%O Report %F chedor:hal-00778134 %A Chédor, S. %A Jéron, T. %A Morvan, C. %T Test Generation from Recursive Tile Systems %N 0 %I INRIA %X In this paper we explore the generation of conformance test cases for Recursive Tile Systems (RTSs) in the framework of the classical ioco testing theory. The RTS model allows the description of reactive systems with recursion, and is very similar to other models like Pushdown Automata, Hyperedge Replacement Grammars or Recursive State Machines. Test generation for this kind of models is seldom explored in the literature. We first present an off-line test generation algorithm for Weighted RTSs, a determinizable sub-class of RTSs, and second, an on-line test generation algorithm for the full RTS model. Both algorithms use test purposes to guide test selection through targeted behaviours. Additionally, essential properties relating verdicts produced by generated test cases on an implementation with both the conformance with respect to its specification, and the precision with respect to a test purpose, are proved %U http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00778134/PDF/RR-8206.pdf %8 January %D 2013