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V. Rusu, E. Zinovieva, D. Clarke. Verifying Invariants More Automatically. In Verification and Computatoiional Logic, VCL'02, 2002.

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We present an algorithm that, given a transition system S and a set of auxiliary invariants A already proved on S, checks if a predicate I is inductive on S in the context of the auxiliary invariants. The answer is either yes, in which case I is an invariant of S, or don't know. The algorithm accepts infinite-state systems with unbounded counters and parametric-size arrays, and predicates with quantifiers over unbounded domains. As an example we verify a component of an electronic purse system. By using our algorithm together with the PVS theorem prover the verification is more automatic than that performed using PVS alone


Vlad Rusu http://www.irisa.fr/vertecs/Equipe/Rusu/vlad-rusu.html
Elena Zinovieva http://www.irisa.fr/prive/lenaz

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Rusu, V. and Zinovieva, E. and Clarke, D.},
   Title = {Verifying Invariants More Automatically},
   BookTitle = {Verification and Computatoiional Logic, VCL'02},
   Year = {2002}

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