Demo bi-transparency - Diagnostic image sequence 301 (back)


This sequence is interesting to investigate the behaviour of the method when the motion constancy assumption is partially violated.

It corresponds to a two-layers situation with one layer for the heart, and one for the lungs. This sequence is particularly difficult because the movements of the heart are fast and abrupt, and because little texture is present.

The estimated displacements are directed toward the past to respect the notations of the Transparent Motion Constraint. As a result they are in the opposite direction compared to the usual represented velocity direction.

Estimation result at four interesting time instants

We present four estimations corresponding to four successive time instants.
If the first and fourth presented estimations are satisfactory, the two other results are erroneous because the motion constancy assumption is negated. The estimation process is robust to partial deviation from this hypothesis, but cannot provide coherent motion estimations when it is completely false.

Whole processed sequence

We also present the overall processed sequence. It shows the estimated affine motion fields, along with the corresponding frames.
The results are satisfactory for about 50% of time instants. It is the most difficult presented sequence because it contains abrupt motions and little texture.