This example shows how to use the Motion2D library to generate the Motion2D binary able to estimate 2D parametric motion models between two successive images of a video sequence. It can handle several types of motion models, respectively, constant model (translation), affine, and quadratic models. Moreover, it integrates the possibility of taking into account the global variation of illumination.
The Motion2D binary user manual is available here: usermanual.pdf
To get help or to see the available options try:
./Motion2D -?
To estimate the dominant 2D affine motion model between each couple of images of the round-about sequence in Mpeg2 format and put the results in the /tmp/result.txt file try:
./Motion2D -m AC -p ../../test/sequence/mpeg2/rond-point.mpg -f 0 -i 31 -r /tmp/result.txt -v
To estimate the dominant 2D affine motion model between each couple of images of the round-about sequence in PNG format and put the results in the /tmp/result.txt file try:
./Motion2D -m AC -p ../../test/sequence/png/rond-point%04d.png -f 1 -i 33 -r /tmp/result.txt -v
To estimate the dominant motion using a quadratic motion model between each couple of images of the round-about sequence in png format and generate a back-warped sequence in PGM P5 format try:
./Motion2D -m QPTD -p ../../test/sequence/ppm/rond-point%04d.png -f 1 -i 33 -b /tmp/bwarp%04d.pgm -j 264 -k 450 -t -30 -u -20 -v
To estimate the motion of the mobile vehicle in the round-about sequence in PNG format using a quadratic motion model and an input estimation support sequence in PNG format too try:
./Motion2D -m QC -p ../../test/sequence/png/rond-point%04d.png -f 1 -i 33 -a ../../test/sequence/png/support%04d.png -c 255 -v
/* Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by INRIA. All Rights Reserved. This software was developed at: IRISA/INRIA Rennes Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cedex */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __SunOS_ # include <iostream.h> #else # include <iostream> #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <string> // Include for Motion2D #include <CMotion2DImage.h> #include <CMotion2DEstimator.h> #include <CMotion2DPyramid.h> #include <CMotion2DModel.h> #include <CMotion2DWarping.h> #include <CReader.h> #include <CImageReader.h> #include <CMpeg2Reader.h> #include <CImageWriter.h> #include <FieldVector.h> using namespace std; #define GETOPTARGS "a:b:c:e:f:ghi:j:k:l:m:n:p:q:r:s:t:u:vw:x:y:z?C:F:IR:" #define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b) bool findChar(string ch, char *f) { int n = ch.find(f); int size = ch.size(); return (n>0 && n<size); }; void printresults(FILE *output, unsigned long i1, unsigned long i2, CMotion2DModel model, double support_size, unsigned nbsubsample, double multfactor); int getoption (int argc, char** argv, char* pszValidOpts, char** ppszParam); void getoptions(int argc, char **argv, string &ipath, unsigned &nbsubsample, unsigned long &frame, int &step, long unsigned &niter, string &model_id, bool &var_light, bool &model_orig_fixed, double &model_row_orig, double &model_col_orig, unsigned &pyr_nlevels, unsigned &pyr_stop_level, bool &compute_covariance, string &rpath, string &bpath, int &b_nrows, int &b_ncols, int &b_row_orig, int &b_col_orig, string &wpath, string &spath, int &slabel, double &multfactor, bool &verbose, unsigned &raw_nrows, unsigned &raw_ncols, string &Fpath, bool &useModelAsInitialization); void usage(char *name, char *badparam); /* Robust multiresolution estimation of parametric motion model. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { CMotion2DImage<short> I; // Image CMotion2DImage<unsigned char> S; // Motion estimator support CMotion2DImage<short> B; // Backwarped image CMotion2DImage<unsigned char> W; // M-estimator weights image CMotion2DEstimator estimator; // Motion estimator CMotion2DModel model; // Parametric motion model CMotion2DPyramid pyramid1; // Pyramid on image 1 CMotion2DPyramid pyramid2; // Pyramid on image 2 CMotion2DWarping warping; // Warping CReader *Ireader=NULL; // Image reader CReader *Sreader=NULL; // Support reader CMpeg2Reader mpegr; // Mpeg2 image decoder CImageReader imgr; // PNM or PNG image reader CWriter *writer=NULL; // Image writer CImageWriter imgw; // PNM or PNG image writer string ipath("../../test/sequence/rond-point%04d.pgm"); // Image path string filename; // Complete filename for an image of the video string rpath; // Result filename to store the model string bpath; // Back-warped image path string wpath; // M-estimator weights image path string spath; // Estimation support path string Fpath; // Optic flow path FILE *rfile = NULL; // Result file to store the model long unsigned niter = 33; // Number of images to process int step = 1; // Step between 2 images unsigned char label = 234; // Value of the motion estimator support int slabel = -1; // Value of the motion estimator support string model_id("AC"); // Parametric motion model ID to estimate bool var_light = false; // Lighting variation parameter estimation bool model_orig_fixed = false;// Indicates if an origin is fixed double model_row_orig = -1.; // Motion model origin (line coordinate) double model_col_orig = -1.; // Motion model origin (column coordinate) unsigned pyr_nlevels = 4; // Number of levels in a multi-resolution pyr unsigned pyr_stop_level = 0; // Pyramid level where the estimator stops bool verbose = false; // Verbose mode bool support_empty = false; // Indicates if the support is empty. int b_ncols=-1, b_nrows=-1; // Back-warped image size int b_col_orig=0, b_row_orig=0;// Back-warped origin in image frame bool compute_covariance = false; // Flag to compute the covariance matrix unsigned nbsubsample = 0; // Number of subsampling to apply unsigned long frame = 1; // First frame number to process double multfactor = 1.0; // Multiplier factor for motion parameters unsigned raw_nrows = 0; // Number of rows for RAW8 or RAW16 images unsigned raw_ncols = 0; // Number of cols for RAW8 or RAW16 images bool useModelAsInitialization = false; // How is the estimated model init bool ierr = true; // Image IO return value // Read the program options getoptions(argc, argv, ipath, nbsubsample, frame, step, niter, model_id, var_light, model_orig_fixed, model_row_orig, model_col_orig, pyr_nlevels, pyr_stop_level, compute_covariance, rpath, bpath, b_nrows, b_ncols, b_row_orig, b_col_orig, wpath, spath, slabel, multfactor, verbose, raw_nrows, raw_ncols, Fpath, useModelAsInitialization); // Set the image reader format by regarding the image extension if (findChar(ipath, _mpg) || findChar(ipath, _mpeg)) Ireader = &mpegr; else Ireader = &imgr; Ireader->setFileName(ipath); Ireader->setFrameNumber(frame); filename = Ireader->getFileName(); CReader::EReaderFormat format = Ireader->getFormat(); // Test RAW format specific options if (format == CReader::FORMAT_RAW8 || format == CReader::FORMAT_RAW16) { if (raw_nrows == 0 || raw_ncols == 0) { cout << endl << "Error: When using option -p to specify RAW images path, " << endl << "you have to specify the images size with option -R and -C." << endl; exit(0); } } if (!Ireader->openStream()) { cout <<"Can't open video stream: "<< ipath <<endl; exit(-1); } if (verbose) cout << "Load image: " << filename << endl ; if (Ireader->getFrame(I, nbsubsample, raw_nrows, raw_ncols) == false) { cout <<" Error: Can't access to the frame..." << endl; exit(-1); } #if 0 CMotion2DImage<short> T; T = I; cout << "Apply median filter to image" << endl; T.MedianFilter(5, 5); cout << "Write median filter image" << endl; WritePGM(T, "/tmp/T.pgm"); #endif //cout << "nbsubsample: " << Ireader->getNbSubsample() << endl; // Set the support reader format by regarding the image extension if (!spath.empty()) { // Otherwise the support consist of the whole image if (findChar(spath, _mpg) || findChar(spath, _mpeg)) Sreader = &mpegr; else Sreader = &imgr; Sreader->setFileName(spath); Sreader->setFrameNumber(frame); if (!Sreader->openStream()) { cout <<"Can't open stream "<< spath <<endl; exit(-1); } } // Set the image writer writer = &imgw; // Initialisation of the 2D parametric motion model to estimate model.reset(); // Set all the parameters to zero model.setIdModel(model_id); // Set the model id model.setVarLight(var_light); // Set the illumination variation estimation // Initialize the model origin if ( ! model_orig_fixed) { // Origin fixed at the middle of the image model_row_orig = I.GetRows() / 2.0; model_col_orig = I.GetCols() / 2.0; } model.setOrigin(model_row_orig, model_col_orig); // Set the origin // Pyramids allocation for two successive images pyramid1.allocate(I.GetRows(), I.GetCols(), pyr_nlevels); pyramid2.allocate(I.GetRows(), I.GetCols(), pyr_nlevels); // Fill the pyramid 1 whith image 1; // Initialize the motion estimator // Set the pyramid start estimation level ierr = estimator.setFirstEstimationLevel(pyr_nlevels - 1); if (ierr == false) { exit(-1); } // Set the pyramid stop estimation level ierr = estimator.setLastEstimationLevel(pyr_stop_level); if (ierr == false) { exit(-1); } estimator.setRobustEstimator(true); if (compute_covariance) estimator.computeCovarianceMatrix(true); // Initialize the support if (spath.empty()) { // Set the estimator support to the whole image S.Init(I.GetRows(), I.GetCols(), label); } else { // Set the support label value label = (unsigned char) slabel; } if ( !bpath.empty() ) { // Set the backwarped image size //B.Init(I.GetRows() +40, I.GetCols() +200 ); // Init warping by positionning the reference image in the backwarped img. //warping.initBackWarp(B.GetRows(), B.GetCols(), -20, -20); // Set the backwarped image size if (b_nrows <= 0) b_nrows = I.GetRows(); if (b_ncols <= 0) b_ncols = I.GetCols(); B.Init(b_nrows, b_ncols); warping.initBackWarp(B.GetRows(), B.GetCols(), b_row_orig, b_col_orig); // Backwarp the first image, taken as image reference warping.backWarp(I.bitmap, I.GetRows(), I.GetCols(), B.bitmap, model); // Construct the backwarped image filename writer->setFileName(bpath); writer->setFrameNumber(frame); filename = writer->getFileName(); if (verbose) cout << "\tWrite backwarped image: " << filename << endl ; ierr = writer->writeFrame(B); // Write the backwarped image if (ierr == false) { cout << "Can not write the image: " << filename << endl; exit(-1); } } // Open the result file if ( !rpath.empty() ) { rfile = fopen(rpath.c_str(), "wb"); string s = model.idToString(); fprintf(rfile, "# Motion2D-1.3.11 Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by INRIA\n\ # \n\ # This file contains the parameter values of the estimated 2D \n\ # parametric motion model. A comment line starts with the # \n\ # character. After the comments, the first line refers to the \n\ # estimated model id. The next line to a multiplier factor \n\ # applied to all the motion model parameters (c1,c2,a1...a4,q1..q6)\n\ # to increase their resolution. Next, each line refers to the \n\ # motion model estimated between two successive images. \n\ # \n\ # The data signification is given below. \n\ # \n\ # |--------------------------------------------------------| \n\ # | column | data signification for each estimation | \n\ # | number | between two successive images. | \n\ # |--------|-----------------------------------------------| \n\ # | 1 | number of the first image | \n\ # |--------|-----------------------------------------------| \n\ # | 2 | motion model origin (row coordinate or yc) | \n\ # | 3 | motion model origin (column coordinate or xc) | \n\ # |--------|-----------------------------------------------| \n\ # | 4 | motion model parameter (c1) | \n\ # | 5 | motion model parameter (c2) | \n\ # |--------|-----------------------------------------------| \n\ # | 6 | motion model parameter (a1) | \n\ # | 7 | motion model parameter (a2) | \n\ # | 8 | motion model parameter (a3) | \n\ # | 9 | motion model parameter (a4) | \n\ # |--------|-----------------------------------------------| \n"); fprintf(rfile, "\ # | 10 | motion model parameter (q1) | \n\ # | 11 | motion model parameter (q2) | \n\ # | 12 | motion model parameter (q3) | \n\ # | 13 | motion model parameter (q4) | \n\ # | 14 | motion model parameter (q5) | \n\ # | 15 | motion model parameter (q6) | \n\ # |--------|-----------------------------------------------| \n\ # | 16 | illumination variation parameter | \n\ # |--------|-----------------------------------------------| \n\ # | 17 | support size (only if computed, by default) | \n\ # |--------|-----------------------------------------------| \n\ # \n\ MODEL_ID = %s\n\ MULTIPLIER_FACTOR = %lf\n", s.c_str(), multfactor); } // Robust estimation loop for (long unsigned n=1; n <= niter; n++) { // Initialize the support if (!spath.empty()) { // Otherwise the support consist of the whole image Sreader->setFileName(spath); Sreader->setFrameNumber(frame); filename = Sreader->getFileName(); if (verbose) cout << "Load support: " << filename << endl; ierr = Sreader->getFrame(S, nbsubsample, raw_nrows, raw_ncols); if (ierr == false) { cout << "Can not read the support image: " << filename << endl; exit(-1); } // Test if the support is empty support_empty = true; for (unsigned i=0; i < S.GetRows() * S.GetCols(); i++) { if (S.bitmap[i] == label) { support_empty = false; break; } } if (support_empty) { if (verbose) cout << "\tWarning: the support is empty, motion estimation not done" << endl; } } // Update the image frame number frame += step; // Load the next image (image 2) Ireader->setFileName(ipath); Ireader->setFrameNumber(frame); filename = Ireader->getFileName(); if (verbose) cout << "Load image: " << filename << endl ; ierr = Ireader->getFrame(I, nbsubsample, raw_nrows, raw_ncols); if (ierr == false) { cout << "Can not read the image: " << filename << endl; exit(-1); } // Fill the pyramid 2 with image 2; // 2D Parametric motion estimation if ( ! support_empty) { bool state; //#define INIT_ESTIMATOR_WITH_MODEL #ifdef INIT_ESTIMATOR_WITH_MODEL double parameters[CMotion2DModel::MDL_NMAX_COEF]; for (int i=0; i < CMotion2DModel::MDL_NMAX_COEF; i ++) parameters[i] = 0.0; // parameters[0] = -4.958804; // parameters[1] = -0.243949; // parameters[2] = 0.002562; // parameters[3] = -0.023941; // parameters[4] = 0.002625; // parameters[5] = 0.008823; parameters[0] = 30.; parameters[1] = -23; model.setParameters(parameters); state = estimator.estimate(pyramid1, pyramid2, S.bitmap, label, model, useModelAsInitialization); #else state = estimator.estimate(pyramid1, pyramid2, S.bitmap, label, model, useModelAsInitialization); #endif if (state == false){ //pyramid1.destroy(); //pyramid2.destroy(); //exit(0); cout << "\nError during motion estimation. " << endl << "Possible reason: not enought gradient." << endl << "The model is set to zero..." << endl << endl; } } // Exchange pyramid 1 and 2; if (support_empty) { continue; } // { // CMotion2DModel newmodel; // int deltalevel = 2; // newmodel = model.getModelLevel(deltalevel); // cout << "debug" << endl; // printresults(stdout, frame - step, frame, newmodel, 0.0, nbsubsample); // cout << "end debug" << endl; // } // Print results double support_size; if (! estimator.getSupportSize(support_size)) support_size = -1.; if (verbose) { printresults(stdout, frame - step, frame, model, support_size, nbsubsample, multfactor); if ( estimator.isResidualVarianceComputed() ) cout << "\tResidual variance: " << estimator.getResidualVariance() << endl; if ( estimator.isCovarianceMatrixComputed() ) { int cov_nrows, cov_ncols; double *cov = estimator.getCovarianceMatrix(cov_nrows, cov_ncols); cout << "\tCovariance matrix: " << endl; for (int i=0; i < cov_nrows; i ++) { cout << "\t"; for (int j=0; j < cov_ncols; j ++) { fprintf(stdout, "%9.3g ", cov[i*cov_ncols + j]); //cout << cov[i*cov_ncols + j] << " "; } cout << endl; } } } if ( !rpath.empty() ) { if (verbose) cout << "\tUpdate the result file: " << rpath << " frames " << frame-step << ", "<<frame<< endl; printresults(rfile, frame - step, frame, model, support_size, nbsubsample, multfactor); } if ( !bpath.empty() ) { // Backwarp the current image in the first image reference frame warping.backWarp(I.bitmap, I.GetRows(), I.GetCols(), B.bitmap, model); // Construct the backwarped image filename writer->setFileName(bpath); writer->setFrameNumber(frame); filename = writer->getFileName(); if (verbose) cout << "\tWrite backwarped image: " << filename << endl ; ierr = writer->writeFrame(B); // Write the backwarped image if (ierr == false) { cout << "Can not write the backwarped image: " << filename << endl; exit(-1); } } if ( !wpath.empty() ) { float *weights = NULL; int n_rows = 0, n_cols = 0; weights = estimator.getWeights(n_rows, n_cols); // weights are in [0,1] W.Init(n_rows, n_cols); for (int i=0; i < n_rows; i++) for (int j=0; j < n_cols; j++) W[i][j] = (unsigned char) (weights[i*n_cols + j] * 255); // Construct the M-estimator weights image filename writer->setFileName(wpath); writer->setFrameNumber(frame - step); filename = writer->getFileName(); if (verbose) cout << "\tWrite M-estimator weights image: " << filename << endl; ierr = writer->writeFrame(W); if (ierr == false) { cout << "Can not write the weights image: " << filename << endl; exit(-1); } } if ( !Fpath.empty() ) { // Construct the field vector image filename writer->setFileName(Fpath); writer->setFrameNumber(frame - step); filename = writer->getFileName(); if (verbose) cout << "\tWrite field vector image: " << filename << endl ; // Compute and save the displacement vector in all pixels ierr = WriteFieldVector(model, S, label, filename.c_str()); if (ierr == false) { cout << "Can not write the field vector image: " << filename << endl; exit(-1); } } } // Destruction des pyramides pyramid1.destroy(); pyramid2.destroy(); if ( !rpath.empty() ) fclose(rfile); Ireader->closeStream(); if (!spath.empty()) { Sreader->closeStream(); } return 0; } /* Print results. */ void printresults(FILE *output, unsigned long i1, unsigned long i2, CMotion2DModel model, double support_size, unsigned nbsubsample, double multfactor) { double row, col; double parameters[CMotion2DModel::MDL_NMAX_COEF]; double var_light; CMotion2DModel _model; // Transform the model at the highest image resolution _model = model.getModelLevel(-nbsubsample); _model.getOrigin(row, col); _model.getParameters(parameters); if (output == stdout) { // Print the motion estimation results fprintf(output, "\t2D estimated model between images %lu and %lu:\n\t", i1, i2); fprintf(output, "origin: %f %f\n\t", row, col); string s = _model.idToString(); fprintf(output, "motion model: %s\n", s.c_str()); fprintf(output, "\tx: %f | %f %f | %f %f %f \n", parameters[0], parameters[2], parameters[3], parameters[6], parameters[7], parameters[8]); fprintf(output, "\ty: %f | %f %f | %f %f %f \n", parameters[1], parameters[4], parameters[5], parameters[9], parameters[10], parameters[11]); if (_model.getVarLight(var_light)) fprintf(output, "\tglobal illumination: %f \n", var_light); if (support_size != -1.) fprintf(output, "\tsupport size: %f \n", support_size); } else { fprintf(output, "%lu %f %f ", i1, row, col); for (int i = 0; i < CMotion2DModel::MDL_NMAX_COEF; i++) fprintf(output, "%f ", parameters[i] * multfactor); if (!_model.getVarLight(var_light)) var_light = 0; fprintf(output, "%f ", var_light); if (support_size != -1.) fprintf(output, "%f ", support_size); fprintf(output, "\n"); } fflush(output); } /* Print the program options. */ void usage(char *name, char *badparam) { if (badparam) fprintf(stderr, "\nBad parameter [%s]\n", badparam); fprintf(stdout, "\n\ Copyright (c) 1995-2005 by INRIA.\n\ All Rights Reserved.\n\ \n\ This software was developed at:\n\ IRISA/INRIA Rennes\n\ Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu \n\ 35042 Rennes Cedex\n\ \n\\n\ \n\ SYNOPSIS\n\ %s [-p image or video path] [-R rows number for RAW images]\n\ [-C columns number for RAW images] [-f first frame]\n\ [-s step] [-i iterations] [-m model id] [-g] [-x model col orig]\n\ [-y model row orig] [-a support image or video path] [-z] \n\ [-c support label] [-q nbsubsample] [-n number of pyramid levels] \n\ [-l pyramid stop level] [-r dominant motion filename] \n\ [-r multiplier factor] [-b back warped image path] \n\ [-j back warped image nrows] [-k back warped image ncols] \n\ [-t back warped image row origin] [-u back warped image col origin] \n\ [-w weights image path] [-F optic flow field] [-I] [-v] [-h] [-?]\n\ \n\ DESCRIPTION\n\ The Motion2D software provides a method to estimate 2D parametric\n\ motion models between two successive images. It can handle several\n\ types of motion models, respectively, constant model (translation),\n\ affine, and quadratic models. Moreover, it integrates the possibi-\n\ lity of taking into account the global variation of illumination.\n\ Motivations for the use of such models are, on one hand, their\n\ efficiency, which has been demonstrated in numerous contexts such\n\ as estimation, segmentation, tracking, and interpretation of motion, \n\ and on the other hand, their low conputational cost compared to \n\ optical flow estimation. Moreover to have the best accuracy for the\n\ estimated parameters, and to take into account the problem of mul-\n\ tiple motion, Motion2D exploit a robust, multiresolution and incre-\n\ mental estimation method exploiting only the spatio-temporal deri-\n\ vatives of the intensity function.\n", name); #ifndef __NO_IMAGEIO_PNG_ fprintf(stdout, "\n\ Motion2D can handle Mpeg2, PNG, PNM and RAW image file formats. \n\ The different PNM formats are PGM (P5) and PPM (P6). A RAW image \n\ file contains simply the list of pixel values with no header. \n\ Two sets of RAW format are supported, one for the traditional \n\ 8-bits images nammed RAW8, the other for 9 to 16 bits images \n\ named RAW16.\n"); #else fprintf(stdout, "\n\ Motion2D can handle Mpeg2, PNM and RAW image file formats. \n\ The different PNM formats are PGM (P5) and PPM (P6). A RAW image \n\ file contains simply the list of pixel values with no header. \n\ Two sets of RAW format are supported, one for the traditional \n\ 8-bits images nammed RAW8, the other for 9 to 16 bits images \n\ named RAW16.\n"); #endif #ifndef __NO_IMAGEIO_PNG_ fprintf(stdout, "\n\ INPUT SEQUENCE OPTIONS: Default\n\ \n\ -p [%%s]: image or video path \n\ . Dealing with an image sequence: \n\ By image sequence, we mean one file per image.\n\ Specify the path and the generic name of the files \n\ containing the images to process. The following image \n\ file formats PNG, PNM (PGM P5, PPM P6) and RAW \n\ (RAW8, RAW16) are supported. The format is selected by \n\ analysing the filename extension.\n\ Example: -p rond-point%%04d.png\n\ . Dealing with a video: \n\ By video, we mean one file for all images of the video.\n\ Specify the video file. Only Mpeg2 file are supported. \n\ Warning: in a Mpeg2 video stream the first frame \n\ has the number zero. \n\ Example: -p video.mpg -f 0 \n"); #else fprintf(stdout, "\n\ INPUT SEQUENCE OPTIONS: Default\n\ \n\ -p [%%s]: image or video path \n\ . Dealing with an image sequence: \n\ By image sequence, we mean one file per image.\n\ Specify the path and the generic name of the files \n\ containing the images to process. The following image \n\ file formats PNM (PGM P5, PPM P6) and RAW (RAW8, RAW16)\n\ are supported. The format is selected by analysing the \n\ filename extension.\n\ Example: -p rond-point%%04d.pgm\n\ . Dealing with a video: \n\ By video, we mean one file for all images of the video.\n\ Specify the video file. Only Mpeg2 file are supported. \n\ Warning: in a Mpeg2 video stream the first frame \n\ has the number zero. \n\ Example: -p video.mpg -f 0\n"); #endif fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -R [%%d]: Number of rows in RAW image. \n\ Specify the number of rows for RAW sequences. \n\ \n\ -C [%%d]: Number of columns in RAW image. \n\ Specify the number of columns for RAW sequences. \n\ \n\ -f [%%s]: first frame 1\n\ Specify the number of the first frame in the video \n\ sequence. If the image sequence numbering uses a fixed \n\ number of digits, complete whith 0 before the image \n\ number.\n\ Warning: the first frame of a Mpeg2 video stream has the\n\ number zero.\n\ \n\ -s [%%d]: step 1\n\ Specify the step between two frames in the video sequence.\n\ If step > 0 images are processed forward. If step < 0 \n\ images are processed backward. This parameter allow the \n\ video temporal subsampling.\n\ \n\ -i [%%lu]: iterations 33\n\ Specify the number of motion estimation iterations to\n\ process. The number of the last image computed is given by:\n\ first_frame + iterations * step.\n\ \n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n\ MOTION MODEL OPTIONS (input):\n\ \n\ -m [%%s]: model id AC\n\ Specify the parametric motion model id to estimate. The\n\ table below gives the list of possible model_id strings: \n\ |-----------------------------------------------------| \n\ | model_id | type | number of parameters | \n\ |-----------------------------------------------------| \n\ | TX | constant | 1 (c1) | \n\ | TY | constant | 1 (c2) | \n\ | TR | constant | 2 (c1,c2) | \n\ | ----------------------------------------------------| \n\ | AXD | affine | 2 (c1,a1) | \n\ | ARD | affine | 3 (c1,c2,a1) | \n\ | ARR | affine | 3 (c1,c2,a1) | \n\ | AXN | affine | 5 (c2,a1...a4) | \n\ | AYN | affine | 5 (c1,a1...a4) | \n\ | ADN | affine | 5 (c1,c2,a1,a2,a3) | \n\ | ARN | affine | 5 (c1,c2,a1,a2,a4) | \n\ | AH1N | affine | 5 (c1,c2,a1,a2,a3) | \n\ | AH2N | affine | 5 (c1,c2,a1,a2,a4) | \n\ | ARRD | affine | 4 (c1,c2,a1,a2) | \n\ | AC | affine | 6 (c1,c2,a1...a4) | \n\ | ----------------------------------------------------| \n\ | QPD | quadratic | 4 (c1,a1,q1,q2) | \n\ | QPT | quadratic | 4 (c1,c2,q1,q2) | \n\ | QPTD | quadratic | 5 (c1,c2,a1,q1,q2) | \n\ | Q2D | quadratic | 8 (c1,c2,a1...a4,q1,q2) | \n\ | QC | quadratic | 12 (c1,c2,a1...a4,q1...q6) | \n\ ------------------------------------------------------| \n"); fprintf(stdout, "\ | MDL_TX | same as TX | \n\ | MDL_TY | same as TX | \n\ | MDL_TR | same as TR | \n\ | MDL_AFF_TX_DIV | same as AXD | \n\ | MDL_AFF_TR_DIV | same as ARD | \n\ | MDL_AFF_TR_ROT | same as ARR | \n\ | MDL_AFF_TX_NULL | same as AXN | \n\ | MDL_AFF_TY_NULL | same as AYN | \n\ | MDL_AFF_DIV_NULL | same as ADN | \n\ | MDL_AFF_ROT_NULL | same as ARN | \n\ | MDL_AFF_HYP1_NULL | same as AH1N | \n\ | MDL_AFF_HYP2_NULL | same as AH2N | \n\ | MDL_AFF_TR_ROT_DIV | same as ARRD | \n\ | MDL_AFF_COMPLET | same as AC | \n\ | MDL_QUA_PAN_DIV | same as QPD | \n\ | MDL_QUA_PAN_TILT | same as QPT | \n\ | MDL_QUA_PAN_TILT_DIV | same as QPTD | \n\ | MDL_QUA_2D | same as Q2D | \n\ | MDL_QUA_COMPLET | same as QC | \n\ ------------------------------------------------------| \n\ \n\ -g\n\ Specify that the global illumination parameter will be\n\ estimated.\n\ \n\ -I\n\ Uses the previous estimation to initialize the motion model \n\ to estimate.\n\ \n\ -x [%%f]: model col orig \n\ Sets the origin (column coordinate) of the motion model.\n\ By default, this parameter is initialized to the mid image\n\ column number.\n\ \n\ -y [%%f]: model row orig \n\ Sets the origin (row coordinate) of the motion model.\n\ By default, this parameter is initialized to the mid image\n\ line number.\n\ \n\ -z \n\ Computes the covariance matrix of the motion model parameters.\n\ \n"); #ifndef __NO_IMAGEIO_PNG_ fprintf(stdout, "\n\ ESTIMATION SUPPORT OPTIONS (input):\n\ \n\ -a [%%s]: support image or video path \n\ Motion2D makes it possible to estimate motion either on \n\ all the image (by defect), or on a part of the image. In \n\ this case, it is necessary to indicate to the software the\n\ position of the area on which the motion estimation must be \n\ done. This is carried out while associating each image of \n\ the video sequence a file called estimation support, corres-\n\ ponding to an image with same size, numbering and extension \n\ as the images to be treated. Thus, this option specify the \n\ path and the generic name of the files containing the images \n\ corresponding to the estimation support. The images format \n\ depends on the filename extension. We support only Mpeg2, PNG, \n\ PNM (PGM P5, PPM P6) and RAW (RAW8, RAW16) image file formats. \n\ Be aware, images to proceed (those specified by option -p \n\ and option -a) must have the same size.\n\ For example, to estimate the motion between images \n\ \"rond-point0001.png\" and \"rond-point0002.png\", the\n\ support file name must be \"support0001.png\".\n"); #else fprintf(stdout, "\n\ ESTIMATION SUPPORT OPTIONS (input):\n\ \n\ -a [%%s]: support image path \n\ Motion2D makes it possible to estimate motion either on \n\ all the image (by defect), or on a part of the image. In \n\ this case, it is necessary to indicate to the software the\n\ position of the area on which the motion estimation must be \n\ done. This is carried out while associating each image of \n\ the video sequence a file called estimation support, corres-\n\ ponding to an image with same size, numbering and extension \n\ as the images to be treated. Thus, this option specify the \n\ path and the generic name of the files containing the images \n\ corresponding to the estimation support. The images format \n\ depends on the filename extension. We support only Mpeg2, PNM \n\ (PGM P5, PPM P6) and RAW (RAW8, RAW16) image file formats. \n\ Be aware, images to proceed (those specified by option -p \n\ and option -a) must have the same size.\n\ For example, to estimate the motion between images \n\ \"rond-point0001.pgm\" and \"rond-point0002.pgm\", the\n\ support file name must be \"support0001.pgm\".\n"); #endif fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -c [%%d]: support label \n\ This option is associated to the previous one. It fixes the\n\ value of the estimation support label where the estimation \n\ will be achieved. \n\ \n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n\ MULTI-RESOLUTION FRAMEWORK OPTIONS (input):\n\ \n\ -q [%%d]: nbsubsample 0\n\ Number of subsampling to apply to the images before\n\ starting the motion estimation process. If this parameter\n\ is equal to zero, images are not subsampled. If this \n\ parameter is greater than zero, images are resized at a lower\n\ resolution where the number of lines and columns is divided \n\ by 2^nbsubsample.\n\ Be aware, the estimated parametric motion model is returned \n\ at the highest resolution.\n\ \n\ -n [%%u]: number of pyramid levels 4\n\ Specify the number of levels in the Gaussian image pyramids\n\ and image gradients pyramids used in the multi-resolution\n\ framework. In general, when the size of the images to be\n\ treated is close to CIF format (352 X 288), it is advised\n\ to fix this parameter at 4. When the images are with QCIF\n\ format (176 X 144), this parameter can be fixed at 3.\n\ This parameter implicitly fix the index of the initial \n\ level in the pyramids where the robust estimate begins. This \n\ initial level is than equal to the number of levels in the \n\ pyramids minus one. The selected level is then that of lower\n\ resolution.\n\ \n\ -l [%%u]: pyramid stop level 0\n\ Specify the level of the image pyramids where the estimation\n\ process will be stopped. This parameter in general fixed at\n\ zero (corresponds then to the level of higher resolution) \n\ can vary in the range [ 0, number_of_pyramid_levels - 1]. \n\ The coarsest level is given by number_of_pyramid_levels - 1. \n\ The finest level is 0.\n\ \n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n\ RESULTS OPTIONS (output):\n\ \n\ -r [%%s]: dominant motion filename \n\ Specify the name of the file which will contain the \n\ estimated parametric dominant motion model results.\n\ This result file contains the values of the estimated \n\ 2D parametric motion model given at the highest image\n\ resolution. The parameters of the estimated motion model \n\ are very small, especially affine and quadratic terms. To \n\ increase these parameters resolution, a multiplier factor \n\ can be applied to all the parameters (see option -e).\n\ \n\ -e [%%f]: multiplier factor for the motion parameter 1.0\n\ This option is associated with the -r option.\n\ It defines a multiplier factor applied to all the motion \n\ model parameter (c1,c2,a1,...a4,q1...q6) when those are \n\ saved in a result filename specified with option -r. \n"); #ifndef __NO_IMAGEIO_PNG_ fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -b [%%s]: back warped image path \n\ Specify the path and the generic name of the files contain-\n\ ing the back-warped images built using the estimated motion\n\ model. We support only PNG, PNM (PGM P5, PPM P6) and RAW \n\ (RAW8, RAW16) image file formats. The format is selected by \n\ analysing the filename extension.\n\ Example: -b /tmp/B%%04.png\n"); #else fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -b [%%s]: back warped image path \n\ Specify the path and the generic name of the files contain-\n\ ing the back-warped images built using the estimated motion\n\ model. We support only PNM (PGM P5, PPM P6) and RAW \n\ (RAW8, RAW16) image file formats. The format is selected by \n\ analysing the filename extension.\n\ Example: -b /tmp/B%%04.pgm\n"); #endif fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -j [%%d]: back warped image nrows \n\ Set the number of rows of the back-warped image.\n\ By default, the back-warped image has the same rows number\n\ than the images to proceed. This option is taken into \n\ account only when option -b is used.\n\ \n\ -k [%%d]: back warped image ncols \n\ Set the number of columns of the back-warped image.\n\ By default, the back-warped image has the same rows number\n\ than the images to proceed. This option is taken into \n\ account only when option -b is used.\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -t [%%d]: back warped image row origin 0\n\ This option makes it possible to fix the co-ordinates of the \n\ row origin of the back-warped image compared to the origin \n\ of the images to treat. This option is taken into account \n\ only when option -b is used.\n\ \n\ -u [%%d]: back warped image col origin 0\n\ This option makes it possible to fix the co-ordinates of the \n\ column origin of the back-warped image compared to the origin \n\ of the images to treat. This option is taken into account \n\ only when option -b is used.\n"); #ifndef __NO_IMAGEIO_PNG_ fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -w [%%s]: weights image path \n\ Specify the path and the generic name of the files contain-\n\ ing the M-estimator weights. These weights in [0,1] are\n\ rescaled in [0,255]. This map can be used to see\n\ if a pixel participate to the robust motion estimation \n\ (pixel in white) or is more considered as an outlier \n\ (pixel in black). We support only PNG, PNM (PGM P5, PPM P6) \n\ and RAW (RAW8, RAW16) image file formats. The format is \n\ selected by analysing the filename extension.\n\ Example: -w /tmp/W%%04.png\n"); #else fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -w [%%s]: weights image path \n\ Specify the path and the generic name of the files contain-\n\ ing the M-estimator weights. These weights in [0,1] are\n\ rescaled in [0,255]. This map can be used to see\n\ if a pixel participate to the robust motion estimation \n\ (pixel in white) or is more considered as an outlier \n\ (pixel in black). We support only PNM (PGM P5, PPM P6) \n\ and RAW (RAW8, RAW16) image file formats. The format is \n\ selected by analysing the filename extension.\n\ Example: -w /tmp/W%%04.pgm\n"); #endif fprintf(stdout, "\n\ -F [%%s]: field vector image path \n\ Specify the path and the generic name of the files contain-\n\ ing the displacement vectors in fieldshow format. \n\ Example: -w /tmp/F%%04.field\n\ \n\ \n\ OTHER OPTIONS:\n\ \n\ -v\n\ Activate the verbose mode.\n\ \n\ -h\n\ Print the help.\n\ \n\ -?\n\ Print the help.\n\ \n\ \n"); exit(0); } /* Set the program options. */ void getoptions(int argc, char **argv, string &ipath, unsigned &nbsubsample, unsigned long &frame, int &step, long unsigned &niter, string &model_id, bool &var_light, bool &model_orig_fixed, double &model_row_orig, double &model_col_orig, unsigned &pyr_nlevels, unsigned &pyr_stop_level, bool &compute_covariance, string &rpath, string &bpath, int &b_nrows, int &b_ncols, int &b_row_orig, int &b_col_orig, string &wpath, string &spath, int &slabel, double &multfactor, bool &verbose, unsigned &raw_nrows, unsigned &raw_ncols, string &Fpath, bool &useModelAsInitialization) { char *optarg; int c; while ((c = getoption(argc, argv, GETOPTARGS, &optarg)) > 1) { switch (c) { case 'a': spath = optarg; break; case 'b': bpath = optarg; break; case 'c': slabel = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': multfactor = (double) atof(optarg); break; case 'f': frame = (unsigned long) atoi(optarg); break; case 'g': var_light = true; break; case 'h': usage(argv[0], NULL); break; case 'i': niter = atoi(optarg); break; case 'j': b_nrows = atoi(optarg); break; case 'k': b_ncols = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': pyr_stop_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': model_id = optarg; break; case 'n': pyr_nlevels = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': ipath = optarg; break; case 'q': nbsubsample = (unsigned) atoi( optarg); break; case 'r': rpath = optarg; break; case 's': step = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': b_row_orig = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': b_col_orig = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'x': model_orig_fixed = true; model_col_orig = atoi(optarg); break; case 'y': model_orig_fixed = true; model_row_orig = atoi(optarg); break; case 'w': wpath = optarg; break; case 'z': compute_covariance = true; break; case '?': usage(argv[0], NULL); break; case 'C': raw_ncols = (unsigned)atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': Fpath = optarg; break; case 'I': useModelAsInitialization = true; break; case 'R': raw_nrows = (unsigned)atoi(optarg); break; default: usage(argv[0], NULL); break; } } if ((c == 1) || (c == -1)) { // standalone param or error fprintf(stderr, "Bad argument %s\n", optarg); exit(0); } // Some option tests if ( !rpath.empty() ) { FILE *rfile = fopen(rpath.c_str(), "wb"); if (rfile == NULL) { cout << endl << "Bad argument -r: " << "Cannot create the result filename specified " << endl << "with this option." << endl; exit(0); } fclose(rfile); } if ( !spath.empty() ) { // Test if the support label is set if (slabel == -1) { cout << endl << "Error: When using option -a to specify a support image path, " << endl << "you have to specify the support label too with option -c" << endl; exit(0); } } if (slabel != -1) { // Test if the support image path is set if ( spath.empty() ) { cout << endl << "Error: When using option -c to specify a support label, " << endl << "you have to specify the support image path too with option -a" << endl; exit(0); } } if (pyr_nlevels < 1) { // The pyramids can not be build cout << endl << "Error: When using option -n to specify the number of levels" << endl << "in the pyramids. This number must be greater than zero. " << endl; exit(0); } if ( bpath.empty() ) { bool ommit = false; if (b_nrows != -1) { cout << "Warning: option -j ignored. " << endl; ommit = true; } if (b_ncols != -1) { cout << "Warning: option -k ignored. " << endl; ommit = true; } if (b_row_orig != 0) { cout << "Warning: option -t ignored. " << endl; ommit = true; } if (b_col_orig != 0) { cout << "Warning: option -u ignored. " << endl; ommit = true; } if (ommit == true) cout << "To take it into account don't ommit option -b." << endl << endl; } } /* Get next command line option and parameter PARAMETERS: argc - count of command line arguments argv - array of command line argument strings pszValidOpts - string of valid, case-sensitive option characters, a colon ':' following a given character means that option can take a parameter ppszParam - pointer to a pointer to a string for output RETURNS: If valid option is found, the character value of that option is returned, and *ppszParam points to the parameter if given, or is NULL if no param If standalone parameter (with no option) is found, 1 is returned, and *ppszParam points to the standalone parameter If option is found, but it is not in the list of valid options, -1 is returned, and *ppszParam points to the invalid argument When end of argument list is reached, 0 is returned, and *ppszParam is NULL */ int getoption ( int argc, char** argv, char* pszValidOpts, char** ppszParam) { static int iArg = 1; int chOpt; char* psz = NULL; char* pszParam = NULL; if (iArg < argc) { psz = &(argv[iArg][0]); if (*psz == '-') { // || *psz == '/') { // we have an option specifier chOpt = argv[iArg][1]; if (isalnum(chOpt) || ispunct(chOpt)) { // we have an option character psz = strchr(pszValidOpts, chOpt); if (psz != NULL) { // option is valid, we want to return chOpt if (psz[1] == ':') { // option can have a parameter psz = &(argv[iArg][2]); if (*psz == '\0') { // must look at next argv for param if (iArg+1 < argc) { psz = &(argv[iArg+1][0]); // next argv is the param iArg++; pszParam = psz; } else { // reached end of args looking for param } } else { // param is attached to option pszParam = psz; } } else { // option is alone, has no parameter } } else { // option specified is not in list of valid options chOpt = -1; pszParam = &(argv[iArg][0]); } } else { // though option specifier was given, option character // is not alpha or was was not specified chOpt = -1; pszParam = &(argv[iArg][0]); } } else { // standalone arg given with no option specifier chOpt = 1; pszParam = &(argv[iArg][0]); } } else { // end of argument list chOpt = 0; } iArg++; *ppszParam = pszParam; return (chOpt); }