Inria / Raweb 2005
Project-Team: Triskell


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Project-Team : triskell

Section: Dissemination

Scientific community animation



Jean-Marc Jézéquel

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

is an Associate Editor of the following journals:

Pierre-Alain Muller

Pierre-Alain Muller

is an Associate Editor of the following journals:

Examination Committees

Examination Committees

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis and ``Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches'':

Yves Le traon

Yves Le traon

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

Pierre-Alain Muller

Pierre-Alain Muller

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:



Jean-Marc Jézéquel

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

was Conference Chair of the following conference:

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

has been a member of the programme committee of the following conferences:

Yves Le Traon

Yves Le Traon

has been a member of the programme committee of the following conferences and workshops:

Noël Plouzeau

Noël Plouzeau

has been a member of the programme committee of the following conferences and workshops:

Pierre-Alain Muller

Pierre-Alain Muller

has been a member of the programme committee of the following conferences:



J.-M. Jézéquel gave an invited talk at the DGA seminar on ``Complex Software Systems engineering'', November 2005.

P.-A. Muller was Programme Chair of the 1ères journéees sur l'Ingénierie Dirigées par les Modèles (IDM 05), Paris, June 2005 [12]. He presented an invited conference on Model Transformations at the Artist2 summer school, septembre 2005. He was also responsible of setting up and moderating a panel on ``Meta-modeling architecture'' at MODELS'2005, and another one on ``Model-Driven Engineering'' at LMO'05.

B. Baudry was co-organizer with Christophe Gaston (CEA) and Sudipto Ghosh (CSU) of the MoDeVa workshop in conjunction with MoDELS'05. He was also Workshop Chair for SPLC-Europe 2005 (9th International Software Product Line Conference), Rennes, September 2005.
