Tracking (back)


We propose a new method to both track and segment multiple objects in videos using min-cut/max-flow optimizations.

We introduce objective functions that combine low-level pixel-wise measures (color, motion), high-level observations obtained via an independent detection module (connected components of foreground detection masks in the experiments), motion prediction and contrast-sensitive contextual regularization. The minimization of these cost functions simultaneously allows "detection-before-track" tracking (track-to-observation assignment and automatic initialization of new tracks) and segmentation of tracked objects. When several tracked objects get mixed up by the detection module (e.g., single foreground detection mask for objects close to each other), a second stage of minimization allows the proper tracking and segmentation of these individual entities despite the observation confusion.

Our method is able to detect, track and precisely segment objects as they enter and traverse the field of view, even in cases of occlusions (partial or total), temporary grouping and frame dropping.


Results with moving object detector (more)

Water skier sequence ; Original images, Object detection with mean shift clustering, Moving object segmentation and tracking


Results with background subtraction

PETS 2006 Sequence; Original images, Object detection using background subtraction, Moving object segmentation and tracking



A. Bugeau, P. Pérez. Track and Cut: simultaneous tracking and segmentation of multiple objects with graph cuts. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP' 08), Madeira, Portugal, January 2008. details(pdf)

A. Bugeau, P. Pérez. Joint Tracking and Segmentation of Objects using Graph Cuts. Proc. Conf. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS' 07), Delft, the Netherlands, August 2007. details(pdf)

A. Bugeau, P. Pérez. Track and Cut: simultaneous tracking and segmentation of multiple objects with graph cuts .Technical report, IRISA, PI 6337, 2007.details(pdf)