Publications 2006

Academic Journals

  1. B. Genest, D. Kuske, A. Muscholl. A Kleene Theorem and Model Checking for a Class of Communicating Automata. Information and Computation, 204(6):920-956, 2006. details
  2. B. Genest, A. Muscholl, H. Seidl, M. Zeitoun. Infinite-State High-Level MSCs: Model-Checking and Realizability. J. Computer and System Science JCSS, 72(4):617-647, 2006. details
  3. T. Le Gall, B. Jeannet, H. Marchand. Contrôle de systèmes symboliques, discrets ou hybrides. Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), 25(3):293-319, 2006. details doi pdf
  4. C. Baier, N. Bertrand, Ph. Schnoebelen. A note on the attractor-property of infinite-state Markov chains. Information Processing Letters, 97(2):58-63, January 2006. details doi pdf
  5. S. Abbes, A. Benveniste. True-concurrency Probabilistic Models: Branching cells and Distributed Probabilities for Event Structures. Information and Computation, Partial orders, scenarios, unfoldings, 204(2):231-274, 2006. details

Book Chapters

  1. C. Constant, T. Jéron, H. Marchand, V. Rusu. Combinaison entre vérification et test pour la validation de systèmes réactifs. In Traité I2C. Systèmes Temps Réel: Techniques de Description et de Vérification - Théorie et Outils, Vol. 1, Chap. 2, pp. 59-88, Hermès Science, 2006. details

International Conferences

  1. Eric Badouel, Maurice Tchoupé. Cohérence de vues dans les grammaires algébriques. In Actes du CARI 2006, Pages 115-122, 2006. details
  2. A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, L. Carloni, P. Caspi, A.o Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. Communication by Sampling in Time-Sensitive Distributed Systems. In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT'06, Pages 152-160, 2006. details download pdf
  3. B. Blanc, F. Bouquet, A. Gotlieb, B. Jeannet, T. Jéron, B. Legeard, B. Marre, C. Michel, M. Rueher. The V3F Project. In Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification and Analysis (CSTVA06), Nantes, B. Blanc, A. Gotlieb, C. Michel (eds.), 2006. details pdf
  4. E. Elkind, B. Genest, D. Peled, H. Qu. Grey Box Checking. In FORTE, Volume LNCS 4229, Pages 420-435, 2006. details
  5. B. Genest, A. Muscholl. Constructing Exponential-size Deterministic Zielonka Automata. In ICALP, Volume LNCS 4052, Pages 565-576, 2006. details
  6. L. Hélouet, T. Gazagnaire, B. Genest. Diagnosis from Scenarios. In proc. of the 8th Int. Workshop on Discrete Events Systems, WODES'06, Pages 307-312, 2006. details
  7. L. Hélouet, T. Hénin, C. Chevrier. Automating scenario merging. In Proc. of SAM'06, Pages 64-81, 2006. details
  8. J. Komenda, H. Marchand, S. Pinchinat. A constructive and modular approach to decentralized supervisory Control problems. In 3rd IFAC Workshop on Discrete-Event System Design, 2006. details pdf
  9. S. Rosario, A. Benveniste, S. Haar, C. Jard. Foundations for Web services Orchestrations: functional and QoS aspects. In ISOLA 2006, 2nd International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, 2006. details
  10. T. Jéron. Model-based test selection for infinite state reactive systems. In 5th IFIP Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems, DIPES'06, Braga, Portugal, Invited paper, October 2006. details pdf
  11. C. Baier, N. Bertrand, Ph. Schnoebelen. Symbolic verification of communicating systems with probabilistic message losses: liveness and fairness. In Proceedings of 26th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE'06), Elie Najm, Jean-Francois Pradat-Peyre, Véronique Vigui\' Donzeau-Gouge (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4229, Pages 212-227, Paris, France, September 2006. details doi pdf
  12. T. Jéron, H. Marchand, V. Rusu. Symbolic Determinisation of Extended Automata. In 4th IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, IFIP book series, Pages 197-212, Stantiago, Chile, August 2006. details doi pdf
  13. Eric Badouel, Marek Bednarczyk, Andrzej Borzyszkowski, Benoît Caillaud, Philippe Darondeau. Concurrent Secrets. In 8th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES'06, S. Lafortune, F. Lin, D. Tilbury (eds.), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 2006. details
  14. N. Bertrand, Ph. Schnoebelen. A short visit to the STS hierarchy. In Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency (EXPRESS'05), Jos Baeten, Iain Phillips (eds.), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 154, Pages 59-69, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 2006. details doi pdf
  15. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste. Partial Order Techniques for Distributed Discrete Event Systems: why you can't avoid using them. In plenary address, 8th Int. Workshop on Discrete Events Systems, WODES, Ann Arbor, July 2006. details
  16. E. Fabre. A Trellis Notion for Distributed System Diagnosis with Sequential Semantics. In 8th Int. Workshop on Discrete Events Systems, WODES, Ann Arbor, July 2006. details
  17. T. Jéron, H. Marchand, S. Pinchinat, M-O. Cordier. Supervision Patterns in Discrete Event Systems Diagnosis. In Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES'06, Also published in DX'06, Penaranda de Duero (Burgos, Spain), Pages 262-268, Ann-Arbor (MI, USA), July 2006. details doi pdf
  18. T. Le Gall, B. Jeannet, T. Jéron. Verification of Communication Protocols using Abstract Interpretation of FIFO queues. In 11th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, AMAST '06, Kuressaare, Estonia, Michael Johnson, Varmo Vene (eds.), LNCS, Volume 4019, Pages 204-219, July 2006. details doi pdf
  19. K. Schmidt, H. Marchand, B. Gaudin.. Modular and Decentralized Supervisory Control of Concurrent Discrete Event Systems Using Reduced System Models. In Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES'06, Pages 149-154, Ann-Arbor (MI, USA), July 2006. details doi pdf
  20. E. Fabre. On the Construction of Pullbacks for Safe Petri Nets. In Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and other Models of Concurrency, ATPN'06, Turku, Finland, June 2006. details
  21. A. Aghasaryan, S. Piekarec, H. Pouyllau, S. Haar, E. Fabre, L. Ciarletta, N. Mbarek, E. Moreau. Multi-Domain Self Aware Management: Negotiation and Monitoring. In 13th Int. Conf. on Telecommunications, Funchal, Madeira, May 2006. details
  22. J. Klein, L. Hélouet, JM Jézéquel. Semantic-based Weaving of Scenarios. In Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 06), Pages 27-38, Bonn, Germany, March 2006. details

National Conferences

  1. T. Jéron, H. Marchand, M-O. Cordier. Motifs de surveillance pour le diagnostics de systèmes à événements discrets finis. In 15e congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Tours, France, January 2006. details pdf

Research Reports

  1. P. Darondeau, B. Genest, L. Hélouet. L2.2 R : description d'un modèle de tuiles, propriétés fondamentales. Research Report Projet CO2, 2006. details
  2. L. Hélouet. l1.2.2 R : Description de l'intégration d'un algorithme de calcul d'interface dans SOFAT. Research Report Projet CO2, 2006. details
  3. L. Hélouet. L3.1 R: Critères de cohérence entre vues. Research Report Projet CO2, 2006. details
  4. L. Hélouet. L3.1 R: Critères de réalisabilité d'un ensemble de vues. Research Report Projet CO2, 2006. details
  5. L. Hélouet, O. constant, C. Jard. Traduction des Diagrammes d' activités et des Message Sequence Charts vers le formalisme intermédiaire des Réseaux de Petri Colorés Stochastiques. Research Report Projet Persiform, 2006. details
  6. L. Hélouet, T. Hénin, C. Chevrier. Livrable L1.2.1 R: Rapport technique décrivant l'algorithme de calcul d'interface. Research Report Projet CO2, 2006. details
  7. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste. Partial Order Techniques for Distributed Discrete Event Systems: why you can't avoid using them. Research Report IRISA, No 1800, May 2006. details
  8. T. Jéron, H. Marchand, V. Rusu. Symbolic Determinisation of Extended Automata. Research Report IRISA, No 1176, February 2006. details pdf
  9. T. Jéron, H. Marchand, S. Pinchinat, M-O. Cordier. Supervision Patterns in Discrete Event Systems Diagnosis. Research Report IRISA, No 1784, February 2006. details pdf
  10. S. Rosario, A. Benveniste, S. Haar, C. Jard. Net systems semantics of Web Services Orchestrations modeled in ORC. Research Report IRISA, No 1780, 2006. details


  1. B. Legeard, M. Rueher, T. Jéron, B. Marre. V3F: Validation et Vérification en présence de calculs à Virgule Flottante. Rapport final de l'Action Concertée Incitative, Sécurité Informatique, October 2006. details
  2. L. Besnard, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. The Sigali Tool Box Environment. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES'06 (Tool Paper), pp. 465-466, Ann-Arbor (MI, USA), July 2006. details pdf


  1. N. Bertrand. Modèles stochastiques pour les pertes de messages dans les protocoles asynchrones et techniques de vérification automatique. PhD Thesis Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, September 2006. details pdf

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