Publications 2007

Academic Journals

  1. S. Abbes, A. Benveniste. Probabilistic true-concurrency models: Markov nets and a law of large numbers. TCS special issue: FOSSACS 2005, to appear, 2007. details
  2. Eric Badouel, Marek Bednarczyk, Andrzej Borzyszkowski, Benoît Caillaud, Philippe Darondeau. Concurrent Secrets. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 17(4):425-446, 2007. details
  3. Eric Badouel, Jules Chenou, Goulven Guillou. An Axiomatization of the Token Game Based on Petri Algebras. Fundamenta Informaticae, 77(3):187-215, 2007. details
  4. C. Baier, N. Bertrand, Ph. Schnoebelen. Verifying nondeterministic probabilistic channel systems against omega-regular linear-time properties. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 9(1), 2007. details doi pdf
  5. E. Best, P. Darondeau, H. Wimmel. Making Petri Nets Safe and Free of Internal Transitions. Fundamenta Informaticae, 80(1):75-90, 2007. details
  6. E. Fabre. Trellis Processes: a Compact Representation for Runs of Concurrent Systems. Journal of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems, 17(3):267-306, 2007. details
  7. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste. Partial Order Techniques for Distributed Discrete Event Systems: why you can't avoid using them. Journal of Discrete Events Dynamical Systems, to appear, 2007. details
  8. B. Gaudin, H. Marchand. An Efficient Modular Method for the Control of Concurrent Discrete Event Systems: A Language-Based Approach. Discrete Event Dynamic System, 17(2):179-209, 2007. details doi pdf
  9. B. Genest, D. Kuske, A. Muscholl. On Communicating Automata with Bounded Channels. Fundamenta Informaticae, IOS Press, 80:1-21, 2007. details
  10. C. Constant, T. Jéron, H. Marchand, V. Rusu. Integrating formal verification and conformance testing for reactive systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 33(8):558-574, August 2007. details doi pdf
  11. S. Pickin, C. Jard, T. Jéron, J-M Jézéquel, Y. Le Traon. Test Synthesis from UML Models of Distributed Software. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 33(4):252-269, April 2007. details doi pdf

International Conferences

  1. A. Benveniste, P. Caspi, M. di Natale, C. Pinello, A.o L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, S. Tripakis. Loosely Time-Triggered Architectures based on Communication-by-Sampling. In Proc. 7th International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT'07), 2007. details download
  2. Dragan Bosnacki, Edith Elkind, B. Genest, Doron Peled. On Commutativity Based Edge Lean Search. In ICALP, Volume LNCS 4596, Pages 158-170, 2007. details
  3. E. Elkind, B. Genest, D. Peled. Detecting Races in Ensembles of Message Sequence Charts. In TACAS, Volume LNCS 4424, Pages 420-434, 2007. details
  4. E. Elkind, B. Genest, D. Peled, P. Spoletini. Quantifying the Discord: Order Discrepancies in Message Sequence Charts. In ATVA, LNCS, Pages 378-393, 2007. details
  5. T. Gazagnaire, B. Genest, L. Hélouet, P.S. and Yang, S. Thiagarajan. Causal Message Sequence Charts. In Proceedings of CONCUR 2007, 2007. details
  6. T. Gazagnaire, L. Hélouet. Reconstructing Causal Ordering with boxed pomsets. In Proceedings of FORTE 2007, 2007. details
  7. B. Jeannet, T. Jéron, V. Rusu. Model-based test selection for infinite state reactive systems. In Formal Methods of Components and Objects - FMCO 2006, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Revised Lectures, LNCS, Volume 4709, Pages 47-69, 2007. details doi pdf
  8. S. Rosario, A. Benveniste, S. Haar, C. Jard. Probabilistic QoS and soft contracts for transaction based Web services. In ICWS, Pages 126-133, 2007. details
  9. C. Baier, N. Bertrand, P. Bouyer, Th. Brihaye, M. Groesser. Probabilistic and Topological Semantics for Timed Automata. In Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS'07), V. Arvind, Sanjiva Prasad (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4855, Pages 1529-3785, New Delhi, India, December 2007. details doi pdf
  10. A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, A.o Ferrari, L. Mangeruca, R. Passerone, C. Sofronis. Multiple Viewpoint Contract-Based Specification and Design. In Proceedings of the Software Technology Concertation on Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO'07), Revised Lectures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5382, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2007. details doi pdf
  11. S. Rosario, D. Kitchin, A. Benveniste, W. and Haar,S. Cook, C. Jard. Event Structure Semantics of ORC. In 4th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM 2007), Brisbane, Australia, October 2007. details
  12. P. Darondeau. Synthesis and Control of Asynchronous and Distributed Systems. In 78th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, T. Basten, G. Juhas, S. Shukla (eds.), Bratislava, Slovak Republic, July 2007. details
  13. C. Constant, B. Jeannet, T. Jéron. Automatic test generation from interprocedural specifications. In TestCom/Fates07, LNCS, Volume 4581, Pages 41-57, Tallinn, Estonia, June 2007. details doi pdf
  14. E. Dumitrescu, A. Girault, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. Optimal discrete controller synthesis for the modeling of fault-tolerant distributed systems. In First IFAC Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (DCDS'07), Paris, France, June 2007. details pdf
  15. E. Fabre. Modular Processings Based on Unfoldings. In UFO, Workshop on Unfoldings and Partial Order Techniques, invited talk, 2007. details
  16. A. Madalinski, E. Fabre. Modular Construction of Finite and Complete Prefixes. In UFO, Workshop on Unfoldings and Partial Order Techniques, Pages 69-84, 2007. details

National Conferences

  1. J. Dubreil, T. Jéron, H. Marchand. Construction de moniteurs pour la surveillance de propriétés de sécurité. In 6ème Colloque Francophone sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'07), Pages 105-120, Lyon, France, October 2007. details pdf
  2. E. Dumitrescu, A. Girault, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. Synthèse optimale de contrôleurs discrets et systèmes répartis tolérants aux fautes. In 6ème Colloque Francophone sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'07), Pages 71-86, Lyon, France, October 2007. details pdf

Research Reports

  1. M. Bozga, L. Hélouet. Définition de la sémantique des diagrammes d'activités à l'aide de Réseaux de Petri. Research Report Délivrable Projet Persiform, 2007. details
  2. T. Gazagnaire, B. Genest, L. Hélouet, P.S. and Yang, S. Thiagarajan. Causal Message Sequence Charts. INRIA Research Report INRIA, No 0, 2007. details
  3. B. Genest, P. Darondeau, L. Hélouet. Products of Message Sequence Charts. INRIA Research report INRIA, No 6258, 2007. details
  4. B. Genest, A. Muscholl, O. Serre, M. Zeitoun. Well Structured Control of Data Tree and the Decidability of AXML. 2007. details
  5. L. Hélouet. Application of Message Sequence Charts : a proposal for a new appendix to Z.120. Research Report Draft proposal for ITU SG17-Q12, 2007. details
  6. Eric Badouel, Rodrigue Djeumen. Modular Grammars and Splitting of Catamorphisms. Research Report INRIA, No 6313, October 2007. details
  7. Eric Badouel, Marcel Tonga. Growing a Domain Specific Language with Split Extensions. Research Report INRIA, No 6314, October 2007. details
  8. Eric Badouel, Bernard Fotsing, Rodrigue Tchougong. Yet Another Implementation of Attribute Evaluation. Research Report INRIA, No 6315, October 2007. details
  9. P. Darondeau, B. Genest, L. Hélouet. Products of Message Sequence Charts. Research Report INRIA, No 6258, July 2007. details download
  10. A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, R. Passerone. A Generic Model of Contracts for Embedded Systems. Research report INRIA Rennes, No 6214, June 2007. details download
  11. P. Darondeau, L. Petrucci. Modular Automata 2 Distributed Petri Nets 4 Synthesis. Research Report INRIA, No 6192, May 2007. details download
  12. C. Constant, B. Jeannet, T. Jéron. Automatic Test Generation from Interprocedural Specifications. Research Report IRISA, No 1835, March 2007. details pdf
  13. E. Dumitrescu, A. Girault, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. Optimal discrete controller synthesis for the modeling of fault-tolerant distributed systems. Research Report INRIA, No 6137, March 2007. details pdf
  14. T. Jéron, H. Marchand, S. Genc, S. Lafortune. Predictability of Sequence Patterns in Discrete Event Systems. Research Report IRISA, No 1834, March 2007. details pdf
  15. S. Rosario, D. Kitchin, A. Benveniste, W. Cook, S. Haar, C. Jard. Event Structure Semantics of Orc. Research Report IRISA, No 1853, 2007. details


  1. F. Ployette, B. Jeannet, T. Jéron. Stg: a symbolic test generation tool for reactive systems. TESTCOM/FATES07 (Tool Paper), Tallinn, Estonia, June 2007. details


  1. E. Fabre. Bayesian Networks of Dynamic Systems. Habilitation à diriger des recherches Université de Rennes 1, 2007. details

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