Kickoff Meeting Programme (April 4-5 2019)
April 4 2019
Welcome and presentation of ANR Ticktac
[Ocan Sankur - Rennes]
14h30 - 15h15
Robust controller synthesis in timed Büchi automata: a symbolic approach
[Damien Busatto-Gaston - Marseille]
15h15 - 16h
Partial-order reduction for real-time systems
[Igor Walukiewicz - Bordeaux]
16h30 - 17h15
TChecker and the tool development work package
[Frederic Herbreteau - Bordeaux]
17h15 - 18h
Development of Spot 2.0
[Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Paris]
April 5 (9h30 - 15h)
9h30 - 10h15
Abstraction refinement algorithms for timed automata
[Victor Roussanaly, Rennes]
10h15 - 11h
Fast algorithms for handling diagonal constraints in timed automata
[Paul Gastin, Cachan]
11h - 11h45
Motion planning using timed automata and the case study work package
[Nicolas Perrin, Philipp Schlehuber-Caissier, Paris]