Y. Falcone. You should Better Enforce than Verify (Tutorial). In RV'10: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Runtime Verification, LNCS, Volume 6418, Pages 89-105, Malta, November 2010.
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This tutorial deals with runtime enforcement which is an extension of runtime verification aiming to circumvent misbehaviors of programs. Within this technique the monitor not only observes the current program execution, but it also modifies it. It uses an internal memory, in order to ensure that the expected property is fulfilled: it still reads an input sequence but now produces a new sequence of events in such a way that the property is enforced. The precise and formal relation between input and output sequences is usually ruled by two constraints: soundness and transparency. From an abstract point of view those constraints entail the monitor to minimally modify the input sequence in order to ensure the desired property. This tutorial focuses on runtime enforcement and advocates its use as an extension to runtime verification. More specifically the tutorial steps are the following: 1) we overview previous approaches to runtime enforcement; 2) we thoroughly present our latest advances in runtime enforcement that generalizes and extends previous approaches; 3) we discuss practical limitations and future challenges
Author = {Falcone, Y.},
Title = {You should Better Enforce than Verify (Tutorial)},
BookTitle = {RV'10: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Runtime Verification},
Volume = {6418},
Pages = {89--105},
Series = {LNCS},
Publisher = {Springer},
Address = {Malta},
Month = {November},
Year = {2010}
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