%0 Conference Proceedings %F BLPR-icfem09 %A Bertrand, N. %A Legay, A. %A Pinchinat, S. %A Raclet, J-P. %T A Compositional Approach on Modal Specifications for Timed Systems %B Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM'09) %V 5885 %P 679-697 %S LNCS %I Springer %C Rio de Janeiro, Brazil %X On the one hand, modal specifications are classic, convenient, and expressive mathematical objects to represent interfaces of component-based systems. On the other hand, time is a crucial aspect of systems for practical applications, e.g. in the area of embedded systems. And yet, only few results exist on the design of timed component-based systems. In this paper, we propose a timed extension of modal specifications, together with fundamental operations (conjunction, product, and quotient) that enable to reason in a compositional way about timed system. The specifications are given as modal event-clock automata, where clock resets are easy to handle. We develop an entire theory that promotes efficient incremental design techniques %U http://www.irisa.fr/vertecs/Publis/Ps/icfem09.pdf %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10373-5_35 %8 December %D 2009