Regional cooperations
The Symbiose project has collaborations with many laboratories, mostly biological, in western France.
Collaborations are detailed in the section devoted to new results. Among the most advanced, let us mention:
Agrocampus-Inra Rennes - Laboratoire de Génétique Animale:
Analysis of gene regulation involved in the lipid metabolism (P. Blavy, O. Radulescu, A. Siegel).
- Inserm U456 (Détoxication et réparation tissulaire). Study of gene regulations in TGFβ signalling in liver cancer (J. Gruel, M. Le Borgne, O. Radulescu, P. Veber).
- École Polytechnique de l'Université de Nantes : integration of CHAVL in a R environment (I.-C. Lerman).
Related to european project ACGT.
- École Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers (CREDO laboratory) integration of CHAVL in a R environment (I.-C. Lerman)
- Laboratoire de Microbiologie UMR1253 STLO, INRA-Agrocampus, 65, rue de
Saint Brieuc CS84215, 35042 Rennes cedex, France. Design of primers (D. Lavenier)
- UMR-CNRS 6026 Structure et Dynamique des Macromolécules, Rennes(C. Delamarche): Major Intrincsic Proteins (MIP) (F. Coste, G. Kerbellec, G. Ranchy)
- VALORIA, UBS, Vannes: ReMIX project (D. Lavenier, G. Georges, S.Rubini).
- LESTER, Lorient, ARC FLASH (D. Lavenier, G. Georges).
- UMR-CNRS 6553 - EcoBio : Arabidopsis thaliana transposons (J. Nicolas, S. Tempel), database on abyssal fungi (A. Assi).
- MIcroenvironnement et CAncer, UPRES UA 3889 (Thierry Guillaudeux) : Tumor Necrosis Factor (F. Coste, G. Kerbellec)
National collaborations
The Symbiose project has worked with and/or welcomed in Rennes the following french collaborators:
MIG, Inra, Jouy en Josas (J.-F. Gibrat, A. Marin): Protein threading, Proteus (R. Andonov, F. Coste, D. Lavenier)
Institut de Biologie et de Chimie des Protéines (R. Andonov, F. Coste)
CEA, Saclay: Laboratoire d'Intégration des Systèmes et des Technologies, Service Architectures et
Conceptions. Reconfigurable Architectures Reconfigurable computing (D. Lavenier).
LEPG Tours (Y. Bigot) : ANR Modulome (J. Nicolas, C. Rousseau, F. Coste).
URGI Versailles (H. Quesneville): ANR Modulome (J. Nicolas, C. Rousseau).
IML, Marseille and LIRMM, Montpellier: substitutive dynamical systems (A. Siegel).
LIFL, Lille (D. Lavenier, P. Peterlongo).
Curie Institute, biology, medecine and bioinformatics, Paris (O. Radulescu, A. Siegel, M. Le Borgne)
CNRS, biology, Paris : Alain Lilienbaum. (O. Radulescu)
U.Paris 7, rheology : Sandra Lerouge. (O. Radulescu)
ABI, Paris VI University (Joël Pothier): structural cores (F. Coste).
International cooperations
Bilateral cooperationsInstitute of Computing Technology, Beijing, Chine.
Parallelization of bioinformatics algorithms onto multicore processors (D. Lavenier)
Sofia University, Protein structure prediction (R. Andonov)
US, Stony Brook University, Drosophila developmental biology: John Reinitz (O. Radulescu).
Russia, St. Petersburg, mathematics:
Sergei Vakulenko, modelling : Vitaly Gursky, bioinformatics: Maria
Samsonova. (O. Radulescu).
India, NCBS Bangalore, systems biology: Upi Bhalla, biophysics : Madan Rao. (O. Radulescu).
UK, U.Leicester, applied mathematics: Alexander Gorban. (O. Radulescu).
Germany, Postdam university, Prof. T.
Schaub's lab. Logic programming and boolean constraint solving. (P.
Veber, J. Nicolas, T. Henin).
Greece, Institute of Communication and
Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, cooperation:
parallelization of cancer tumor growth (oncosimulator) (D. Lavenier, A.
Assi, J. Jacques)
Poland, Poznan Supercomputing and
Networking Center: Gridification of the oncosimulator on the ACGT GRID
(D. Lavenier, A. Assi, J. Jacques)