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Y. Falcone, J-C Fernandez, T. Jéron, H. Marchand, L. Mounier. More Testable Properties. STTT: Software Tools for Technology Transfer, (Extension of the ICTSS'10 paper), 14(2):403-437, 2012.
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This page is automatically generated by bib2html v216, © INRIA 2002-2007, Projet Lagadic
Testing remains a widely used validation technique for software systems. However, recent needs in software development (e.g., in terms of security concerns) may require to extend this technique to address a larger set of properties. In this article, we explore the set of testable properties within the Safety-Progress classification where testability means to establish by testing that a relation, between the tested system and the property under scrutiny, holds. We characterize testable properties w.r.t. several relations of interest. For each relation, we give a sufficient condition for a property to be testable. Then, we study and delineate a fine-grain characterization of testable properties: for each Safety-Progress class, we identify the subset of testable properties and their corresponding test oracle. Furthermore, we address automatic test generation for the proposed framework by providing a general synthesis technique that allows to obtain canonical testers for the testable properties in the Safety-Progress classification. Moreover, we show how the usual notion of quiescence can be taken into account in our general framework, and, how quiescence improves the testability results. Then, we list some existing testing approaches that could benefit from this work by addressing a wider set of properties. Finally, we propose Java-PT, a prototype Java toolbox that implements the results introduced in this article
Thierry Jéron http://www.irisa.fr/prive/jeron
Hervé Marchand http://people.rennes.inria.fr/Herve.Marchand/
BibTex Reference
Author = {Falcone, Y. and Fernandez, J-C and Jéron, T. and Marchand, H. and Mounier, L.},
Title = {More Testable Properties},
Journal = {STTT: Software Tools for Technology Transfer},
Volume = {14},
Number = {2},
Pages = {403--437},
Year = {2012}
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