%O Report %F jeannet03b %A Jeannet, B. %A Serwe, W. %T Abstracting Call-Stacks for Interprocedural Verification of Imperative Programs %N 1543 %I IRISA %X We address in this paper the verification of imperative programs with recursion. Our approach consists in using abstract interpretation to relate the standard semantics of imperative programs to an abstract semantics, by the mean of a Galois connection, and then to resort to intraprocedural techniques, which can be applied on the abstract semantics. This approach allows the reuse of classical intraprocedural techniques with few modifications, generalises existing approaches to interprocedural analysis and offers additional flexibility, as it keeps substantial information on the call-stack of the analysed program %U ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/techreports/2003/PI-1543.ps.gz %8 July %D 2003