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In this paper, we are interested in the control of a particular class of Concurrent Discrete Event Systems defined by a collection of components that interact with each other. We investigate the computation of the supremal controllable language contained in the one of the specification. We do not adopt the decentralized approach. Instead, we have chosen to perform the control on some approximations of the plant derived from the behavior of each component. The behavior of these approximations is restricted so that they respect a new language property for discrete event systems called partial controllability condition that depends on the specification. It is shown that, under some assumptions, the intersection of these ``controlled approximations'' corresponds to the supremal controllable language contained in the specification with respect to the plant. This computation is performed without having to build the whole plant, hence avoiding the state space explosion induced by the concurrent nature of the plant.
Benoit Gaudin
Hervé Marchand
Author = {Gaudin, B. and Marchand, H.},
Title = {Modular Supervisory Control of a class of Concurrent Discrete Event Systems},
BookTitle = {Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES'04},
Pages = {181--186},
Month = {September},
Year = {2004}
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