Publications of Thierry Pecot
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Academic Journals
- B. Cinquin, A. Chessel, A. Gidon, S. Bardin, Th. Pécot, J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, J. Salamero. Advanced microcopy to study trafficking and spatiotemporal organization of intracellular membranes. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2010.
Book Chapters
- J. Boulanger, Th. Pécot, P. Bouthemy, J. Salamero, J.-B. Sibarita, Ch. Kervrann. Simulation and estimation of intra-cellular dynamics and trafficking. In Microscopic Image Analysis for Life Science Applications, S. Wong, R. Machiraju, J. Rittscher (eds.), Chap. 7, pp. 169-190, Artech Publishing House, 2008.
International Conferences
- Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger, Th. Pécot, P. Pérez. Discriminant random field and patch-based redundancy analysis for image change detection. In Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP'09), Pages 1-6, Grenoble, Fance, September 2009.
- A. Chessel, Th. Pécot, S. Bardin, Ch. Kervrann, J. Salamero. Evaluation of image sequences additive decomposition algorithms for membrane analysis in fluorescence video-microscopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'09), Pages 1099-1102, Boston, MA, June 2009.
- Th. Pécot, A. Chessel, S. Bardin, J. Salamero, P. Bouthemy, Ch. Kervrann. Conditional random fields for object and background estimation in fluorescence video-microscopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'09), Pages 734-737, Boston, MA, June 2009.
- Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, S. Bardin, B. Goud, J. Salamero. Patch-based Markov models for event detection in fluorescence bioimaging. In Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'08), Volume 2, Pages 95-103, New York City, USA, September 2008.
- Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann. Patch-based Markov models for change detection in image sequence analysis. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Local and Non-Local Approximation in Image Processing (LNLA'08), Pages 1-6, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2008.
- Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Minimal paths and probabilistic models for origin-destination traffic estimation in live cell imaging. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'08), Pages 843-846, Paris, France, May 2008.
- Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy, A. Chessel, J.-B. Sibarita, J. Salamero, J. Boulanger. Network tomography and minimal paths for traffic flow estimation in time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. In European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting (ELMI'08), Davos, Switzerland, May 2008.
- Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Network tomography-based tracking for intracellular traffic analysis in fluorescence microscopy imaging. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS'08), Volume 1, Pages 154-161, Funchal, Portugal, January 2008.
- Th. Pécot, J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Network tomography for trafficking simulation and analysis in fluorescence microscopy imaging. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'07), Pages 268-271, Washington, D.C, April 2007.
National Conferences
- Th. Pécot, J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Tomographie de réseau appliquée à la simulation et à l'analyse de trafic dans des séquences d'images de microscopie à fluorescence. In Proc. Colloque GRETSI, Pages 1-4, Troyes, France, September 0.
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