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S. Akshay, Ionut Dinca, Blaise Genest, Alin Stefanescu. Implementing Realistic Asynchronous Automata.. In IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FSTTCS 2013, LIPIcs, Volume 24, Pages 213-224, Guwahati, Inde, December 2013.
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This page is automatically generated by bib2html v216, © INRIA 2002-2007, Projet Lagadic
{Zielonka's theorem, established 25 years ago, states that any regular language closed under commutation is the language of an asynchronous automaton (a tuple of automata, one per process, exchanging information when performing common actions). Since then, constructing asynchronous automata has been simplified and improved. We first survey these constructions and conclude that the synthesized systems are not realistic in the following sense: existing constructions are either plagued by deadends, non deterministic guesses, or the acceptance condition or choice of actions are not distributed. We tackle this problem by giving (effectively testable) necessary and sufficient conditions which ensure that deadends can be avoided, acceptance condition and choices of action can be distributed, and determinism can be maintained. Finally, we implement our constructions, giving promising results when compared with the few other existing prototypes synthesizing asynchronous automata.}
Blaise Genest http://perso.crans.org/~genest/
BibTex Reference
Author = {Akshay, S. and Dinca, Ionut and Genest, Blaise and Stefanescu, Alin},
Title = {{Implementing Realistic Asynchronous Automata.}},
BookTitle = {{IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FSTTCS 2013}},
Volume = {24},
Pages = {213--224},
Series = {LIPIcs},
Address = {Guwahati, Inde},
Month = {December},
Year = {2013}
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