Selection by year
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Complete lists
Publications 2009
Academic Journals
- E. Best, P. Darondeau. A decomposition theorem for finite persistent transition systems. Acta Informatica, 46:237-254, 2009.
- D. Bosnacki, E. Elkind, B. Genest, D. Peled. On Commutativity Based Edge Lean Search. Special issue of BISFAI 2007, Annals of Mathematic and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI), in press(0), 2009.
- P. Darondeau, M. Koutny, M. Pietkiewicz-Koutny, A. Yakovlev. Synthesis of Nets with Step Firing Policies. Fundamenta Informaticae, 94(3):275-474, 2009.
- T. Gazagnaire, B. Genest, L. Hélouet, P.S. Thiagarajan, Shaofa Yang. Causal Message Sequence Charts. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 410(41):4094-4110, 2009.
- Agnes Madalinski, E. Fabre. Modular Construction of Finite and Complete Prefixes of Petri Net Unfoldings. Fundamenta Informaticae, 95, 2009.
- E. Rutten, H. Marchand. Automatic generation of safe handlers for multi-task systems. Journal of Embedded Computing, 3(4):255-276, 2009.
Book Chapters
- E. Badouel, P. Darondeau, L. Petrucci. Modular Synthesis of Petri Nets from Regular Languages. In Perspectives in Concurrency Theory (A Festschrift for Thiagarajan), pp. 1-21, Universities Press (India), 2009.
International Conferences
- C. Baier, N. Bertrand, M. Grosser. Probabilistic Acceptors for Languages over Infinite Words. In 35th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, LNCS, Volume 5404, Pages 19-33, Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech, 2009.
- P. Caspi, A. Benveniste, R. Lublinerman, S. Tripakis. Actors without Directors: A Kahnian View of Heterogeneous Systems. In HSCC, Pages 46-60, 2009.
- Jean-Baptiste Raclet, Eric Badouel, Albert Benveniste, Benoît Caillaud, Roberto Passerone. Why Are Modalities Good for Interface Theories?. In Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD, Pages 119-127, 2009.
- Jean-Baptiste Raclet, Eric Badouel, Albert Benveniste, Benoît Caillaud, Axel Legay, Roberto Passerone. Modal interfaces: unifying interface automata and modal specifications. In ACM International conference on Embedded software, EMSOFT, Pages 87-96, 2009.
- N. Bertrand, A. Legay, S. Pinchinat, J-P. Raclet. A Compositional Approach on Modal Specifications for Timed Systems. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM'09), LNCS, Volume 5885, Pages 679-697, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2009.
- G. Kalyon, T. Le Gall, H. Marchand, T. Massart. Computational Complexity for State-Feedback Controllers with Partial Observation. In 7th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA'09, Pages 435-441, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2009.
- H. Marchand, J. Dubreil, T. Jéron. Automatic Testing of Access Control for Security Properties. In TestCom'09, LNCS, Volume 5826, Pages 113-128, November 2009.
- F. Cassez, J. Dubreil, H. Marchand. Dynamic Observers for the Synthesis of Opaque Systems. In 7th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA'09), Z. Liu, A.P. Ravn (eds.), LNCS, Volume 5799, Pages 352-367, Macao SAR, China, October 2009.
- C. Morvan, S. Pinchinat. Diagnosability of pushdown systems. In HVC2009, Haifa Verification Conference, LNCS, Volume 6405, Pages 21-33, Haifa, Israel, October 2009.
- N. Bertrand, B. Genest, Gimbert. H.. Qualitative Determinacy and Decidability of Stochastic Games with Signals. In 24th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS'09), Pages 319-328, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2009.
- J. Dubreil, T. Jéron, H. Marchand. Monitoring Confidentiality by Diagnosis Techniques. In European Control Conference, Pages 2584-2590, Budapest, Hungary, August 2009.
- G. Kalyon, Le Gall T, H. Marchand, T. Massart. Control of Infinite Symbolic Transition Systems under Partial Observation. In European Control Conference, Pages 1456-1462, Budapest, Hungary, August 2009.
- C. Morvan. On external presentations of infinite graphs. In 11th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, INFINITY'09, EPTCS, Volume 10, Pages 22-35, Bologna, Italy, August 2009.
- C. Baier, N. Bertrand, P. Bouyer, Th. Brihaye. When are timed automata determinizable?. In 36th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'09), LNCS, Volume 5556, Pages 43-54, Rhodes, Greece, July 2009.
- N. Bertrand, S. Pinchinat, J.B. Raclet. Refinement and Consistency of Timed Modal Specifications. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA'09), LNCS, Volume 5457, Pages 152-163, Tarragona, Spain, April 2009.
Invited Conferences
- S. Abbes, A. Benveniste. Concurrency, Sigma-Algebras, and Probabilistic Fairness. In FOSSACS, Pages 380-394, 2009.
- D. Biswas, A. Jiwane, B. Genest. Atomicity for XML Databases. In Sixth International XML Database Symposium (XSym), Volume LNCS 5679, Pages 160-167, 2009.
- A. Bouillard, S. Rosario, A. Benveniste, S. Haar. Monotonicity in Service Orchestrations. In Petri Nets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5606, Pages 263-282, 2009.
- E. Fabre, L. Jézéquel. Distributed Optimal Planning: an Approach by Weighted Automata Calculus. In Conference on Detection and Control (CDC), 2009.
- Th. Jéron. Symbolic Model-based Test Selection. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2008), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 40, Pages 167-184, 2009.
- S. Rosario, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. Probabilistic QoS Management of Transaction based Web services Orchestrations. In IEEE 7th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2009), July 2009.
- S. Rosario, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. Monitoring Probabilistic SLAs in Web Service Orchestrations. In IFIP/IEEE Intern. Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Mini-conference, June 2009.
National Conferences
- G. Kalyon, T. Le Gall, H. Marchand, T. Massart. Contrôle décentralisé de systèmes symboliques infinis sous observation partielle. In 7ème Colloque Francophone sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'09), Pages 805-820, November 2009.
- H. Marchand, J. Dubreil, T. Jéron. Génération automatique de tests pour des propriétés de sécurité. In 4ème Conférence sur la Sécurité des Architectures Réseaux et des Systèmes d'Information, Pages 157-174, June 2009.
Research Reports
- F. Cassez, J. Dubreil, H. Marchand. Dynamic Observers for the Synthesis of Opaque Systems. Research Report IRISA, No 1930, May 2009.
- C. Morvan. Contextual graph grammars characterizing context-sensitive languages. Research Report IRISA, No 1926, March 2009.
- J. Dubreil, Ph. Darondeau, H. Marchand. Supervisory Control for Opacity. Research Report IRISA, No 1921, February 2009.
- Ch. Baier, N. Bertrand, M. Grösser. The Effect of Tossing Coins in Omega-Automata. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'09), pp. 15-29, 2009.
- A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, R. Passerone. Multi-Viewpoint State Machines for Rich Component Models. Model-Based Design of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems, 2009.
- L. Hélouet, A. Benveniste. Distributed Active XML and Service Interfaces. No 7082, 2009.
- L. Hélouet, A. Roumy. Canaux cachés et théorie de l'information. 2009.
- V. Rehak, P. Slov\'aak, J. Strejcek, L. Hélouet. Decidable Race Condition for HMSC. No 0, 2009.
- T Jéron. Génération de tests pour les systèmes réactifs et temporisés. Ecole d'Eté Temps-Réel, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, September 2009.
- C. Morvan, S. Pinchinat. Diagnosability of pushdown systems. AutomathA, Liège, Belgique, June 2009.
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