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Example of warped images generation.

This example shows how to generate warped images using a 2D affine motion model.

To get help or to see the available options try:

   ./Warping -?

To generate a synthetic sequence based on warping image 20 and 21 of the round-about sequence by using an affine motion model specified for these two images in ../../test/motion/model.txt try:

   cp ../../test/sequence/png/rond-point002{0,1}.png /tmp
   ./Warping -p /tmp/rond-point%04d.png -f 20 -i 2 -m ../../test/motion/model.txt -w /tmp/warped%02d.png -v

The warped images are available in /tmp/warped20.png and /tmp/warped20.png


   Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by INRIA.
   All Rights Reserved.
   This software was developed at:
   Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
   35042 Rennes Cedex
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #ifdef __SunOS_
 # include <iostream.h>
 # include <iostream>
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <string>
 // Includes lies a Motion2D
 #include <CMotion2DImage.h>
 #include <CMotion2DModel.h>
 #include <CMotion2DWarping.h>
 #include <CReader.h>
 #include <CImageReader.h>
 #include <CMpeg2Reader.h>
 #include "CImageWriter.h"
 #include "../src/inc/type.h"
 #include "../src/compense/compense.h"
 using namespace std;
 #define GETOPTARGS      "f:hi:m:p:s:vw:?"
 #define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
 bool findChar(string ch, char *f)
   int n = ch.find(f);
   int size = ch.size();
   return (n>0 && n<size);
 int  getoption (int argc, char** argv, char* pszValidOpts, char** ppszParam);
 void getoptions(int argc, char **argv,
                 string &ipath, unsigned long &frame,
                 int &step, long unsigned &niter,
                 string &mfile, string &wpath, bool &verbose);
 void usage(char *name, char *badparam);
 bool readModel(string filename, unsigned long frame, CMotion2DModel &model);
 #define DEBUG_LEVEL1 0
 #define DEBUG_LEVEL2 0
   Robust multiresolution estimation of parametric motion model.
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
   CMotion2DImage<unsigned char> I;      // Image
   CMotion2DImage<unsigned char> W;      // M-estimator weights image
   CMotion2DModel        model;          // Parametric motion model
   CMotion2DWarping      warping;        // Warping
   CReader               *Ireader=NULL;  // Image reader
   CImageReader          imgr;           // PNM or PNG image reader
   CMpeg2Reader          mpegr;          // Mpeg2 image decoder
   CWriter               *Wwriter=NULL;  // Image writer
   CImageWriter          imgw;           // PNM or PNG image writer
   string ipath = "../../test/sequence/rond-point"; // Image path
   string filename;              // Complete filename for an image of the video
   string mfile;                 // Motion model filename
   string wpath;                 // Warped image path
   long unsigned niter = 33;     // Number of images to process
   int  step = 1;                // Step between 2 images
   bool verbose = false;         // Verbose mode
   bool ierr = true;             // Image IO return value
   unsigned long frame  = 1; // Current frame number to process
   // Read the program options
   getoptions(argc, argv, ipath, frame, step, niter,
              mfile, wpath, verbose);
   // Set the image reader format by regarding the image extension
   if (findChar(ipath, _mpg) || findChar(ipath, _mpeg)) {
     cout << "Reader mpeg\n";
     Ireader = &mpegr;
   else {
     cout << "Reader PNM\n";
     Ireader = &imgr;
   filename = Ireader->getFileName();
   if (!Ireader->openStream()) {
     cout <<"Can't open stream "<< ipath <<endl;
   // Set the image writer
   Wwriter = &imgw;
   // Start the warping loop
   long unsigned i=0;
   do {
     // Load the image
     filename = Ireader->getFileName();
     if (verbose)
       cout << "Load image: " << filename << endl ;
     ierr = Ireader->getFrame(I);
     if (ierr == false) {
       cout << "Can not read the image: " << filename << endl;
     if (readModel(mfile, frame, model) == false)
     if (verbose) {
       double row, col;
       double p[CMotion2DModel::MDL_NMAX_COEF]; // model parameters
       model.getOrigin(row, col);
       cout << "Warp image: " << filename.c_str() << endl;
       cout << "\tMotion model: " << model.idToString() << endl;
       cout << "\t  origin: " << row << " " << col << endl;
       cout << "\t  x: " << p[0] <<" | " << p[2] << " " << p[3] << " | "
            << p[6] << " " << p[7] << " " << p[8] << endl;
       cout << "\t  y: " << p[1] <<" | " << p[4] << " " << p[5] << " | "
            << p[9] << " " << p[10] << " " << p[11] << endl;
     // Initialize the warped image size
     W.Init(I.GetRows(), I.GetCols());
     // warp the input image
     warping.warp(I.bitmap, W.bitmap, I.GetRows(), I.GetCols(), model);
     // Construct the backwarped image filename
     filename = Wwriter->getFileName();
     if (verbose)
       cout << "\tWrite warped image: " << filename << endl ;
     ierr = Wwriter->writeFrame(W);    // Write the backwarped image
     if (ierr == false) {
       cout << "Can not write the backwarped image: " << filename << endl;
     frame += step; // Update the image frame number
   } while (++i < niter);
   return 0;
   Print the program options.
 void usage(char *name, char *badparam)
   if (badparam)
     fprintf(stderr, "\nBad parameter [%s]\n", badparam);
   fprintf(stdout, "\n\
   Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by INRIA.\n\
   All Rights Reserved.\n\
   This software was developed at:\n\
   IRISA/INRIA Rennes\n\
   Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu \n\
   35042 Rennes Cedex\n\
   %s [-p image_path] [-e image_extension] [-f first_frame]\n\
   [-s step] [-i iterations] [-m model_filename] [-w warped_image_path]\n\
   [-v] [-h] [-?]\n\
   This software generates warped images using a parametric motion model.\n\
 \n", name);
 #ifndef __NO_IMAGEIO_PNG_
   fprintf(stdout, "\
 INPUT SEQUENCE OPTIONS:                                       Default\n\
   -p image_path [%%s]                  ../../test/sequence/rond-point\n\
      Specify the path and the generic name of the files \n\
      containing the images to process. The following image\n\
      file formats PNG and PNM are supported. The different\n\
      PNM formats are PGM (P5) and PPM (P6).\n\
   -e image_extension [%%s]                                       .pgm\n\
      Specify the image extension. Supported image formats \n\
      are PNG (use -e .png), PGM P5 (use -e .pgm) and PPM P6\n\
      (use -e .ppm). \n\
   fprintf(stdout, "\
 INPUT SEQUENCE OPTIONS:                                       Default\n\
   -p image_path [%%s]                  ../../test/sequence/rond-point\n\
      Specify the path and the generic name of the files \n\
      containing the images to process. Only the PNM formats \n\
      PGM (P5) and PPM (P6) are supported.\n\
   -e image_extension [%%s]                                       .pgm\n\
      Specify the image extension. Supported image formats \n\
      are PGM P5 (use -e .pgm) and PPM P6 (use -e .ppm). \n\
   fprintf(stdout, "\
   -f first_frame [%%s]                                           0001\n\
      Specify the number of the first frame in the video \n\
      sequence. If the image sequence numbering uses a fixed \n\
      number of digits, complete whith 0 before the image number.\n\
   -s step [%%d]                                                     1\n\
      Specify the step between two frames in the video sequence.\n\
      If step > 0 images are processed forward. If step < 0 images\n\
      are processed backward.\n\
   -i iterations [%%lu]                                             33\n\
      Specify the number of motion estimation iterations to\n\
      process. The number of the last image computed is given by:\n\
      first_frame + iterations * step.\n\
   -m model_filename [%%s]                       \n\
      Specify the name of the file containing the values of the\n\
      parametric motion model coefficients.\n\
   -w warped_image_path [%%s]                           \n\
      Specify the path and the generic name of the files contain-\n\
      ing the back-warped images built using the estimated motion\n\
      model. The generated images format depends on the treated  \n\
      image extension specified by option -e.\n\
   fprintf(stdout, "\n\
      Activate the verbose mode.\n\
      Print the help.\n\
      Print the help.\n\
   Set the program options.
 void getoptions(int argc, char **argv,
                 string &ipath, unsigned long &frame,
                 int &step, long unsigned &niter,
                 string &mfile, string &wpath, bool &verbose)
   char *optarg;
   int   c;
   while ((c = getoption(argc, argv, GETOPTARGS, &optarg)) > 1) {
     switch (c) {
     case 'f': frame = (unsigned long) atoi(optarg); break;
     case 'h': usage(argv[0], NULL); break;
     case 'i': niter = atoi(optarg); break;
     case 'm': mfile = optarg; break;
     case 'p': ipath = optarg; break;
     case 's': step = atoi(optarg); break;
     case 'v': verbose = true; break;
     case 'w': wpath = optarg; break;
     case '?': usage(argv[0], NULL); break;
     default:  usage(argv[0], NULL); break;
   // Some option tests
   if (wpath.empty()) {
     // standalone param or error
     fprintf(stderr, "Option -w [warped_image_path] not specified\n");
     usage(argv[0], NULL);
   if ((c == 1) || (c == -1)) {
     // standalone param or error
     fprintf(stderr, "Bad argument %s\n", optarg);
     usage(argv[0], NULL);
   if ( mfile.empty() ) {
     cout << endl << "Error: argument -m <filename> not specified " << endl;
   else {
     FILE *fd = fopen(mfile.c_str(), "rb");
     if (fd == NULL) {
       cout << endl
            << "Bad argument -m: "
            << "Cannot open the filename specified "
            << endl
            << "with this option."
            << endl;
   Get next command line option and parameter
       argc - count of command line arguments
       argv - array of command line argument strings
       pszValidOpts - string of valid, case-sensitive option characters,
                      a colon ':' following a given character means that
                      option can take a parameter
       ppszParam - pointer to a pointer to a string for output
       If valid option is found, the character value of that option
           is returned, and *ppszParam points to the parameter if given,
           or is NULL if no param
       If standalone parameter (with no option) is found, 1 is returned,
           and *ppszParam points to the standalone parameter
       If option is found, but it is not in the list of valid options,
           -1 is returned, and *ppszParam points to the invalid argument
       When end of argument list is reached, 0 is returned, and
           *ppszParam is NULL
 int getoption (
     int argc,
     char** argv,
     char* pszValidOpts,
     char** ppszParam)
   static int iArg = 1;
   int chOpt;
   char* psz = NULL;
   char* pszParam = NULL;
   if (iArg < argc) {
     psz = &(argv[iArg][0]);
     if (*psz == '-') { // || *psz == '/')  {
       // we have an option specifier
       chOpt = argv[iArg][1];
       if (isalnum(chOpt) || ispunct(chOpt)) {
         // we have an option character
         psz = strchr(pszValidOpts, chOpt);
         if (psz != NULL) {
           // option is valid, we want to return chOpt
           if (psz[1] == ':') {
             // option can have a parameter
             psz = &(argv[iArg][2]);
             if (*psz == '\0') {
               // must look at next argv for param
               if (iArg+1 < argc) {
                 psz = &(argv[iArg+1][0]);
                 // next argv is the param
                 pszParam = psz;
               else {
                 // reached end of args looking for param
             else {
               // param is attached to option
               pszParam = psz;
           else {
             // option is alone, has no parameter
         else {
           // option specified is not in list of valid options
           chOpt = -1;
           pszParam = &(argv[iArg][0]);
       else {
         // though option specifier was given, option character
         // is not alpha or was was not specified
         chOpt = -1;
         pszParam = &(argv[iArg][0]);
     else {
       // standalone arg given with no option specifier
       chOpt = 1;
       pszParam = &(argv[iArg][0]);
   else {
     // end of argument list
     chOpt = 0;
   *ppszParam = pszParam;
   return (chOpt);
 bool readModel(string filename, unsigned long frame, CMotion2DModel &model)
 #define MAX_LEN 512
   FILE *fd = NULL;
   char  str[MAX_LEN];
   int   line;
   char* cerr;
   int   ierr;
   if ( filename.empty() ) {
     fprintf(stderr, "Error in readModel: no filename\n");
     return false;
   fd = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
   if (fd == NULL) {
     fprintf(stderr, "Error in readModel: couldn't read file %s\n",
     return false;
   // Jump the possible comment, or empty line and read the following line
   line = 0;
   do {
     cerr = fgets(str, MAX_LEN - 1, fd);
     if (cerr == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Error in readModel: couldn't read line %d of file %s\n",
               line, filename.c_str());
       fclose (fd);
       return false;
   } while ((str[0] == '#') || (str[0] == '\n'));
   // Extract model id
   char _text[255];
   char _egal[255];
   char _id[255];
   string s = str;
   ierr = s.find("MODEL_ID");
   if (ierr != -1) {
     ierr = sscanf(str, "%s %s %s", _text, _egal, _id);
     //    printf("text: %s\n", _text);
     //   printf("_egal: %s\n", _egal);
     //  printf("_id: %s\n", _id);
   else {
      ierr = sscanf(str, "%s", _id);
   if (ierr == EOF) {
             "Error in readModel: premature EOF on line %d of file %s\n",
             line, filename.c_str());
     fclose (fd);
     return false;
   unsigned long _frame;
   double _row, _col; // model origin
   double _p[CMotion2DModel::MDL_NMAX_COEF]; // model parameters
   double _multfactor = 1.0;
   bool multfactor_was_read = false;
   do {
     // Read a line
     cerr = fgets(str, MAX_LEN - 1, fd);
     //printf("line2: %s\n", str);
     line ++;
     if (cerr == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Error in readModel: couldn't read line %d of file %s\n",
               line, filename.c_str());
       fclose (fd);
       return false;
     // Get the multiplier factor if it exists
     if (multfactor_was_read == false) {
       s = str;
       ierr = s.find("MULTIPLIER_FACTOR");
       multfactor_was_read = true;
       if (ierr != -1) {
         ierr = sscanf(str, "%s %s %lf", _text, _egal, &_multfactor);
         cout << "multfactor: " << _multfactor << endl;
         if (ierr == EOF) {
                   "Error in readModel: premature EOF on line %d of file %s\n",
                   line, filename.c_str());
           fclose (fd);
           return false;
     // Extract information
     ierr = sscanf(str,
                   "%ld %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",
                   &_frame, &_row, &_col,
                   &_p[0], &_p[1], // c1, c2
                   &_p[2], &_p[3], &_p[4], &_p[5], //a1, a2, a3, a4
                   &_p[6], &_p[7], &_p[8], &_p[9], &_p[10], &_p[11]); //q1...q6
     if (ierr == EOF) {
               "Error in readModel: premature EOF on line %d of file %s\n",
               line, filename.c_str());
       fclose (fd);
       return false;
   } while (frame != _frame);
   // rescale the parameters
   for (int i=0; i < CMotion2DModel::MDL_NMAX_COEF; i ++) {
     _p[i] /= _multfactor;
   string id = _id;
   model.reset();        // Set all the parameters to zero
   model.setIdModel(id); // Set the model id
   model.setVarLight(false); // Set the illumination variation
   model.setOrigin(_row, _col); // Set the origin
   fclose (fd);
   return true;
 #undef MAX_LEN

Motion2D is Copyright © 1995-2005 by Inria
This documentation was generated on 31 Jan 2005 by Fabien Spindler for Motion2D 1.3.11 using doxygen1.2.18 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2005