%0 Journal Article %F falcone12a %A Falcone, Y. %A Mounier, L. %A J.-C., Fernandez %A Richier, J.-L. %T Runtime enforcement monitors: composition, synthesis, and enforcement abilities %J Formal Methods in System Design %X Runtime enforcement is a powerful technique to ensure that a program will respect a given set of properties. We extend previous work on this topic in several directions. Firstly, we propose a generic notion of enforcement monitors based on a memory device and finite sets of control states and enforcement operations. Moreover, we specify their enforcement abilities w.r.t. the general Safety-Progress classification of properties. Furthermore, we propose a systematic technique to produce a monitor from the automaton recognizing a given safety, guarantee, obligation or response property. Finally, we show that this notion of enforcement monitors is more amenable to implementation and encompasses previous runtime enforcement mechanisms %U http://www.irisa.fr/vertecs/Publis/Ps/falcone11a.pdf %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10703-011-0114-4 %D 2012