M. Adam, P. Burgevin, B. Caillaud, A. Couvert, J.-M. Helary, P. Ingels, C. Jard, T. Jeron, J.-M. Jezequel, R. Pedrono, M. Raynal, Distributed Computers in the Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms, in 1er Colloque Européen sur les Hypercubes et Calculateurs Distribués, Rennes, October 1989.

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   Author = {Adam, M. and Burgevin, P. and Caillaud, B. and Couvert, A. and Helary, J.-M. and Ingels, P. and Jard, C. and Jeron, T. and Jezequel, J.-M. and Pedrono, R. and Raynal, M.},
   Title = {Distributed Computers in the Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms},
   BookTitle = {1er Colloque Européen sur les Hypercubes et Calculateurs Distribués, Rennes},
   Month = {October},
   Year = {1989}

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