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This paper describes how a polynomial equationnal approach of the theory of logic discrete event systems leads to efficient algorithms for the synthesis of supervisory controllers. Even if traditional control objectives can be considered in our framework ({\it invariance}, {\it reachability} or {\it attractivity}), we address here the synthesis of optimal controller with control objectives specified as a minimization of a given cost function over the states through the trajectories of the system.
Keywords: Discrete Event Systems, Control theory, Polynomial dynamical system, Optimal Control.
Hervé Marchand
Author = {Marchand, H. and Le Borgne, M.},
Title = {On the Optimal Control of Polynomial Dynamical Systems over Z/pZ},
BookTitle = {4th IEE International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems},
Pages = {385--390},
Address = {Cagliari, Italie},
Month = {August},
Year = {1998}
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