Rotating Around Clearer Leaves

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This sequence contains images taken in the same conditions, but the camera rotated slowly around the scene from an image of a sequence to the next one.

Download the sequence (tar of gzipped PGM images).
Sequence reference: g3_sp_lirz_s3
Images: im1 to im48 from left to right
Scene: Leaves.
Variation: rotation around the scene

im1: im2: im3: im4: im5: im6: im7: im8: im9: im10: im11: im12: im13: im14: im15: im16: im17: im18: im19: im20: im21: im22: im23: im24: im25: im26: im27: im28: im29: im30: im31: im32: im33: im34: im35: im36: im37: im38: im39: im40: im41: im42: im43: im44: im45: im46: im47: im48: