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A. Stainer. Frequencies in Forgetful Timed Automata. Research Report INRIA, No 8009, 2012.
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A quantitative semantics for infinite timed words in timed automata based on the frequency of a run is introduced in [BBBS11]. Unfortunately, most of the results are obtained only for one-clock timed automata because the techniques do not allow to deal with some phenomenon of convergence between clocks. On the other hand, the notion of forgetful cycle is introduced in [BA11], in the context of entropy of timed languages, and seems to detect exactly these con- vergences. In this paper, we investigate how the notion of forgetfulness can help to extend the computation of the set of frequencies to n-clock timed automata
BibTex Reference
Author = {Stainer, A.},
Title = {Frequencies in Forgetful Timed Automata},
Number = {8009},
Institution = {INRIA},
Year = {2012}
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