Publications de Anatole Chessel
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Articles de journaux
- B. Cinquin, A. Chessel, A. Gidon, S. Bardin, Th. Pécot, J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, J. Salamero. Advanced microcopy to study trafficking and spatiotemporal organization of intracellular membranes. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2010.
Conférences internationales
- A. Chessel, B. Cinquin, S. Bardin, J.and Salamero, J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann. A detection-based framework for the analysis of recycling in TIRF microsocopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'10), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Avril 2010.
- A. Chessel, B. Cinquin, F. Waharte, Ch. Kervrann, J. Salamero. A detection based framework for systematic analysis of dual color TIRF microscopy. In Focus on Microscopy (FOM'10), Shanghai, China, Mars 2010.
- A. Chessel, B. Cinquin, S. Bardin, J. Salamero, Ch. Kervrann. Computational geometry-based scale-space and modal image decomposition: application to light video-microscopy imaging. In Conf. on Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM'09), Pages 770-781, Voss, Norway, Juin 2009.
- A. Chessel, Th. Pécot, S. Bardin, Ch. Kervrann, J. Salamero. Evaluation of image sequences additive decomposition algorithms for membrane analysis in fluorescence video-microscopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'09), Pages 1099-1102, Boston, MA, Juin 2009.
- Th. Pécot, A. Chessel, S. Bardin, J. Salamero, P. Bouthemy, Ch. Kervrann. Conditional random fields for object and background estimation in fluorescence video-microscopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro (ISBI'09), Pages 734-737, Boston, MA, Juin 2009.
- A. Chessel, J. Boulanger, S. Gasfou-Uzan, J. Salamero, J.-B. Sibarita, Ch. Kervrann. Processing fluorescence video microscopy by 1D temporal signal analysis. In European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting (ELMI'08), Davos, Switzerland, Mai 2008.
- Th. Pécot, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy, A. Chessel, J.-B. Sibarita, J. Salamero, J. Boulanger. Network tomography and minimal paths for traffic flow estimation in time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. In European Light Microscopy Initiative meeting (ELMI'08), Davos, Switzerland, Mai 2008.
- A. Chessel, R. Fablet, Ch. Kervrann, F. Cao. Otolith image analysis by computer vision: extracting growth rings and recovering shape evolution of accretionnary structures. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS'08), Volume 2, Pages 490-497, Funchal, Portugal, Janvier 2008.
- A. Chessel, R. Fablet, F. Cao, Ch. Kervrann. Orientation interpolation and applications. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 1561-1564, 2006.
- R. Fablet, S. Pujolle, A. Chessel, A. Benzinou, F. Cao. Variational level-set reconstruction of accretionary morphogenesis from images. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 221-224, Atlanta, USA, Octobre 2006.
- A. Chessel, F. Cao, R. Fablet. Interpolating orientation fields: an axiomatic approach. In Proc. European Conf. Comp. Vision (ECCV'06), Volume 3951 (LNCS), Pages 241-254, Graz, Austria, Mai 2006.
Conférences nationales
- A. Chessel, R. Fablet, Ch. Kervrann, F. Cao. Détection a contrario multi-modale de structures curvilinéaires. In Congrès Francophone de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'08), Pages 1-8, Amiens, Janvier 2008.
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