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Change notes for Motion2D 1.3.11
This file describes the changes between Motion2D 1.3.10 and 1.3.11.
- Modifications and improvements in the PNG image file support.
- Support RAW and Mpeg2 video format as input (see CReader).
- The available video format which can be handled by the motion estimator are given by CReader::EReaderFormat.
- For the results, video sequences can be writen using the format specified by CWriter::EWriterFormat.
- Support Fedora 3 (g++ 3.4.2).
- CMotion2DEstimator:
- In CMotion2DEstimator::estimate() addition of a new parameter (bool useModelAsInitialization) to add the possibility to start the motion estimation based on an initial value of the model.
- CMotion2DImage:
- Bug correction when conversion from color images (PNG or PPM P6) to grey level images. In the previous releases, in ReadPNG() and ReadPPM() the grey level was obtained by a simple cast. Now, we cast to the nearest grey level value.
- CMotion2DVideo_Mpeg2
- This new class implements an Mpeg2 decoder.
- CReader
- This new class implements a video reader which supports PNM, PNG, RAW and Mpeg2 video format.
- CWriter
- This new class implements a video writer which supports PNM, PNG and RAW video format. This class is used to generate result sequences.
- Some improvements and updates.
Motion2D is Copyright © 1995-2005 by Inria
This documentation was generated on 31 Jan 2005 by Fabien Spindler for
Motion2D 1.3.11 using
1.2.18 written by Dimitri
van Heesch, © 1997-2005