

  1. S. Cherrared, S. Imadali, E. Fabre, G. Gössler. SAKURA a Model Based Root Cause Analysis Framework for vIMS. MobiSys'19, pp. 594-595, June 2019. details


  1. S. Palaniappan, F. Bertaux, M. Pichene, E. Fabre, G. Batt, B. Genest. Approximating the dynamics of the Hybrid Stochastic-Deterministic Apoptosis pathway. CMSB 2015, 2015. details


  1. MP. Cabasino, P. Darondeau, M. Pia Fanti, C. Seatzu. Model Identification and Synthesis of Discrete-Event Systems. Contemporary Issues in System Science and Engineering, 2011. details


  1. Ch. Baier, N. Bertrand, M. Grösser. The Effect of Tossing Coins in Omega-Automata. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'09), pp. 15-29, 2009. details
  2. A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, R. Passerone. Multi-Viewpoint State Machines for Rich Component Models. Model-Based Design of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems, 2009. details pdf
  3. L. Hélouet, A. Benveniste. Distributed Active XML and Service Interfaces. No 7082, 2009. details
  4. L. Hélouet, A. Roumy. Canaux cachés et théorie de l'information. 2009. details
  5. V. Rehak, P. Slov\'aak, J. Strejcek, L. Hélouet. Decidable Race Condition for HMSC. No 0, 2009. details
  6. T Jéron. Génération de tests pour les systèmes réactifs et temporisés. Ecole d'Eté Temps-Réel, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, September 2009. details pdf
  7. C. Morvan, S. Pinchinat. Diagnosability of pushdown systems. AutomathA, Liège, Belgique, June 2009. details


  1. J. Dubreil, T. Jéron, L. Hélouët, H. Marchand. Evaluation des techniques de diagnostic pour la construction de détecteurs d'intrusions. Delivrable, Politess Project, 2008. details
  2. L. Hélouet, H. Marchand, T. Jéron. Testing Covert Channels. 2008. details
  3. L. Hélouet, T. Gazagnaire, H. Marchand. Anomaly Detection with diagnosis technique. 2008. details
  4. L. Hélouët, H. Marchand, T. Jéron. Testing Cover Channel. Delivrable, Politess Project, 2008. details
  5. H. Marchand, J. Dubreil, T. Jéron. Automatic Test Generation for Security Property. Delivrable, Politess Project, 2008. details
  6. L. Hélouet. SOFAT V3 : Suer Manual. August 2008. details
  7. A. Madalinski, E. Fabre. Modular construction of finite and complete prefixes of Petri net unfoldings. No 6412, 2008. details


  1. F. Ployette, B. Jeannet, T. Jéron. Stg: a symbolic test generation tool for reactive systems. TESTCOM/FATES07 (Tool Paper), Tallinn, Estonia, June 2007. details


  1. B. Legeard, M. Rueher, T. Jéron, B. Marre. V3F: Validation et Vérification en présence de calculs à Virgule Flottante. Rapport final de l'Action Concertée Incitative, Sécurité Informatique, October 2006. details
  2. L. Besnard, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. The Sigali Tool Box Environment. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES'06 (Tool Paper), pp. 465-466, Ann-Arbor (MI, USA), July 2006. details pdf


  1. L. Hélouet. Fibro V0.1, Manuel d'utilisation. Livrable L1.1.4r, CRE CO2, July 2005. details
  2. L. Hélouet. FIBRO : un outil de composition de scénarios. Livrable L1.1.3l, CRE CO2, July 2005. details


  1. T. Jéron, V. Tschaen. Test Generation Engine Documentation. AGEDIS : Automated Generation and Execution of test suites for DIstributed component-based Software, 2004. details
  2. L. Hélouet. Comparaison de langages de scénarios. Livrable L1.1.1r, CRE CO2, November 2004. details


  1. T. Jéron. Le test de conformité : état de l'art. Rapport pour l'AEE (Architecture Electronique Embarquée), 2001. details ps


  1. T. Jéron, H. Kahlouche, P. Morel. Document de spécification des algorithmes de TGV. Marché France-Télécom - Vérilog - Irisa - Verimag, Génération automatique de tests, 1999. details
  2. T. Jéron. Testing Reactive Systems using Model-Based Verification Techniques. Invited presentation, Dutch Testing Day, Philips, Eindhoven, November 1999. details
  3. C. Jard, T. Jéron. Test Generation for Reactive Systems. FM'99: World Congress on Formal Methods in the development of computing systems, Toulouse, France, Industrial Tutorial: Testing & Formal Methods, September 1999. details
  4. T. Jéron. Efficient automatic generation of conformance test suites for protocols and reactive systems. Workshop on Formal Methods for Safety Critical Systems, Munich, Germany, March 1999. details


  1. T. Jéron. TGV: principles, tool architecture and algorithms. Dagstuhl Seminar on Test Automation for Reactive Systems - Theory and Practice, September 1998. details
  2. C. Jard, T. Jéron, J.-C. Fernandez. Etat de l'art, outils existants et spécification de l'outil. Marché France-Télécom - Vérilog - Irisa - Verimag, Génération automatique de tests, August 1998. details

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