Scientific Axes
Activity Report
Reference Details
Tettelin, H, Carbone, ML Agostoni, Albermann, K, Albers, M, Arroyo, J, Backes, U, Barreiros, T, Bertani, I, Bjourson, AJ, Brückner, M, Bruschi, CV, Carignani, G, Castagnoli, L, Cerdan, E, Clemente, ML, Coblenz, A, Coglievina, M, Coissac, E, Defoor, E, Bino, S Del, Delius, H, Delneri, D, de Wergifosse, P, Dujon, B, P Durand and Kleine, K (1997), "The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII.", Nature, 387, 6632 Suppl: 81-4.

The complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII has 572 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), of which 341 are new. No correlation was found between G+C content and gene density along the chromosome, and their variations are random. Of the ORFs, 17\\\% show high similarity to human proteins. Almost half of the ORFs could be classified in functional categories, and there is a slight increase in the number of transcription (7.0\\\%) and translation (5.2\\\%) factors when compared with the complete S. cerevisiae genome. Accurate verification procedures demonstrate that there are less than two errors per 10,000 base pairs in the published sequence.

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