G. Delaval, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. Contracts for Modular Discrete Controller Synthesis. In Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems, LCTES 2010, Pages 57-66, Stockholm, Sweden, April 2010.
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We describe the extension of a reactive programming language with a behavioral contract construct. It is dedicated to the pro- gramming of reactive control of applications in embedded sys- tems, and involves principles of the supervisory control of discrete event systems. Our contribution is in a language approach where modular discrete controller synthesis (DCS) is integrated, and it is concretized in the encapsulation of DCS into a compilation pro- cess. From transition system specifications of possible behaviors, DCS automatically produces controllers that make the controlled system satisfy the property given as objective. Our language fea- tures and compiling technique provide correctness-by-construction in that sense, and enhance reliability and verifiability. Our appli- cation domain is adaptive and reconfigurable systems: closed-loop adaptation mechanisms enable flexible execution of functionalities w.r.t. changing resource and environment conditions. Our language can serve programming such adaption controllers. This paper par- ticularly describes the compilation of the language. We present a method for the modular application of discrete controller synthesis on synchronous programs, and its integration in the BZR language. We consider structured programs, as a composition of nodes, and first apply DCS on particular nodes of the program, in order to re- duce the complexity of the controller computation; then, we allow the abstraction of parts of the program for this computation; and finally, we show how to recompose the different controllers com- puted from different abstractions for their correct co-execution with the initial program. Our work is illustrated with examples, and we present quantitative results about its implementation
Hervé Marchand http://www.irisa.fr/prive/hmarchan
Author = {Delaval, G. and Marchand, H. and Rutten, E.},
Title = {Contracts for Modular Discrete Controller Synthesis},
BookTitle = {Conference on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems, LCTES 2010},
Pages = {57--66},
Address = {Stockholm, Sweden},
Month = {April},
Year = {2010}
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