B. Gaudin, H Marchand, Supervisory Control of Product and Hierarchical Discrete Event Systems, European Journal of Control, 10(2), 2004.

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Special issue of European Control Conference, ECC 2003


In this paper, the supervisory control of a class of Discrete Event Systems is investigated. Discrete event systems are modeled either by a collection of Finite State Machines that behave asynchronously or by a Hierarchical Finite State Machine. The basic problem of interest is to ensure the invariance of a set of particular configurations in the system. When the system is modeled as asynchronous FSMs, we provide algorithms that, based on a particular decomposition of the set of forbidden configurations, solve the control problem locally (i.e. on each component without computing the whole system) and produce a global supervisor ensuring the desired property. We then provide sufficient conditions under which the obtained controlled system is non-blocking. This kind of objectives may be useful to perform dynamic interactions between different parts of a system. Finally, we apply these results to the case of Hierarchical Finite State Machines.


Benoit Gaudin

Hervé Marchand

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Gaudin, B. and Marchand, H},
   Title = {Supervisory Control of Product and Hierarchical Discrete Event Systems},
   Journal = {European Journal of Control},
   Volume = {10},
   Number = {2},
   Year = {2004}

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