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E. Badouel, P. Darondeau, L. Petrucci. Modular Synthesis of Petri Nets from Regular Languages. In Perspectives in Concurrency Theory (A Festschrift for Thiagarajan), pp. 1-21, Universities Press (India), 2009.


Eric Badouel http://people.rennes.inria.fr/Eric.Badouel/index.html
Philippe Darondeau

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Badouel, E. and Darondeau, P. and Petrucci, L.},
   Title = {Modular Synthesis of Petri Nets from Regular Languages},
   BookTitle = {Perspectives in Concurrency Theory (A Festschrift for Thiagarajan)},
   Pages = {1--21},
   Publisher = {Universities Press (India)},
   Year = {2009}

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