T. Jéron, C. Jard, Testing for Unboundedness of Fifo Channels, Theoretical Computer Science, 113:93-117, 1993.

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Undecidability of the unboundedness problem for specification models allowing fifo channels was proved a few years ago by Brand and Zafiropulo. The paper investigates a testing approach of that problem. Dealing with the general framework of systems communicating through fifo channels, we find a sufficient condition for unboundedness based on a relation between the nodes of the reachability tree. The construction of the resulting reduced tree can then be applied as well to communicating finite state machines as to Fifo-Nets. Moreover, the test extends existing decidability results. As a matter of fact, it becomes a decision procedure for a class of systems strictly including linear and monogeneous systems which are the two essential classes in which decidability is already known. In order to conclude our study on a practical view, we show that a few modifications of the relation make the test available for Estelle specifications.


Thierry Jéron

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Jéron, T. and Jard, C.},
   Title = {Testing for Unboundedness of Fifo Channels},
   Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
   Volume = {113},
   Pages = {93--117},
   Year = {1993}

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