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V. Tschaen. Test generation algorithms based on preorder relations. In Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems, M. Broy, B. Jonsson, J.-P. Katoen, M. Leucker, A. Pretschner (eds.), Chap. 8, LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2005.

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Testing theory has been studied for a long time. Based on finite state machines at the beginning, it has been extended to conformance testing of transition systems. Test generation methods have been developed for both of these models


Valéry Tschaen http://www.irisa.fr/vertecs/Equipe/Tschaen

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Tschaen, V.},
   Title = {Test generation algorithms based on preorder relations},
   BookTitle = {Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems},
   editor = {Broy, M. and Jonsson, B. and Katoen, J.-P. and Leucker, M. and Pretschner, A.},
   Number = {3472},
   Chapter= {8},
   Series = {LNCS},
   Publisher = {Springer Verlag},
   Year = {2005}

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