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T. Jéron, H. Marchand, V. Rusu, V. Tschaen. Ensuring the conformance of reactive discrete-event systems using supervisory control. In 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Hawaii, USA, December 2003.


We study the problem of controlling an implementation of a system by means of an automatically computed supervisor, in order to ensure a conformance relation between the implementation and its formal specification. The supervisor can be seen as a ``patch'' that automatically fixes errors, which otherwise should have been discovered by testing and fixed by hand


Thierry Jéron http://www.irisa.fr/prive/jeron
Hervé Marchand http://www.irisa.fr/prive/hmarchan
Vlad Rusu http://www.irisa.fr/vertecs/Equipe/Rusu/vlad-rusu.html
Valéry Tschaen http://www.irisa.fr/vertecs/Equipe/Tschaen

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Jéron, T. and Marchand, H. and Rusu, V. and Tschaen, V.},
   Title = {Ensuring the conformance of reactive discrete-event systems using supervisory control},
   BookTitle = {42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
   Address = {Hawaii, USA},
   Month = {December},
   Year = {2003}

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