Publications of Adrien Ickowicz
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Academic Journals
- A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. On the effect of data contamination on track purity. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, In Press, 2009.
International Conferences
- A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. Bi-Target Tracking within a Binary Sensor Network. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'09), Pages 1-8, Seattle, Washington, July 2009.
- A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. Target tracking within a binary sensor network. In Int. Conf. Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information (ISSNIP'08), (Best Student Paper Award), Pages 55-60, Sydney, Australia, December 2008.
- A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. A new method for target trajectory estimation within a binary sensor network. In Proc. ECCV'08, Multi Camera and Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Application Workshop), Pages 1-12, Marseille, France, October 2008.
- A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. Target trajectory estimation within a sensor network. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'08), Pages 1-8, Cologne, Germany, July 2008.
- A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Minvielle. On the effect of data contamination for multitarget tracking, Part I. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'07), Pages 1-8, Quebec, Canada, July 2007.
- A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Minvielle. On the effect of data contamination for multitarget tracking, Part II. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'07), Pages 1-8, Quebec, Canada, July 2007.
National Conferences
- A. Ickowicz, J.-P. Le Cadre. Suivi de cibles à l'aide d'un réseau de capteurs binaires. In Actes du Colloque GRETSI, Pages 1-4, Dijon, France, September 2009.
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