Direction des Relations Internationales (DRI)

Programme INRIA "Equipes Associées"
(Demande de prolongation)




TReaTiES: Test of Real-Time Embedded Systems

Equipe-Projet INRIA : Equipe-Projet INRIA Organisme étranger partenaire : CIn/UFPE and DSC/UFCG
Centre de recherche INRIA : Rennes Bretagne-Atlantique
Thème INRIA : Com C
Pays : Brazil
Coordinateur français
Coordinateur étranger
Nom, prénom  Jéron Thierry   Patrícia Duarte de Lima Machado
Grade/statut   DR Inria   Professor
Organisme d'appartenance
(précisez le département et/ou le laboratoire)
 INRIA  Federal University of Campina Grande
Adresse postale  IRISA / INRIA Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex   Federal University of Campina Grande, Rua Aprígio Veloso, 882, Bodocongó, CEP 58.109-970, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil
Téléphone   +33 2 99 84 74 64   +55 83 3310 1122
Télécopie   +33 2 99 84 71 71   +55 83 3310 1273 / +55 83 3310 1498
NOTA : Si la proposition d'Equipe Associée comporte plusieurs partenaires, français et/ou étrangers, vous pouvez :
- soit ajouter une colonne,
- soit dupliquer le tableau ci-dessus autant de fois que nécessaire, en remplaçant "Coordinateur français ou étranger" par "Autre participant français ou étranger".

La proposition en bref

Titre de la thématique de collaboration (en français et en anglais) :
TReaTiES: Test of REAl-TIme Embedded Systems (Test de systèmes embarqués temps-réel)

Descriptif (environ 10 lignes) :
The cooperation is targeted on the use of formal models and techniques for model-based testing of embedded systems. The main objective is to share some knowledge and experience in order to make common advances in this research domain. This cooperation will consider several research directions. Firstly, we aim to investigate models of heterogenous software systems with enlarged features such as non-determinism, recursion, time, interruption and compositionality. Secondly, we aim to focus on testing from partial models by generating them from abstract test cases and observed behavior. The idea is to incorporate incremental learning techniques into a formal validation process. Thirdly, we aim to improve current test case generation techniques by considering semantic rather than structural coverage criteria as well as the conformance relation and model checking coverage criteria. Conformance relations should also be investigated based on failure-divergence on process algebraic models. Additionally, test case generation for conformance testing with the help of diagnosis and controller synthesis is also going to be pursued. Finally, we aim to investigate automated test case selection strategies based on similarity functions.


II. BILAN 2009

Changements majeurs survenus concernant l'Equipe Associée (modifications des objectifs scientifiques, des chercheurs impliqués)

  • Vlad Rusu is on leave at Inria Lille since the end of 2008, and could not participe in TReaTiES
  • Despite what we expected (we had a funding), no PhD could be hired by Inria in 2008 on the theme of the associate team. However, a new PhD student, Sébastien Chédor has been hired in octobre 2009 on a subjet partially linked to TReaTiES.
  • A new post-doc, Ylies Falcone, will join Vertecs in Decembre 2009. His subject is on the runtime validation (monitoring, enforcement and testing).He will probably participate in TReaTiES.
  • A reaserach master internship has been proposed by Vertecs, which subject is in the heart of TReaTiES. It will be conducted by Mlle Amélie Steiner in 2010.
  • In 2009 Wilkerson Andrade applied and obtained a Brasilian scholarship that would allow him to visit Vertecs for a long period. Concurrently, he has been offered a lecturer permanent position at Federal University of Paraiba and decided to accept it. As a consequence he will only be available for short visits.
  • Patricia Machado is expecting a baby for the end of 2009, which limited her travel in 2009


Rapport scientifique de l'année 2009

(joindre la page du programme de travail initialement prévu fin 2008 pour l'année 2009
ou insérer un lien vers cette page)

Description de l'activité scientifique de l'équipe associée et des résultats obtenus : publications, communications, organisation de colloques, formation, soutenances de thèse, valorisation économique, sociale, industrielle, enregistrement de logiciels, dépôt de brevets ... (1 à 2 pages)


The program for year 2009 is available at the address

Due to reasons explained above, the level of cooperation between teams has been lower than expected. However, work has been done on both sides on several aspects focussed by the cooperation.

Results by the Brazilian team:

A strategy for testing interruptions in reactive systems that covers modelling (devoted to testing) of systems with interruptions, generation and selection of sound test cases is proposed in [AM09]. The strategy is supported by the LTS-BT tool. A case study is presented to illustrate its applicability in the mobile phone application domain. Also, the work presented in [AMAA09] discusses issues raised in the construction of test models and automatic generation of test cases for embedded real-time systems with interruptions that can run on the FreeRTOS operating system. The focus is on the use of symbolic transition systems (STSs) as the formalism from which test cases are generated by using the STG tool that has been developed by the French team.
Test case selection in model-based testing is discussed in [CMO09], focusing on the use of a similarity function. Automatically generated test suites usually have redundant test cases. The reason is that test generation algorithms are usually based on structural coverage criteria that are applied exhaustively. These criteria may not be helpful to detect redundant test cases as well as the suites are usually impractical due to the huge number of test cases that can be generated. Both problems are addressed by applying a similarity function.
The work presented in [DFM09] proposes a strategy and an algorithm for generating abstractions of systems modeled in the process algebra CSP. These abstractions are safe in the sense that they preserve trace-based refinements. Also, a strategy and a framework to evaluate functional testing techniques is presented in [BM09]. The framework is defined compositionally and parametrically. This allows us to characterize different aspects of systems in an incremental way as well as test specific hypothesis about the system under test.
Finally, a testing theory, based on the CSP process algebra, whose conformance relation (cspio) distinguishes input and output events is presented in [SNM09]. Although cspio has been defined in terms of the standard CSP traces model, we show that our theory can be immediately extended to address deadlock, outputlock and livelock situations if a special output event is used to represent quiescence. This is formally established by showing that this broader view of cspio is equivalent to Tretmans' ioco relation.

Results by the French team:

In [BBBB09], we propose an abstract procedure which, given a timed automaton, produces a language-equivalent deterministic infinite timed tree. We prove that under a certain boundedness condition, the infinite timed tree can be reduced into a classical deterministic timed automaton. The boundedness condition is satisfied by several subclasses of timed automata, some of them were known to be determinizable (event-clock timed automata, automata with integer resets), but some others were not. We prove for instance that strongly non-Zeno timed automata can be determinized. As a corollary of those constructions, we get for those classes the decidability of the universality and of the inclusion problems, and compute their complexities (the inclusion problem is for instance EXPSPACE-complete for strongly non-Zeno timed automata). During 2010, we expect to use this determinisation procedure for test generation from non-deterministic timed automata.
In the application domain of component-based system design, developing theories which support compositional reasoning is notoriously challenging. In [BPR09], we define timed modal specifications, an automata-based formalism combining modal and timed aspects. As a stepping stone to compositional approaches of timed systems, we define the notions of refinement and consistency, and establish their decidability. This work can serve as a basis for further common work about compositional testing.
In [MDJ09a], we investigate the combination of controller synthesis and test generation techniques for the testing of open, partially observable systems with respect to security policies. We consider two kinds of properties: integrity properties and cofidentiality properties. We assume that the behavior of the system is modeled by a labeled transition system and assume the existence of a black-box implementation. We first outline a method allowing to automatically compute an ideal access controls ensuring these two kinds of properties. Then, we show how to derive testers that test both the conformance of the implementation with respect to its specification, the correctness of the real access control that has been composed with the implementation in order to ensure a security property, and the security property itself.

Visit of Sidney Nogueira

During his visit in Rennes Sidney Nogueira gave two talks about his current work with Augusto Sampaio. The first talk was about the conformance relation cspio, which distinguishes input and output events, based on the CSP process algebra. This relation has been adopted in an industrial context involving a collaboration with Motorola, whose focus is on the testing of mobile applications. Although cspio has been defined in terms of the standard CSP traces model, we show it can be immediately extended to address deadlock, outputlock and livelock situations, if a special output event is used to represent quiescence. This is formally established by showing that the broader view of cspio can be is equivalent to Tretmans' cspio relation. Furthermore, we talk about possible compositionality properties for cspio with respect to several CSP operators. This talk is the basis of an invited talk given by Augusto Sampaio at ICFEM'09. Discussions with Sidney Nogueira followed concerning compositional test case generation: how to generate test cases from composed specifications in a modular way. The second talk was about enhancements applied in a use case template used to describe behavior of mobile phone applications to be tested; what is motivated by the context of the Brazilian Test Center project. The enhancements regard the possibility to specify use case relations from UML in addition to the definition of individual use cases, which are composed of interconnected flows. Moreover, this modified template enables the definition and manipulation of data, and the communication of inputs and outputs. In the sequel, the translation of the use cases to its formal representation as CSP processes. Finally, we show how CSP test purposes can specify test scenarios that match a particular specification state, and how test scenarios that match a test purpose can be obtained as counter examples of a refinement checking between processes.

Visit of N. Bertrand, H. Marchand and T. Jéron in Brazil

In december 2009, we plan to visit the Brasilian team before and during the ICFEM'09 conference in Rio. Several researchers of both teams are involved in the conference as PC members (P. Machado, T. Jéron), authors (N. Bertrand) and invited speaker (Augusto Sampaio). This is thus a good oportunity to meet in Brazil. The schedule is not yet decided but meetings will take place in Rio and/or Recife.

Publications in 2009

[AMAA09] Andrade, Wilkerson de Lucena ; Machado, P. D. L. ; Alves, Everton ; Almeida, Diego Rodrigues. Test Case Generation of Embedded Real-Time Systems with Interruptions for FreeRTOS. In: Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, 2009, Gramado. SBMF 2009 - Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, 2009. p. 54-69. To be published in the LNCS series by Springer.
[AM09] Andrade, Wilkerson de Lucena ; Machado, P. D. L. . Interruption Testing of Reactive Systems. In: Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, 2009, Gramado. SBMF 2009 - Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, 2009. p. 37-53. To be published in the LNCS series by Springer. (invited paper)
[CMO09] Cartaxo, Emanuela G. ; Machado, P. D. L. ; Oliveira Neto, Francisco G.. On the use of a similarity function for test case selection in the context of model-based testing. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2009. DOI 10.1002/stvr.413. (Early view in advance of print).
[DFM09] Damasceno, Adriana Carla ; Farias, Adalberto ; Mota, A. . A Mechanized Strategy for Safe Abstraction of CSP Speci cations. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Métodos Formais, 2009, Gramado. Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2009), 2009. v. 12. p. 118-133.
[BM09] Bertolini, Cristiano ; Mota, A. . Using Probabilistic Model Checking to Evaluate GUI Testing Techniques (aceito p publicação). In: Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 2009, Hanoi. 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 2009.
[SNM09] Sampaio, A. C. A.; Nogueira, Sidney; Mota, Alexandre. Compositional Verification of Input Output Conformance via CSP Refinement Checking. In: ICFEM - International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, 2009, Rio de Janeiro. International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods. Berlin : Springer Verlag - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009. (invited paper)
[BBBB09] C. Baier, N. Bertrand, P. Bouyer, Th. Brihaye, When are timed automata determinizable?, in 36th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'09), LNCS No 5556, Pages 43-54, Rhodes, Greece, July 2009.
[BPR09] N. Bertrand, S. Pinchinat, J.B. Raclet, Refinement and Consistency of Timed Modal Specifications, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA'09), LNCS No 5457, Pages 152-163, Tarragona, Spain, April 2009.
[MDJ09a] H. Marchand, J. Dubreil, T. Jéron, Automatic Testing of Access Control for Security Properties, in TestCom'09, 2009.
[MDJ09b] H. Marchand, J. Dubreil, T. Jéron, Génération automatique de tests pour des propriétés de sécurité, in 4ème Conférence sur la Sécurité des Architectures Réseaux et des Systèmes d'Information, Pages 157-174, June 2009.
[J09] T Jéron, Génération de tests pour les systèmes réactifs et temporisés, Actes de l'Ecole d'Eté Temps-Réel, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, September 2009.

Rapport financier 2009

Avant de remplir les tableaux, consultez les règles au paragraphe "Financement" de la page d'accueil du programme.

1. Dépenses EA (effectuées sur les crédits de l'Equipe Associée)
Montant dépensé
Invitations des partenaires   2330&euro
Missions INRIA  ~ 7140&euro

Justifiez en quelques lignes l'utilisation des crédits et en particulier une utilisation partielle du budget alloué.

Le budget 2009 est encore approximatif, puisque nous prévoyons une visite de 3 personnes au Brésil en décembre 2009. Nous estimons le coût de ces missions à: voyage: 1500 &euro x 3 = 4500 &euro, séjour: 110 &euro /j x 8j x 3 pers = 2640 &euro, soit au total 7140 &euro. Nous sommes de toutes façons en deça du budget alloué. Pour plusieurs raisons (voir plus haut) les visites Brésil vers France ont été peu nombreuses cette année.
2. Dépenses externes (effectuées sur des financements hors EA)
Montant dépensé
Nom de l'organisme 1 (*):
Invitations des partenaires  
Missions INRIA vers le partenaire  
Nom de l'organisme 2 (*):
Invitations des partenaires  
Missions INRIA vers le partenaire  

(*) Ajouter ou supprimer des lignes au tableau ci-dessus de façon à faire figurer tous les organismes ayant contribué au financement de l'équipe associée

Total des financements externes dépensés

Total des financements EA et externes dépensés

~ 9470&euro


Bilan des échanges effectués en 2009

1. Chercheurs Seniors

statut (1)
objet (2)
durée (3)
Coût (si financement EA)
Coût (si financement externe)
  Bertrand Nathalie   CR Inria   Rennes   Brésil   Visite   1 semaine   2380&euro  
  Jéron Thierry   DR Inria   Rennes   Brésil   Visite   1 semaine   2380&euro  
  Marchand Hervé   DR Inria   Rennes   Brésil   Visite   1 semaine   2380&euro  

Total des durées
  3 semaines
(1) DR / CR / professeur
(2) colloque, thèse, stage, visite....
précisez l'unité (mois, semaine..)

2. Juniors

statut (1)
objet (2)
durée (3)
Coût (si financement EA)
Coût (si financement externe)
  Sidney de Carvalho Nogueira   PhD student   Brésil   Rennes   Visite   1 semaine   2330&euro  

Total des durées
  1 semaine
(1) post-doc / doctorant / stagiaire
(2) colloque, thèse, stage, visite....
(3) précisez l'unité (mois, semaine..)


Programme de travail

Description du programme scientifique de travail
pour l'année 2010

Work Breakdown

The work program for 2010 will be a continuation and a precision of the program for 2009 (see ). We recall that we wish to cooperate at four levels:
  1. Fundamental Background. This consists in investigating and developing theoretical background that supports the main techniques and tools to be developed as part of the goal. For this cooperation, this is mainly related to test models and their semantics (LTS, IOLTS, IOSTS, Timed automata), algorithms for test generation, as well as their relationship to the conformance relations (e.g. ioco for LTS models, tioco for timed models, and variants).
  2. Process Development. Methods, strategies and processes are going to be developed to support the practical application of the goal. For this project, this is mainly related to test case generation, selection and abstraction methods and strategies along with practical processes where they can be applied. We also want to study the relations between testing and other validation techniques such as verification, diagnosis, control synthesis, monitoring.
  3. Tools Development. Tools that support the main methods and strategies defined are going to be designed and/or prototyped. We expect that these tools will interoperate with tools already developed by the teams such as TGV/STG and Target.
  4. Experimentation and Validation. At this step, case studies are going to be conducted to improve and/or validate the solutions proposed. Two main domains are going to be considered:
    • Control-command systems. Control-command systems are present in several application domains such as transport and energy. Systems in this domain share a lot of features: these are critical systems communicating with their external environment (human, software or hardware), they command and/or observe other systems (security management, activators, etc). They manipulate a great amount of heterogenous data (boolean values, integers, reals) and must react in real-time. Due to their critical nature, their correct functioning is crucial. They should thus be heavily verified and tested. Advances in model-based testing, in particular increasing the coverage of test suites while not dramatically increasing its size is thus crucial in these domains. These systems are thus well targeted by the research we intend to conduct in this project. It is also the target of the French RNTL Testec project started in 2008.
    • Mobile phone applications. This domain is characterized by applications, composed of a number of features, that are highly interactive, having their flow of execution guided mostly by external input. These applications are often tested manually. Also, the gap between specification and program is narrow, since the logics are captured by external interactions. In this context, feature testing (FT) is a crucial testing activity. A feature is a set of individual requirements that describes some functionality. Alarm Clock, Phonebook and Messaging are example of features usually found in mobile phone applications. A functional understanding of these applications is more effectively achieved by investigating user interface tasks behaviour. Features can interrupt the flow of execution of other features at any time. The possible number of combinations of allowed interruptions at different points of a flow of execution is huge. This makes the specification of each possibility unfeasible by using conventional notations and strategies. As a consequence and also due to the lack of a suitable test model, test case generation and selection is compromised.

Expected Results

Below is a list of expected results according to the main goals presented in the objectives, some of which being already started (see the results for 2009 above) :
  • Interruption testing.
    • A test model for interruption testing that is capable of modelling features and their interruptions;
    • Experimentation and validation of test case generation and selection strategies.
  • More powerful models and properties.
    • Test models and theories as well as test generation techniques for systems with heterogenous features. In particular timed models are investigated on both sides, and in particular problems linked to partial observation and non-determinism for this model. In the continuation of previous work carried on pushdown models for the modelisation of systems with recursion, we will try to extend our results to graph grammars.
  • Abstract interpretation of test cases.
    • A method of discovering defects automatically by applying model checking and testing together;
    • A method to derive high-level properties into low-level properties;
    • Abstraction techniques to incorporate model checking and testing in the same software process development.
  • Testing and learning.
    • Theroretical and methodological results on the combination of testing and learning.
  • Test case generation from process algebraic models.
    • Definition of an implementation relation in terms of CSP that generates test cases capable to observe the failures and divergences of the implementation under test during the testing;
    • A systematic approach that uses the domain specific requirements embedded in CSP specifications for the purpose of test generation.
  • Improved coverage-based test selection.
    • Formal characterization of semantic-based coverage criteria and corresponding coverage-based test selection algorithms.
  • Test case selection based on a similarity function.
    • Test case selection techniques for model-based testing that cope with redundancy for minimizing test suites;
    • Experimental studies on test case selection for embedded systems.
  • Testing security aspects.
    • We already had some results on testing of information flow and integrity, based on a combination of diagnosis and control synthesis. We want to continue in this direction and explore different properties such as availability
    • We also want to explore the relations with monitoring of security properties in a partial observation setting.


The project is going to be conducted by cooperation of Brazilian and French team members. However, each team will be responsible for specific goals defined in the objective section. There is a general coordinator at each side. Each coordinator will assign tasks to the researchers involved and his team of PhD and MSc Students and Research Assistants. In addition, we expect that PhD students can be co-supervised by researchers in both teams.
Each task is going to be planned in terms of the intended scope, milestones and expected results according to the global plan for the project. Also, task results are going to be documented in technical reports and communicated among team members.
There are going to be periodical meetings by Internet conference call where team members can present short seminars for exchanging ideas and receiving feedback. Visits from team members are also planned for closer discussions and for checking results. We plan to have 2 workshops, one in Brazil and one in France, as forums to present, check and disseminate results produced by the cooperation.
Results and milestones are going to checked and evaluated at the end of each 6 months. The goal is to assess progress and adjust and update initial plan and objectives.
Finally, the group will use a common repository of discussions and documents related to the cooperation as well as a discussion list.


Programme d'échanges avec budget prévisionnel

1. Echanges

Décrivez les échanges prévus dans les deux sens : invitations de chercheurs de votre partenaire et missions INRIA vers votre partenaire ;
Précisez s'il s'agit de chercheurs confirmés ou de juniors (stagiaires, doctorants, post-doctorants) ;
Motivez, si possible, les raisons scientifiques (travail commun, workshop,..) et précisez la durée prévue ;
Indiquez les étudiants impliqués dans la proposition. Donnez une estimation de leur nombre, pour chaque partenaire, et précisez si des thèses en cotutelle sont prévues ;
Résumez ensuite ces informations dans les tableaux 1 et 2 ci-dessous en faisant une estimation budgétaire :

Nombre de personnes
Coût estimé
Chercheurs confirmés   2   4000&euro
Doctorants   2   6000&euro


Autre (précisez) :
   10 000&euro


Nombre de personnes
Coût estimé
Chercheurs confirmés   2   4000&euro
Doctorants   2   6000&euro


Autre (précisez) :
    10 000&euro

2. Cofinancement

Cette coopération bénéficie-t-elle déjà d'un soutien financier de la part de l'INRIA, de l'organisme étranger partenaire ou d'un organisme tiers (projet européen, NSF, ...) ?
Indiquez ces éléments et donnez les montants associés.
About funding for the cooperation from the brazilian part, we have some that support scholarships for students and travel funding for attending events. This year there was no opportunity for applying to international cooperation. However, there is an open one for 2010.

3. Demande budgétaire

Indiquez, dans le tableau ci-dessous, le coût global estimé de la proposition et le budget demandé à la DRI dans le cadre de cette Equipe Associée.
(maximum 20 K€ pour une prolongation en 2e année et 10 K€ pour une 3e année).

A. Coût global de la proposition (total des tableaux 1 et 2 : invitations, missions, ...)   20 000&euro
B. Cofinancements utilisés (financements autres que Equipe Associée)  

Financement "Équipe Associée" demandé (A.-B.)
(maximum 20 K€ pour une 2e année et 10 K€ pour une 3e année)


Remarques ou observations :




© INRIA - mise à jour le 08/07/2009