortical structures. In Computer Assisted Radiology, H.U. Lemke, M.W. Vannier, K. Inamura (eds.), Pages 559-564, Paris, France, 1997. details
  2. H. AND Laptev, I. AND Baumgartner, A. AND Steger, C. Mayer. Automatic Road Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Modeling, Context, and Snakes. In Int. Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1997. details pdf
  3. J.-P. Le Cadre. Optimization of the observer motion for bearings-only target motion analysis. In 36th Conf. on Decision and Control, Volume 4, Pages 3126-3131, San Diego, California, December 1997. details pdf
  4. M. Maurizot, P. Bouthemy, B. Delyon. Direct localization, motion characterization and tracking of centers of atmospheric disturbances in Meteosat image sequences. In The Eumetsat Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference, EUMETSAT'97, Brussel, Belgium, October 1997. details
  5. M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Unsupervised hierarchical Markovian segmentation of sonar images. In 4th IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, ICIP'97, Santa-Barbara, California, October 1997. details
  6. Y. Ricquebourg, P. Bouthemy. Tracking of articulated structures exploiting spatio-temporal image slices. In 4th IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, ICIP'97, Santa-Barbara, California, October 1997. details
  7. F. Chaumette, E. Malis, S. Boudet. 2D 1/2 visual servoing with respect to a planar object. In Workshop on New Trends in Image-based Robot Servoing, IROS'97, Pages 45-52, Grenoble, France, September 1997. details pdf
  8. A. Crétual, F. Chaumette. Positioning a camera parallel to a plane using dynamic visual servoing. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'97, Volume 1, Pages 43-48, Grenoble, France, September 1997. details pdf
  9. E. Malis, F. Chaumette, S. Boudet. Positioning a coarse-calibrated camera with respect to an unknown planar object by 2D 1/2 visual servoing. In IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'97, Volume 2, Pages 517-523, Nantes, France, September 1997. details
  10. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Visual perception strategies for 3D reconstruction. In Int. Workshop on Algebraic Frames for the Perception-Action Cycle, AFPAC'97, LNCS 1315, Springer, G. Sommer, J.-J. Koenderink (eds.), Pages 290-305, Kiel, Germany, September 1997. details pdf
  11. F. Chaumette. Potential problems of stability and convergence in image-based and position-based visual servoing. In Workshop on Vision and Control, Block Island, Rhode Island, June 1997. details
  12. M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy. A region-level graph labeling approach to motion-based segmentation. In IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'97, Pages 514-519, Porto-Rico, June 1997. details
  13. M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy. A hierarchical motion-based segmentation and tracking technique for video storyboard-like representation and content-based indexing. In Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, WIAMIS'97, Leuven, Belgium, June 1997. details
  14. M. Maurizot, P. Bouthemy, B. Delyon. Mesure du mouvement fluide 2D et recherche des points singuliers à partir d'une seule image. In 7ème Colloque National de Visualisation et de Traitement d'Images en Mécanique des Fluides, VISU'7, Saint-Louis, June 1997. details
  15. M. Gelgon, P. Bouthemy. A region-level motion-based graph representation and labeling for tracking a spatial image partition. In Workshop on Energy Minimisation Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EMMCVPR'97, LNCS 1223, Springer, Pages 409-424, Venice, Italy, May 1997. details
  16. M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Unsupervised Markovian segmentation of sonar images. In 22nd IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP'97, Munich, Germany, May 1997. details
  17. M. Mignotte, C. Collet, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Unsupervised segmentation applied on sonar images. In Workshop on Energy Minimisation Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, EMMCVPR'97, LNCS 1223, Springer, Pages 491-506, Venice, Italy, May 1997. details
  18. P. Pérez, J.-M. Laferté. Noniterative manipulation of discrete energy-based models for image analysis. In Proc. Int. Work. on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Venice, Italy, May 1997. details
  19. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Active sensor placement for complete scene reconstruction and exploration. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'97, Volume 1, Pages 743-750, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1997. details pdf
  20. F. Spindler, F. Chaumette. Gaze control using human eye movements. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'97, Volume 3, Pages 2258-2263, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 1997. details pdf
  21. C. Kervrann, F. Davoine, P. Pérez, H. Li, C. Labit, R. Forchheimer. Generalized Likelihood Ratio-based face detection and extraction of mouth features. In Int. Conf. on Audio and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, AVBPA'97, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, March 1997. details pdf
  22. C. Collet, P. Thourel, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Sonar picture segmentation using Markovian multigrid algorithm and multiresolution analysis. In Proc. SPIE Conf. Nonlinear Image Processing VIII, EI'97, Vol. 3026, San Jose, February 1997. details


  1. G. Le Goualher, C. Barillot, Y. Bizais, J. M. Scarabin. 3D Segmentation of Cortical Sulci Using Active Models. In Medical Imaging : Image Processing, Volume 2710, Pages 254-263, 1996. details
  2. J. West, J. M. Fitzpatrick, M. Y. Wang, B. M. Dawant, C. R. Maurer, R. M. Kessler, R. J. Maciunas, C. Barillot, D. Lemoine, A. Collignon, F. Maes, P. Suetens, D. Vandermeulen, P. A. van den Elsen, P. F. Hemler, S. Napel, T. S. Sumanaweera, B. Harkness, D. L. G. Hill, C. Studholme, G. Malandin, X. Pennec, M. E. Noz, G. Q. Maguire, M. Pollack, C. A. Pellizzari, R. A. Robb, D. Hanson, R. Woods. Comparison and Evaluation of Retrospective Intermodality Image Registration Techniques. In Medical Imaging : Image Processing, Volume 2710, Pages 332-347, 1996. details
  3. H. Gauvrit, J.-P. Le Cadre, C. Jauffret. A N-dimensional assignment algorithm to solve multitarget tracking. In Australian Data Fusion Symp. (ADFS'96), Pages 172-177, Adelaide, Australia, November 1996. details pdf
  4. J.-P. Le Cadre, H. Gauvrit. Optimization of the observer motion for bearings-only target motion analysis. In Australian Data Fusion Symp. (ADFS'96), Pages 190-195, Adelaide, Australia, November 1996. details pdf
  5. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette, A. Rizzo. Using the task function approach to avoid robot joint limits and kinematic singularities in visual servoing. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'96, Volume 3, Pages 1083-1090, Osaka, Japan, November 1996. details pdf
  6. P. Bouthemy, F. Ganansia. Video partitioning and camera motion characterization for content-based video indexing. In Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1996. details
  7. C. Collet, P. Thourel, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Hierarchical MRF modeling for sonar picture segmentation. In Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1996. details
  8. C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. Statistical model-based segmentation of deformable motion. In Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Pages 937-940, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1996. details pdf
  9. N. Paragios, P. Pérez, G. Tziritas, C. Labit, P. Bouthemy. Adaptative detection of moving objects using multiscale techniques. In Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, ICIP'96, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1996. details
  10. P. Piscaglia, B. Macq, E. Mémin, P. Pérez, L. Labit. Parallelized robust multiresollution motion estimation. In Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 1996. details pdf
  11. C. Hennebert, V. Rebuffel, P. Bouthemy. A hierarchical approach for scene segmentation based on 2D motion. In Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, Vienna, Austria, August 1996. details
  12. C. Kervrann, F. Heitz, P. Pérez. Statistical model-based estimation and tracking of non-rigid motion. In Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, Pages 244-248, Vienna, Austria, August 1996. details pdf
  13. J.-M. Laferté, F. Heitz, P. Pérez. A multiresolution EM algorithm for unsupervised image classification using a quadtree model. In Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, ICPR96, Viennna, Austria, August 1996. details pdf
  14. E. Marchand, A. Rizzo, F. Chaumette. Avoiding robot joint limits and kinematics singularities in visual servoing. In Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, ICPR'96, Volume A, Pages 297-301, Vienna, Austria, August 1996. details pdf
  15. E. Mémin, P. Pérez. Robust discontinuity-preserving model for estimating optical flow. In Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, ICPR96, Vienna, Austria, August 1996. details
  16. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Controlled camera motions for scene reconstruction and exploration. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'96, Pages 169-176, San Fransisco, California, June 1996. details pdf


  1. S. Garlatti, E. Montabord, B. Gibaud, C. Barillot. A Methodological Approach for Object Knowledge Bases. In Research and developement in Expert Systems XII, M. A. Bramer, J. L. Nealon, R. Milne (eds.), Pages 201-214, 1995. details
  2. J.-M. Laferté, F. Heitz, P. Pérez, E. Fabre. Hierarchical statistical models for the fusion of multiresolution image data. In SPIE's symposium on Neural, Morphological and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing, Pages 42-53, San Diego, USA, 1995. details
  3. G. Le Goualher, C. Barillot, L. Le Briquer, J. C. Gee, Y. Bizais. 3D Detection and Representation of Cortical Sulci. In Computer Assisted Radiology, H. U. Lemke, K. Inamura, C. C. Jaffe, R. Felix (eds.), Pages 234-240, 1995. details
  4. C. Hennebert, V. Rebuffel, P. Bouthemy. Spatio-temporal structuration of a textured scene based on motion and depth criteria. In 2nd Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, Singapore, December 1995. details
  5. J.-M. Odobez, P. Bouthemy. Direct model-based image motion segmentation for dynamic scene analysis. In 2nd Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, Singapore, December 1995. details
  6. P. Thourel, C. Collet, P. Bouthemy, P. Pérez. Multiresolution analysis and MRF modeling applied to the segmentation of shadows in sonar pictures. In Proc. 2nd Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, Singapore, December 1995. details
  7. M. Maurizot, P. Bouthemy, B. Delyon, A. Iouditski, J.-M. Odobez. Determination of singular points in 2D deformable flow fields. In 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Washington DC, October 1995. details
  8. J.-M. Odobez, P. Bouthemy. MRF-based motion segmentation exploiting a 2D motion model robust estimation. In 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Washington DC, October 1995. details
  9. Y. Ricquebourg, P. Bouthemy. Subpixel estimation of normal displacements along contours using MRF-models. In 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Washington DC, October 1995. details
  10. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Active visual 3D perception. In IEEE Int. Workshop on Vision for Robots, Pages 10-17, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 1995. details pdf
  11. Y. Ricquebourg, P. Bouthemy. A statistical regularization framework for estimating normal displacements along contours with subpixel accuracy. In 6th Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1995. details
  12. F. Bensalah, F. Chaumette. Compensation of abrupt motion changes in target tracking by visual servoing. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'95, Volume 1, Pages 181-187, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1995. details pdf
  13. J. Crowley, M. Mesrabi, F. Chaumette. Comparison of kinematic and visual servoing for fixation. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'95, Volume 1, Pages 335-341, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1995. details
  14. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette, E. Rutten. Real time active visual reconstruction using the synchronous paradigm. In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'95, Volume 1, Pages 96-102, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1995. details pdf
  15. C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. Learning structure and deformation modes of nonrigid objects in long image sequences. In International Workshop on Automatic Face- and Gesture-Recognition (FG'95), Pages 104-109, Zurich, June 1995. details pdf
  16. J.-M. Laferté, F. Heitz, P. Pérez, E. Fabre. Hierarchical statistical models for the fusion of multiresolution image data. In Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision, Cambridge, USA, June 1995. details
  17. J.-P Le Cadre, O. Tremois. Optimization of the observer motion using dynamic programming. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'95), Volume 5, Pages 3567-3570, Detroit, MI, May 1995. details pdf
  18. J.-P. Leduc, J.-M. Odobez, C. Labit. Motion-Compensated Wavelet Filtering for Image Sequence Processing. In Proc. Int. Conf on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP'95, Detroit, May 1995. details
  19. O. Tremois, J.-P. Le Cadre. Multiple platform target motion analysis: performance and limitations. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'95), Volume 3, Pages 2060-2063, Detroit, MI, May 1995. details pdf


  1. J.-M. Laferté, F. Heitz, P. Pérez. Global non-linear multigrid optimization for image analysis tasks. In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), Pages 533-536, Adelaide, Australia, 1994. details
  2. F. Chaumette. Visual servoing using image features defined upon geometrical primitives. In 33rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Volume 4, Pages 3782-3787, Orlando, Florida, December 1994. details pdf
  3. F. Bensalah, F. Chaumette. Real time visual tracking using the generalized likelihood ratio test. In Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, ICARCV'94, Volume 2, Pages 1379-1383, Singapore, November 1994. details ps
  4. L. Cloutier, A. Mitiche, P. Bouthemy. Segmentation and estimation of image motion by a robust method. In 1st IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'94, Austin, Texas, November 1994. details
  5. C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. Robust tracking of stochastic deformable models in long image sequences. In IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, ICIP'94, Pages 88-92, Austin, Texas, November 1994. details pdf
  6. J.-M. Odobez, P. Bouthemy. Detection of multiple moving objects using multiscale MRF with camera motion compensation. In 1st IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'94, Austin, Texas, November 1994. details
  7. P. Pérez, B. Gidas. Motion segmentation and tracking using deformable templates. In 1st IEEE Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP'94, Austin, Texas, November 1994. details
  8. B. Bascle, P. Bouthemy, R. Deriche, F. Meyer. Tracking complex primitives in an image sequence. In 12th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR'94, Jerusalem, Israel, October 1994. details
  9. A. Bellon, J.-P. Derutin, F. Heitz, Y. Ricquebourg. Real-time collision avoidance at road-crossings on board the Prometheus-Prolab2 vehicle. In IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Vehicles, Paris, France, October 1994. details
  10. B. Giai-Checa, P. Bouthemy, T. Viéville. Segment-based detection of moving objects in a sequence of images. In 12th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR'94, Jerusalem, Israel, October 1994. details
  11. J.-M. Odobez, P. Bouthemy. Robust multiresolution estimation of parametric motion models in complex image sequences. In Proc. 7th European Conf. on Signal Processing, Eusipco'94, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 1994. details
  12. E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. Real time estimation of 3D environment with an active vision system. In Int. Workshop on Intelligent Robotic Systems, IRS'94, Pages 311-318, Grenoble, France, July 1994. details pdf
  13. F. Chaumette, S. Boukir, P. Bouthemy, D. Juvin. Optimal estimation of 3D structures using visual servoing. In IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR'94, Pages 347-354, Seattle, Washington, June 1994. details pdf
  14. C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. A Hierarchical Statistical Framework for the Segmentation of Deformable Objects in Image Sequences. In IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Pages 724-728, Seattle, Washington, June 1994. details pdf
  15. E. Mémin, F. Heitz, F. Charot. Efficient parallel multigrid relaxation algorithms for MRF-based low level vision applications. In IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Seattle, Washington, June 1994. details
  16. E. Rutten, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette. The sequencing of data flow tasks in SIGNAL: application to active vision in robotics. In 6th Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems, Pages 80-85, Maelardalen, Sverige, June 1994. details pdf
  17. V. Sundareswaran, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette. Active camera self-orientation using dynamic image parameters. In 3rd European Conf. on Computer Vision, ECCV'94, LNCS 801, Pages 111-116, Stockholm, Sverige, May 1994. details pdf
  18. V. Sundareswaran, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette. Visual servoing using image motion information. In IAPR/IEEE Workshop on Visual Behaviors, Pages 102-106, Seattle, Washington, May 1994. details pdf
  19. J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Tremois. Phase-only multidimensional spatio-temporal analysis for moving sources. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'94), Volume 4, Pages 449-452, Adelaide, SA, April 1994. details pdf
  20. O. Tremois, J.-P. Le Cadre. Maneuvering target motion analysis using hidden Markov model. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'94), Volume 2, Pages 317-320, Adelaide, SA, April 1994. details pdf


  1. C. Jauffret, J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Tremois. Properties and performance of extended target motion analysis. In IEEE Conf. Record of The Twenty-Seventh Asilomar on Signals,Systems and Computers, Volume 1, Pages 164-168, Pacific Grove, CA, November 1993. details pdf
  2. P. Pérez, F. Heitz. Restriction of a Markov random field on a graphe: application to multiresolution image analysis. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Multidimensional Signal Processing, Cannes, France, September 1993. details
  3. F. Chaumette, A. Santos. Tracking a moving object by visual servoing. In 12th IFAC World Congress, Volume 3, Pages 643-648, Sidney, Australia, July 1993. details
  4. S. Boukir, P. Bouthemy, F. Chaumette, D. Juvin. Real-time contour matching over time in an active vision context. In 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA'93, Pages 113-120, Tromsö, Norway, May 1993. details
  5. C. Kervrann, F. Heitz. A statistical model-based approach to unsupervised texture segmentation. In 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA'93), Pages 284-288, Tromso, May 1993. details
  6. F. Baldit, J.-P. Le Cadre. Comparative study of centralized and decentralized localization methods. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'93), Volume 4, Pages 69-72, Minneapolis, MN, April 1993. details pdf
  7. S. Boukir, F. Chaumette, P. Bouthemy, D. Juvin. An active robot vision system for real-time 3D structure recovery. In IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Pages 139-144, Southampton, UK, April 1993. details


  1. G. Motyl, F. Chaumette, J. Gallice. Coupling a camera and laser stripe in sensor-based control. In 2nd Int. Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics, ISMCR'92, Pages 685-692, Tsubuka, Japan, November 1992. details
  2. F. Chaumette, S. Boukir. Structure from motion using an active vision paradigm. In IAPR Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR'92, Volume 1, Pages 41-44, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 1992. details
  3. J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Zugmeyer. A multiscale time-varying approach to moving source tracking. In ACASP, Grenoble, July 1992. details
  4. P. Pérez, F. Heitz, P. Bouthemy. Global Bayesian estimation, constrained multiscale Markov random fields and the analysis of visual motion. In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, A. Mohammad-Djafari, G. Demoments (eds.), Paris, France, July 1992. details
  5. P. Pérez, F. Heitz. Multiscale Markov random fields and constrained relaxation in low level image analysis. In Proc. IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Proc, San Francisco, California, March 1992. details
  6. O. Zugmeyer, J.-P. Le Cadre. On the optimization of spatio-temporal analysis for source motion estimation. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'92), Volume 2, Pages 445-448, San Francisco, CA, March 1992. details pdf


  1. E. Mémin, F. Charot, F. Heitz. Parallel architecture for multiscale Markov Random Field-based image analysis. In Computer Architecture for Machine Perception (CAMP'91), B. Zavidovique, P.L. Wendel (eds.), Pages 309-320, Paris, France, December 1991. details
  2. B. Espiau, F. Chaumette, P. Rives. A new approach to visual servoing in robotics. In Workshop on Geometric Reasoning for Perception and Action, LNCS 708, C. Laugier (ed.),, Pages 106-136, Grenoble, France, September 1991. details
  3. F. Chaumette, P. Rives, B. Espiau. The task function approach applied to vision-based control. In 5th Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, ICAR'91, Volume 2, Pages 1392-1397, Pisa, Italy, June 1991. details
  4. F. Chaumette, P. Rives, B. Espiau. Positioning of a robot with respect to an object, tracking it and estimating its velocity by visual servoing. In IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'91, Volume 3, Pages 2248-2253, Sacramento, California, April 1991. details
  5. J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Zugmeyer, P.-Y. Arquès. Sonar array processing for slowly varying sources. In UDT Conference, Pages 1168-1176, April 1991. details
  6. J.-P. Le Cadre, O. Zugmeyer. Temporal integration for array processing. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'91), Volume 2, Pages 1441-1444, Toronto, Ontario, April 1991. details pdf
  7. F. Heitz, E. Mémin, P. Bouthemy. Markov Random Fields and Parallel Algorithms for 2D Motion Analysis. In Imacs World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, Dublin, Eire, January 1991. details


  1. B. Espiau, F. Chaumette. Some issues in the control of rigid robots in a sensory space. In Int. Workshop in Adaptive and Non-Linear Control: Issues in Robotics, Pages 152-171, Grenoble, France, November 1990. details
  2. F. Chaumette, P. Rives. Vision-based-control for robotic tasks. In IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Motion Control, Volume 1, Pages 395-400, Istanbul, Turkey, August 1990. details
  3. J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Ravazzola. Model reduction and wideband analysis (underwater acoustic application). In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'90), Volume 5, Pages 2427-2430, Albuquerque, NM, April 1990. details pdf


  1. P. Rives, F. Chaumette, B. Espiau. Visual servoing based on a task function approach. In 1st Int. Symp. on Experimental Robotics, ISER'89, Montreal, Canada, June 1989. details
  2. J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Ravazzola. Approximated stochastic realization and model reduction methods applied to array processing by means of state space models. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'89), Volume 4, Pages 2601-2604, Glasgow, UK, April 1989. details pdf


  1. J.-P Le Cadre. High resolution methods in presence of noise correlated sensors outputs - Parametric approachs. In IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Volume 25 (Part 1), Pages 1753-1757, Athens, Greece, December 1986. details pdf


  1. J.-P Le Cadre, J.-L. Lambla. Optimum array processing in presence of randomly distorded wavefronts. In IEEE Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'82), Volume 7, Pages 771-774, May 1982. details

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