Publications 2006

Academic Journals

  1. F Bavencoff, J.-M. Vanpeperstraete, J.-P. Le Cadre. Constrained bearings-only target motion analysis via Monte Carlo Markov chain methods. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 42(4):1240-1263, 2006. details pdf
  2. P. Bouthemy, Ch. Hardouin, G. Piriou, J.-F. Yao. Mixed-state auto-models and motion texture modeling. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 25(3):387-402, 2006. details pdf
  3. Th. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. Closed-form posterior Cramèr-Rao bound for bearings-only tracking. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 42(4):1198-1223, 2006. details pdf
  4. F. Cao, R. Fablet. Automatic morphological detection of otolith nucleus. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27(6):658-666, 2006. details
  5. Th. Corpetti, D. Heitz, G. Arroyo, E. Mémin, A. Santa-Cruz. Fluid experimental flow estimation based on an optical-flow scheme. Int. J. Experiments in Fluid, 40(1):80-97, 2006. details pdf
  6. R. Donati, J.-P. Le Cadre. Detection, target motion analysis and track association with a sensor network. J. Information Fusion, 7(3):285-303, 2006. details pdf
  7. Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger. Optimal spatial adaptation for patch-based image denoising. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 15(10):2866-2878, 2006. details pdf
  8. P. Musé, F. Sur, F. Cao, Y. Gousseau, J.-M. Morel. An a contrario decision method for shape elements recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision, 69(3):295-315, 2006. details
  9. G. Piriou, P. Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Recognition of dynamic video contents with global probabilistic models of visual motion. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 15(11):3417-3430, 2006. details pdf
  10. Th. Veit, F. Cao, P. Bouthemy. An a contrario decision framework for region-based motion detection. International Journal on Computer Vision, 68(2):163-178, 2006. details pdf
  11. A. Kokaram, N. Rea, R. Dahyot, M, Tekalp, P. Bouthemy, P. Gros, I. Sezan. Browsing sports video (Trends in sports-related indexing and retrieval work). IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 23(2):47-58, March 2006. details pdf
  12. C. Hue, J.-P. Le Cadre, P. Pérez. Posterior Cramer-Rao bounds for multi-target tracking. IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 42(1):37-49, January 2006. details pdf

Book Chapters

  1. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. An adaptive statistical method for 4D-fluorescence image sequence denoising with spatio-temporal discontinuities preserving. In Biophotonics for Life Sciences and Medicine, F. Faugel, P. Smigielski, A. Brandenburg, J. Fontaine (eds.), pp. 97-113, Fontis Media SA, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006. details
  2. P. Musé, F. Sur, F. Cao, Y. Gousseau, J.-M. Morel. Shape recognition based on an a contrario methodology. In Statistics and Analysis of Shapes, H. Krim, A. Yezzi (eds.), Springer Verlag, 2006. details

International Conferences

  1. A. Chessel, R. Fablet, F. Cao, Ch. Kervrann. Orientation interpolation and applications. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 1561-1564, 2006. details pdf
  2. F. Céleste, F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Optimal path planning using the cross entropy method. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'06), Pages 1-8, 2006. details pdf
  3. R. Sosa, E. Arnaud, E. Mémin, G. Artana. Schlieren image velocimetry applied to EHD flows. In Int. Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics, Pages 1-4, Buenos-Aires, Argentina, 2006. details pdf
  4. V. Auvray, P. Bouthemy, J. Lienard. Motion estimation in X-Ray image sequence with bi-distributed transparency. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 1057-1060, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details pdf
  5. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Estimation of dynamic background for fluorescence video-microscopy. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 2509-2512, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details pdf
  6. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Simulation and estimation of fluorescence in microscopy image sequence. In Proc. MICCAI'06 workshop on microscopique image analysis and application to biology, Pages 18-26, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2006. details pdf
  7. T. Crivelli, B. Cernuschi-Frias, P. Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Mixed-state Markov random fields for motion texture modeling and segmentation. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 1857-1860, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details
  8. R. Fablet, S. Pujolle, A. Chessel, A. Benzinou, F. Cao. Variational level-set reconstruction of accretionary morphogenesis from images. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 221-224, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details
  9. A. Lehuger, P. Lechat, P. Pérez. An adaptive mixture color model for robust visual tracking. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'06), Pages 573-576, Atlanta, USA, October 2006. details
  10. V. Auvray, P Bouthemy, J. Lienard. Motion-based segmentation of transparent layers in video sequences. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security, MRCS'2006, Volume 4105 (LNCS), Pages 298-305, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2006. details pdf
  11. F. Céleste, F. Dambreville, J.-P. Le Cadre. Optimal strategies for mobile robots based on the Cross entropy Method. In Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP'06), Pages 1551-2541, Maynooth, Ireland, September 2006. details pdf
  12. I. Laptev. Improvements of object detection using boosted histograms. In Proc. British Machine Vision Conf. (BMVC'06), Volume 3, Pages 949-958, Edinburgh, U.-K, September 2006. details pdf
  13. C. Simonin, J.-P. Le Cadre, F. Dambreville. A solution-learning method for planning a hierarchical surveillance. In Conf. Rare Event Simulation (RESIM'06), Pages 1-10, Bamberg, Germany, September 2006. details
  14. T. Crivelli, B. Cernuschi-Frias, P. Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Segmentation of motion textures using mixed-state Markov random fields. In Proc. Conf. SPIE Math.of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, and Encryption with Applications, Volume 6315, Pages 1-12, San Diego, USA, August 2006. details pdf
  15. P. Héas, E. Memin, N. Papadakis. Dense estimation of layer motions in the atmosphere. In Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), Volume 3, Pages 1-4, Hong-Kong, China, August 2006. details pdf
  16. Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger. Adaptive estimation to variable smoothness for patch-based image denoising. In Proc. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Rio, Brazil, August 2006. details
  17. Th. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. Closed-form posterior Cramér-Rao bound for a maneuvering target in the bearings-only tracking context using best-fitting Gaussian distribution. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'06), Pages 1-7, Florence, Italy, July 2006. details pdf
  18. F. Cao, P Bouthemy. A general principled method for image similarity validation. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR'2006), Volume 4398 (LNCS), Pages 57-70, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2006. details pdf
  19. A. Lehmann, P Bouthemy, J.-F. Yao. Rank-test similarity measure between video segments for local descriptors. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR'2006), Volume 4398 (LNCS), Pages 71-81, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2006. details
  20. J.-M. Vanpeperstraete, J.-P. Le Cadre. Robust detection of target maneuvers. In Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion'06), Pages 1-8, Florence, Italy, July 2006. details pdf
  21. E. Arnaud, E. Mémin, R. Sosa, G. Artana. A fluid motion estimator for Schlieren imaging velocymetry. In Proc. European Conf. Comp. Vision (ECCV'06), Volume 3951 (LNCS), Pages 198-210, Graz, Austria, May 2006. details pdf
  22. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Adaptive space-time patch-based method for image sequence restoration. In Proc. Int. Workshop on Statistical Methods in Multi-Image and Video Processing (SMVP'06), Pages 1-14, Graz, Austria, May 2006. details pdf
  23. A. Chessel, F. Cao, R. Fablet. Interpolating orientation fields: an axiomatic approach. In Proc. European Conf. Comp. Vision (ECCV'06), Volume 3951 (LNCS), Pages 241-254, Graz, Austria, May 2006. details
  24. Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger. Unsupervised patch-based image regularization and representation. In Proc. European Conf. Comp. Vision (ECCV'06), Volume 3951 (LNCS), Pages 555-567, Graz, Austria, May 2006. details pdf
  25. V. Racine, A. Hertzog, J. Jouanneau, J. Salamero, Ch. Kervrann, J. B. Sibarita. Multiple target tracking of 3D fluorescent objects based on simulated annealing. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'06), Pages 1020-1023, Arlington, USA, April 2006. details pdf
  26. A. Szantai, P. Héas, E. Mémin. Comparison of atmospheric motion vectors and dense vector fields calculated from MSG images. In Proc. Int. Winds Workshop, Pages 1-8, Beijing, China, April 2006. details
  27. Th. Bréhard, J.-P. Le Cadre. Closed-form posterior Cramèr-Rao bound for active measurement scheduling. In Conf on Cognitive Systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS'06), Pages 1-8, Paris, France, March 2006. details pdf
  28. P. Dodin, P. Minvielle, J.-P. Le Cadre. A branch-and-bound algorithm applied to optimal radar search pattern. In Int. Conf on Cognitive Systems with Interactive Sensors (COGIS'06), Pages 1-8, Paris, France, March 2006. details
  29. R. Venkatesh Babu, P. Pérez, P. Bouthemy. Kernel-based robust tracking for objects undergoing occlusion. In Proc. Asian Conf. on Computer Vision (ACCV'06), Volume 3852 (LNCS), Pages 353-362, Hyderabad, India, January 2006. details pdf

National Conferences

  1. N. Papadakis, A. Cuzol, E. Mémin. Suivi du mouvement fluide: approche stochastique et variationnelle. In Proc. Journées AUM/AFM, Pages 117-122, La Rochelle, September 2006. details
  2. A. Cuzol, E. Mémin. Suivi de mouvement fluide par filtrage stochastique. In Congrès Francophone de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'06), Pages 1-8, Tours, January 2006. details pdf
  3. Ch. Kervrann, J. Boulanger. Adaptation locale optimale pour la régularisation et la représentation d'image à base de motifs locaux. Pages 1-8, Tours, January 2006. details pdf
  4. A. Lehuger, P. Lechat, P. Pérez. An adaptive mixture color model for robust visual tracking. In Proc. Congrès Francophone de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'06), Tours, January 2006. details pdf
  5. N. Papadakis, E. Mémin. Une approche variationelle pour le suivi de contours. In Proc. Congrès Francophone de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA'06), Pages 1-8, Tours, January 2006. details

Research Reports

  1. Th. Veit, F. Cao, P. Bouthemy. An a contrario space-time grouping framework for the detection of coherent motions. Research Report INRIA, No 6061, November 2006. details download
  2. J. Boulanger, Ch. Kervrann, P. Bouthemy. Space-time adaptation for patch-based image sequence restoration. Research Report IRISA, No 1798, April 2006. details download


  1. Ch. Djeraba, M. Gabbouj, P. Bouthemy. Multimedia indexing and retrieval: ever great challenges (guest editorial). Multimedia Tools and Applications, special issue, No 3, pp. 221-228, 2006. details pdf


  1. A. Cuzol. Analyse d'écoulements fluides à partir de séquences d'images: estimation de champs de vitesses et suivi temporel par filtrage stochastique non linéaire. PhD Thesis université de Rennes 1, Mention Mathématiques et Applications, December 2006. details pdf
  2. V. Auvray. Estimation et segmentation des mouvements transparents dans des séquences d'images fluoroscopiques avec application au débruitage. PhD Thesis université de Rennes 1, Mention Traitement du Signal et des Télécommunications, November 2006. details

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